producerTariq Ali says: ‘With the growing convergence between the USA and the USSR on the world stage, and with style ratherthan substance dividing the major political parties in ; Britain, it is the satirists, comedians and poets who increasingly pertorm the duty oi a non-contormist and radical


I Europe Express ((‘hannel 4) 8.30—9pm.

More half quirky "halfserious reporting The rest oi this magazine might already from the continental team. have persuaded you that lite is a

IJhe Tracey Ullman Show(BBc‘2) cabaret. " not, a glimpse at the lirst 9-5- 10pm. More sketches, skits and edmon 0' a new sefies 0' Channel 4’s

song-and-dance routines from the British ' comic who became a star on the other side ' “maimed imemanonal ans and

0mm Atlantic.hutcvcnmumhud he, culture series, RearWindow, oppositionto the establishment.‘ shim cancelled. (ruesr ems a'rc Dan Reflections On A New World Order, The evening includes poetry irom (‘asieiianein and Keenau Reeves. should at least demonstrate that writers as diverse as Tony Harrison,

I Dream On (Channel 4) Ill-10.35pm. The cabaret can otter a unique and potent

American sitcom's hero Martin goes on a medium through which to view world

double date with his friend Eddie. evems'

mpzikf} olgm" (( "Tn?" 4) As an opener to the new series, Rear .- - . . pm. An excuse to wheelout r

more of those alternative cabaret types, Window 3 moducers counts“ 8 .

with the regulars including Jenny Eclair. diverse array 0' ta'ems’ "om comed'an

Linton Kwesi Johnson, Christopher Logue and Jean Binta Breeze, and comedy irom Jeremy Hardy and Skint i Video. Detractors might carp that ' cabaret is an essentially trivial and

ephemeral medium, but a brief listen

Frank Skinnerand Henry Norman, Jeremy Hardy and poet Tony Harrison to Tony Harrison'sGuliWarpoem, ' introducing gtiests lan M'acPherson. Levi through to opera singer Nula Willis, | imagining a conversation with a dead Titian and iugelcr WW. and assembled them at the Town And Iraqi soldier, should convincethem - ' "‘9 393‘ 0' "‘9 Pal” "093" Show Country Club in London. Given as their otherwise.

E (Channel-l) 11.15—11.45pm. More ; infantile anticstrom Hong andthe pratin i thelife-guard's hat.

briel, world events over the last twelve months, they set out to create an impassioned show about the state at

" the world in the 90s. _ . Explaining the idea at a cabaret to a . ' Rear window: Reflections On a New introduce what is generally regarded Linton Kwesi Johnson I World Order is on Channel 4 on , as a heavyweight arts strand, series I Tuesday 20 August at 9pm. ! ."eaven's Gam(BBC2l celebratesthirtv yearsinshow biz with a 5 mean brothers in('oppola'sstslised

IO‘OSPm'l'4()am~ MiChaCl Clmlm“ special gala performance in the Romolo hugc‘bUdgCt epic Stars Km Kmmffcr-‘Ons Villi Opera House in Reggio limilia. Ital} Jeff Bridges and Isabelle liuppert in a

\crsion of teenage angst. look out tor Tom Waits in his tisiial cameo. ISex NOVIlScottislil ill 35 ll.ll>pni.

". I.- < ’-

I NB Festival Cinema (Scottish) Sprawung talc (“the America 0f the la“: Statislies and debate about the tlillel‘enecs 11.1(L-l 1.4llpm. The highlights fromthe wmccmur)“ Bill)“ C‘mfusmgand f in sexual attitudes between gas and 45th Edinburgh International Film i (“along ll l5 bcaUlllU'l." 5h"‘- and “""m lictcrosesiial men and women. puma]. 5 persevering with. . I Edinburgh Nights ( BBQ) l I Baker and Maguire atthe Festival 19

l 1. 15—1 1.55pm. (‘omedian Pete : (Scottish) 10.50—11.50pm~(‘hccki' McCarthy sifts through the comedy on the [ COCkUCY ChaPPlC Danny Baker and Sllslc‘ Fringe and picks out some of the best (and i M889er 80 0‘" _and ab"?! m Tut'm' m." thc WON ) 5howS on 0mm : chatting tothe likes onynthia Payne.

; I Sportscene(BBC1)11.15pm—12.ii5am.

The football season isintoitssecondweek i

. and Dougie Donnelly introduces I The 3'9 8 (( hiinnCl 4) 63”“7Pm- YOU‘V'C ' highlights of Rangers v Heartsand

I Them and US i lilifil l “fill spitt.( l.tl_‘.'. ("liarles continues to campaign and talks to the people ol l.laiiclli. which has been depicted as the new 'Sodom and (iomori‘ali‘ because of a crime-wa\ e. Actor and gas -iights campaigner Sir Ian McKellen trasels to the isle ol Man to

had Sumo and Kabaddi. now prepare ' Mothcrwcn v }“b§_ discm er w li_\ he could be treated as a

yourself for wheelchairbasketball. Martin IAS|1Happens(Channc|4) criminal.

Duffs presents highlightwfthis , 11.40pm-1 . 10am. Or as it doesn't happen. I Cine Memo ( iiiii '2) “445 .\,3(lpni. More astonishingly fast and skilfulgame. ifthclivc-acti()n Show hasihc same amateur lilni iootagc. tilleringinslglils

ls‘illurlnil 3‘ millCh bClWCCn Milton Keynes problems as they had in the first edition. into the customs. landscapes and

ACCMmd LUSJCL‘ 1 Pete McCarthylhim again)packs his traditionsol Britain. l‘i‘anceand

I The Shawn"? 'ndusma' DBSiUners ! bucket and spade and the video camera (ici mans.

(BBCZioSO—Tlilpm- Risingdcsign . and headsoffwiththe holiday-makersto I DillerentDrummer: rieaoagiiiiiczi

Unmprcm‘ur scan Blair lCi’VCSTYnCSldC : Palma De Mallorca. _ 8.3” 9pm. The tlcabag is the l lollei lloiel : toshadowtop (ierman designer Ruth IAmeflcafl ROUlelleK lizmnclJl “Khmlcw,” \\ “1 “mm, ,mmldm

Ill—11.45pm. A suspense thriller starring

. Soenins.topickupsometipsfromthe ' _ ' experts. And)‘(iodfatherlll'(iarciaas('arlos

sell-made millionaire l'i.iiik \‘elti l and home to about 1-1“ people, It‘s now closed.

IThe World This Week ((‘hannel4) I . Quintas. a deposed Latin Aiiici'ican mum“! dummminn \Um hmmwrmwl 7_8pm. Shccnu McDonald and Nip , I Speaking Volumes(BBCl) President hiding in London from the new h” HM. “mum (,i [is residents. (mwingpmscm up_m_thc_minutc news : l.()5—l.45pm. Author Ted Allbeurv dictator‘s death squads. British and .TheiSagagevStrikes Backwh‘mncl,“

and views from around the world speaks-to PD James about the secretsof foreign secret sers ices put the squeeze on 9 “mm (“W “N “I J m“ \U lunnum‘, I A Chums Line(BB(f1 )8.1()_]()_()5pm. ; spy thriller writing. as poor old And} tries to romance Kitty mm, pom.“ mt. dun“. m \Pmk Um m‘h Richard Attenborough's version ofthe hit IanalE‘l’ec‘allonslsmmfih) Aldring dcmm Ht my” “M “I my “mum l Uh

[musicalgtars Njichuchuuglas as“ DleCnS \iul‘uhdnd “‘0 “Mild” “HHIUHICL'dkk‘ director talent-spotting. and gettingto 1 adaptation. Magwitch reveals that he has Wheels And Rumble Fish i Rm '2) “PEN mt MILNWPM. growth.“ kmm. me “mummy SCCNISMMS ca“. returned to give Pipthe rest ofhis lll.3(lpm— 1 .45am. The most motorbikes. mnuw'ucngo U, ml in “mum”, Pmumo

Engaging. if somewhat under-exuberant. henefaction. leatherand teenage alienation ondisplas In HR. “mum H Mum,” JIM “I I \ “MN

' I Lacombe Lucien ((‘hunncl 4) ' I Around The World In 80 Days: ( BBCI) since James Dean chose the w i'ong gear to ' Edinburgh Nigms ( m“ A \)

i)_1 ]_4()pm_'1‘hc Louis Mane season i 7.45—8.35pm. Michael Palin Continues his corner in. He/l's .‘lll‘le’l'lx . .. is a littlegeni H I; Heep!” I‘M.“ {pup my “Hi continues with his uncompromising l (repeated) voyage. arriving in Shanghai from 1967 with Jack Nicholson as l’oei . a Km“ \\ J'IL [Hm “I, h, mmuhm. MW h depiction of World War II collaboration in 1 Just in UmC tolumpon the ferry toJapan. gas station atttendant w lio ioins up with .i “(mum “m h“ L” SDI ‘H h 10m III. Franco pjcrrc Blame sum as“ live-capo“; where he triesthe karaoke bars. maraudiiig band ol Hell‘s Angels. Rum/i/r- WWI” hmklm, M w M mum M “m pcasam drawn mm working wilhthc IThirty Years Of Pavarotti(BB(‘2) I'ls/l has the inept but moods Mickey Mumnwmdm‘m_ "MI my ( ll JNILH Ml (iestapo. 8- Ill-10.05pm. Popera inventor Luciano Rourke and Matt Dillon as a coiipleot i l,mlu.l-\ Hm,

llie List lo I.‘ .'\ll:;ll\l NW 91