

At the Fringe Club. the

accent ison music for

dancing.withaline upfor

the final week that includes the best of

' Scotland‘s roots rock


More rock than roots are We Free Kings and Kith and Kin. WFK have reformed after a few year's self analysis so expect some changes from the original thrash folkies. K and K are still the amiable crowd pleasers getting into a regular loud and heavy dance groove.

Music with more folk content comes from Dave Robb and the Filmmakers and the Deaf l leights. The only rock bouzouki player in the nation. Dave's songs are set in deft arrangements of traditional instruments in the normal rock band line up‘contemporary acoustic pop songs. carefully crafted.

All the bands claiming to have a cajun strain in their music should listen to the Deaf l lcights. Kim the accordion player has wandered the cajun country of Louisiana. jammed with the Acadien box and fiddle players and soaked himself in the insistent music ofthese French Americans. With bass. drums and hollered (iallic vocals. the Heights will keep people on the dancefloor for hours. (Norman Chalmers)

I Fringe Club (Venue 2) 2265257: Deal Heights 25. 26. 27 Aug. 9pm; 29 Aug 8.30pm; We Free Kings 30 Aug. midnight. Kill’t and Kin 24 Aug. 9pm. Dave Robb and the Filmmakers 23. 24. 26 Aug. 7.45pm.



It sounds like an interesting idea a play about hi-tech high finance


bank. but it proves to be a sadlysquandered opportunity. Perhapsthe script had to be vetted by the T88. but instead of

’. any attempt at analysis or


. . v THEATRE ;


Joe Orton's scripts, though easy to overplay, are generally strong enough on their own to guarantee an enjoyable evening. It’s a rare treat to see one complemented by the imagination, gusto and control this production displays. Atypically sharp, hilarious satire of power struggles and popular revolt in a Christian holiday camp. the play sweeps its cutting humour through swathes at British social and political territory, every nuance played expertly. The really beautitul touch, however, is casting the messianic camp head as a woman; it gradually dawns on you that this tale at an over-ambitious, charismatic lemale leader toppled thanks to unpopularity and downtrodden underlings' resentment somehow has a lamiliar ring to it. . . (Sue Wilson)

The Erpingham Camp (Fringe) Alarmist Theatre, Bedlam Theatre (Venue 49)

225 9893, until 31 Aug (not Suns), 8.15pm, £5 (£4).

critique. we get a rather silly. futuristic story about an electronics firm whose eccentric-genius boss is leaving to join a mission to Mars. and the ensuing power struggle to decide on his successor. Quite cleverly produced (at least initially) to resemble a business presentation for the company's new product. the show rapidly loses any sense of purpose or direction. limping on for 9(iminutes. It would seem that treating a serious subject seriously was less important than holding on to a prize gimmick. (Sue Wilson)

I Boardroom Shuttle (Fringe) American Connexion. TSB Headquarters (Venue 63). until 31 Aug(not26), 8pm. £4 (£3).


Berkoff never lets you down ifyou get your kicks from hearing actors talking dirty. There‘s one scene in [fast in which the word ‘cunt‘ is shouted approximately 50 times in one minute. What is ironic. though. is the intelligence ofthe remainder ofa script which parodies Shakespeare with such lucidity.

What we are given is a slice of East London life. warts (genital or regular) and all with little plot. little narrative force. just a succession of ‘days in the life‘. Berkoff. the grand theatrical. obviously has a deep-rooted resentment for the good old British lager lout and Bottleneck Theatre brings out the writer‘s hatred through the biker boys‘ and tarts’ angst. But. in spite ofthe

50 The List 23 —- 29 August 1991

l l l l l l l | i i

bleakncss of it all. the laughs flow thick and fast. You can only hope that Berkoff meant it that way. (Philip Parr)

I I East (Fringe)

Bottleneck Theatre. Paradox (Venue 73) 229 1003. until 25 Aug.

9. 15pm. £3.95 (£2.95).



If you‘ve always thought of folk music as earnest wailing noises issuing from hairy hippies with fingers in their ears. head for the Fringe Club or the Acoustic Music Centre this week and enjoy being converted. You‘d never believe this unaffected. youthful-looking Shetland quintet got together only weeks ago. as they storm their way with evident enjoyment through a rip-roaring mixof bluegrass, country and traditional Celtictunes.

Jigs. reels and hillbilly hoe-downs set toes a-tapping. while the slower numbers are just as flawlessly performed. A virtuoso fiddle player and an exuberantly accomplished guitarist deserve special mention. but the rest aren't far behind. I have seen the future of folk music and its name is. . . (Sue Wilson) I Rock. Salt and Nails (Fringe) Fringe Club Cabaret Bar (Venue 2) 6504673. until 24 Aug. 8.30pm. free with Fringe Club membership; Acoustic Music Centre (Venue 25) 220 2462. 24 Aug. 4.30pm. £2.50.


The Oxford Revue is certainly a crowd puller. but why? Although it has its moments there is little to tickle the ribs. and certainly no comparison tosuch earlier Oxford wits as Alan Bennett and Rowan Atkinson.

What these five young comedians may lack in ability. however. is partly compensated for in sheer energy as they leap

, around the stage in an

extended (ireen skit. A few delicious moments.

3 such as the journey to the centre ofthe sun.andthe

sharply observed Why Don 'I You sketch were welcome relief. but in

forsakingpoliticsfor i slapstick the learn 5 underestirnatcthe audience‘sintelligence. Jokesaboutthe

destruction of the

rainforests just don't

make me laugh. (Aaron llicklin)

I Full Frontal Greenery (Fringe) The Oxford Revue. ()verscas l louse (\"enuc l9) 2255106. until 31 Aug (not'l‘uel. 9.30pm. also 23—25 Aug. Ill-15pm. £5(£3.5l)).



The production represents

the metaphorical history

; of a living creature closed

in a glass case ot' 155cm by 85cm by 52cm - a symbolic

; drama about possessing


onc"s ow n body and life space.

The performance. by Yvette Bozsik. originates from the invention. or rather re-discovery. ofa uniquely elemental gestural system. She creates a drama ofher own. pure and controlled A- utterly in tune with itself. while as a spectator. you are absorbed and mesrnerised by the tactility ofthe experience.

Bo/sik's detailed and disturbing movements are heightened by the experimental music of (iyorgy Arvai. a collaboration which electrifics the sensesand embeds the performance deep within your consciousness. llaunting and uncompromising. demanding sensitivity and openness from the audience. living Space defies aesthetic or artistic comment it must be seen and experienced. (Michael Balfour)

I Living Space ( Fringe) The Collective of Natural Disasters. Richard l)emarco Gallery (Venue 22) 557 0707. until 3llAug (not 24. 25). 9. 15pm. £4 (£3).