Street. 332 9797. Mon -1~‘ri ltlam- 9pm: Sat lllani- 5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

A Diversity oi Approach: Works by the First Year Staii l ‘ntil 1‘ri 2(lSept. Representing : a range of ideas. approaches and concerns ol(iSA teachers. I HAGG'S CASTLE Hill St Andrew‘s Driye. 427 2725. Mon Sat lllam—Spin; Sun

2 5pm. [1)].

Mitscum tor and about children. including i a Victorian nursery. a loth centttry kitchen and 17th century bedroom and \ariousexhibitions.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l 'niyersity ol (ilasgow .82 l lillhead Street. 33‘) S855 ext 5431. Mon l‘ri 9.3(1am SpritzSat 9.311aiw 5pm.

'I he collection includes a recent acquisition o1 chiaroscuro woodctrts by .lohn Baptist Jackson ( 17le 1777). Britain‘s tirst proponent ol' the art.

The Nude l 'ntil l9 ( )ct. A look at the my 1 iad ol w ass in which artists have chosen to depict the naked form. lrom the 10th to the 211111 century. The show includes drawings by Whistler. Mackintosh. Rembrandt. ( iauguin. Schtcle and llockney.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM ( ilasgow l'niyersity. l'niyersity .-\yenue. 3398855. .Mon 13ri 9.3llam 5pm: Sat 9. illam -1pm. Scotland's first public museum takesits name from William Hunter. a student of (ilasgow l'nisersits in the 173(1s. wholel't a his substantial collection ol' books. prints. and \aiiotisother curiositicstotlte uniyersity. Many additions tothe collection hay c since been tirade.

I LlLLlE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngay ie. 950 2351 ext 22(i.'l't1e- l‘ri 11am Fpm and 7 9pm; Sat andStin

2 5pm. (‘losed Mon.

Janette Anderson: Paintings l'ntil Sat 14 Sept.

Margery Clinton: Ceramicst'ntit 29Sept. Works from the Permanent Collection Tue 17 Sept ‘1 ( )ct.

I MCLELLAN GALLERIES 2'7llSauchiehall Street. 331 1:64. Mon Sat Warn-Spin: Sun noon opm.

Lewin Bessingthwaite's ‘Undressing. 9 Parts'. The Nude. Hunterian Art Gallery

In Our Time: The World Seen by Magnum Photographers L'ntil 27 ()ct. A major exhibition w hich has been breaking attendance records all oyer the world. this is the first comprehensiyc suryey ofthe work of Magnum Photos. an agency founded in 1947 by ('artier-Bresson. Robert (‘apa. George Rodger and others. Three hundred photographs take in Hollywood. Northern Ireland. lran. Nicaragua and 'l‘iananmen Square ~ as well as portraits of Marin n Monroe. Henri Matisse and Louis Armstrong. Don't miss it.

I NICE HOUSE l’rinces Square. Buchanan Street. 248 1373. Mon—Sat lllam- 7pm; Sun noon-5.30pm.

Heather Nevey: Recent Paintings 'l'hroughout Sept.

I 908 GALLERY 12 ()tago Street. Kelyinbridge. 3393158. Mon ~Sat “lain-4mm.

Neil Lamont: Recent Work t 'ntil Wed 2? Sept. Watercolours and oils in a distinctiye. theatrical style. _

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow‘ (ireen. 5540223. Mon Sat Illam- 5pm: Stilt 2--5pm. [1)]. Cafe.

Once a museum for the working classes. and. until recently. used as a dumping ground for objects not w anted by other (ilasgow museums. the People's Palace is now a fantastic repository for all sortsof ephemera connected with (ilasgow's history -- eyerything from oldcigarette packets to sullt'agettes' campaigning material.

I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 225 Scotland Street. 429 12112. Mon—Sat loam-5pm: Sun 2 5pm. (‘at'e.

Designed by (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archiye material on education in Scotland from 1872 onwards. Reconstructed classrooms give a fiayour of Victorian. Edwardian. Second World War and l9ollsschooldays. Activities for children include a collection of old games which can be hired for Slip and played with in the school‘s playground.

Mackintosh Originals Until 29 Sept. A

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. ,-.‘_4 t M '.: i "«I if, V, : §;.jv ‘1‘. f..¢;?'a . z- ‘5‘, . Vuillard, sitting in a wicker chair, Villenuevwsrrrannne. (from the archives of Antoine Salomon)

Art Gallery and Museum Kelvingrove Glasgow (33 8A0 7 September - 20 October 1991

MonSat 103m - 5pm, Tel: 041—357 3929 Thursday 10am 9pm Admission free

Sunday 12pm ~ 6pm Wheelchair access


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\x\ll().\i/\l l()l lx’l.\(i l Xllllilll( )\S IROM 1111 St )1 III BANK (l \ I 13.1


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"Pictures from Westerlea"


STREET LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY 8: WORKSHOP 279 - 281 HGH STREET, GLASGOW G4 005 Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council 8: Glasgow District Council

The List 13 -— 20 September 199153