WEEK ONE Friday 27—Thursday 3

3 Cinemasarelistedbyregion.then V alphabetically.with commercialcinemas : followed by repertory arthouses. societies

and late night screenings. Times listed are

tor complete programmes. which may

include advertisements and trailers. [D] indicates thatwheelchair access is available. though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability otan

induction loop. tor the convenience of

hearing aid users. Film Listings compiled by Thom Dibdin.


I CANNON ( ~larlsston Road. .\luirend.o37 364113911111111111 ()Al’11.1)11111elo1'e opm all \c'ttts£1.‘)ltl.

1. True ldentityt 15 ) 2.3npm ( 1-‘ri. Sat. .\Ion)5.31)pm. 8.30pm.

2. Teen Agent ( 1’( i ) 3.45pm ( I’ri. Sat. Mon) 5.45pm. 8.45pm.

I CANNON The liorge. l’arkheatl.55() 4383 4343. [1)]. [1.] (screens 1.3 and5). Shoyvs commencing belore 5.31)pm £3. 11); atter5.31lprn £3.3tl(('hi1d£3111). Stepping Out ( l’(i) 1.111pm.3.41)pm. (v.1)5pm. 8.4tlpm. TerminatorZ—JudgmentDayt1512pm.

5. 15pm. S. 15pm.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves ( 1’( i )

1.31 )pm. 5pm. 8pm.

Edward Scissorhands (1’( i ) 1.15pm. 3.35pm.

Regarding HBDTY(13)5.55pr’11.S311pm. Teen Agent ( 1’( 1) 1.15pm. 3.55pm. o. 15pm 8.45pm.

Cinderella (1 ') 1.35pm.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 t 1’( i) 1.3(lpm.

Under Suspicion ( 18) 3.35pm. 1)p111. S,41lpm.

Jacob's Ladder( 18) 3.31lpni. 5.55pm. S35pm.

See also (ilasgovy I.ates.

I CANNON Satrehiehall Street. 333 I593. £3.3ll((‘hild £3. 11); ( ).-\1’ [before opm] £3 ). All tickets for shotsscomr‘nettcing 4pm 1)]1111£3.11l111otS;tl.S1111).Toohat's open 5 9.31lpm(.\1on Sat )11).3l)~‘).31)pm (Sun ).

1.Stepping Out ( I’(i) 1.45pm. 5pm. S.31)pm.

2. Robin Hood: Prince 01 Thieves ( 1’0) 1.15pm. 4.35pm. 7.511pm.

3. Teen Agent ( PG) 1.11lprn. 3.45pm. Jungle Fever( 18) 7.45pm.

4. Jacob's Ladder( 18) 1.35pm. 4.45pm. 8‘. l()pm.

5. Regarding Henryt 12) 1.31)pm.5.11)pm. 8.30pm.

I CITY CENTRE ODEON Renfield Street.

333 87111. Licensed bar. [1)] screens 3.3

and 4. £3.35 1(‘hild ()Al’ £3.35 [£3.()(llast shovy ]: Student 11341113111) [available as

adver‘tisedl). Pullman seats also available in screen 1 £3. S5. All tickets for shoyvs

commencing betot'e 1.31lpm £3.35.

Advance booking available front box

office ( I l;1rit—-7prti)or by Visa .'\ccess(333


1. Terminator 2-JudgmentDay(15)

1.45pm. 4.45pm. 8. 15pm. 3 2. Only The Lonely( 13) 3pm. 5.45pm. 8.40pm. i 3. Under Suspicion ( 18) 1pm. 3. 15pm. [ 5.45pm. 8.45pm.

4. Edward Scissorhands (1’(i)3. 15pm. 5.45pm.

Pump Up The Volume ( 15 ) 8.45pm.

5. True ldentityt l5) lprn. 3. 15pm.()pm. 8.55pm.

6. FX 2: The Deadly Art DIIIIUSiDD115l3pm. 5.3llpm. H.35pm.

I GROSVENORAshton1.ane.lli|lhead. 3394398 7814. £3 (Student 111411 £3.51): ('hild1):\1’ £1.51);1atesall £3). Seatscan noyy be booked for last evening and late screenings: the hos office is open 3- 7pm. 1.Jacob‘s Ladder(18)2.31)pm.ttpm. 8.311pm.

2. Stepping Dut t 1’0 ) 3.35pr11.o.115pm. 8.35pm.

See also ( ilasgovs l.ates.

I SALON Villlc‘omlk‘ Street. 33‘) 4351). £3 (Student 1'1)41)£3.5ll; (’hild ().»\1’£3). All} ticketst'or Sunday matinees£l .51). 1 Paris Trout ( 18') 3.311pm. opm. S.4tlpm.

Rose Street. 333 o535. (ale bar open 31) ' rninspriortoeseningshosvs;closes‘)pm. [ All per'torrnanees are bookable.|1)]. [1i]. ' Matinces £31)“

((‘hild ()AI’ Student 1'1)41)£l .311). liyening sltoyss £3.31) ( Student [1141) £3.1t11;(‘hilcl()x\l’ tlisal‘led £1711). (’hildt'en‘s Saturday matinees £1 .31);\11 double bills evening prices apply .


1. Trust ( l5 ) 3.311pm. 1). 1 5pm. 8.45pm. 2. Tetsuo ( 18) 4pm. 0pm.

Dutlandt 15) \sith Alan Dean Fosterpa. opm.


1. Three Men and a Baby ( P(i ) antlThree Men and a Little Lady ( 1’(1 ) 3pm.

Trust( 15 ) 1). 15pm. 8.45pm.

2. Caught on a Train ( Pt 1 ) and Bloody Kids 115)3.31lpm.

Tetsu0( IS) o.31)pm. 9pm.


1.Truly. Madly. Deeply ( 1’( 1 )1). 15pm. S45pm.

2. Company of Strangers ( 1’( 1 ) 11.31)]1111. Tetsuo 0pm.


1.Truly. Madly. Deeply ( 1’(1) 1.45pm. 4pm. o. 15pm. S45pm.

2. Tetsuo ( 18) 3.15pm. 4. 15pm. Company of Strangers ( 1’( 1 ) 1).31)pm. 8.45pm.


1.The Unbelievable Trutht 15111.3”an Truly. Madly. Deeply (1’( ‘1 )8.45pm.

2. Company of Strangers ( l’( i ) 3.31lpm. Abilene Town 1 L' ) pltrs seminaropm. TetSU01lS)‘)pm.


1.Truly. Madly. Deeply ( 1’(i ) 3.31)an 8.45pm.

The Unbelievable Trutht 15111.3()pnr

2. Once Upon A Time In The Westt 15)

3.3llpm. 5.45pm.


é noon —3pm. or ltlpm (Mon—Fri): (1—11)pm

seats in cinema 1 ) or £3.51) (standard

Tetsu0( 18) 9pm.


1. The Unbelievable Truth ( 15) 3.311pm. Truly. Madly. Deeply ( POM). 15pm. 8.45pm.

2. Danny: Champion of the World (U) 1.30pm.

Once Upon A Time In The West ( 15 ) 5.45pm. Tetsu0(18)t)pm.

Fri 27/Sat 28:

I CANNON The Forge. I’arkhead Stepping 0ut(1’(}) 11.41lpm. TerminatorZ—Judgment Day ( 15) 1 1.2(1pm. Robin Hood: Prince otThieves ( PG) 11.15pm.

Regarding Henry(12) 11.35pm. Under Suspicion ( 18) 11.411pm. Jacob‘s Ladder( 18) 1 1.311pm.

The Doors(18) 11.111pm.


No late shows until Dctoberto.


I CAMEO Home Street. 338 4141. [D]. Bar open Mon-Sat (Fl 1 .311pm; Suno—l 1pm. Performances commencing before 6pm £3.75 (£1 .811); afteropm £3.351no concessions). Lates and matinees £3.35 (£2.75).

1.Jacob's Ladder( 18) 1.15pm. 3.45pm. (1.1511111.b'.-15p111.

2. Jungle Fever(l8)3.15pm.6pm.8.55pm. 3. Prospero's Books ( 15) 3.35pm (not Sun). (1.35pm. 9pm.

Candy Mountain ( 18) and Wings olDesire (18‘) Sun only 1.3tlpm.

See also Edinburgh 1.ates.

I CANNON Lothian Road. 331) 3031). Bar:

1 lam 3.311pm.5-~11)pm(Mon—Fri).

l lam— lllpm (Sat). ().31)—l1)pm (Sun). [1)] cinemas 3 and 3. Pullman seats (cinema 1 only) £4; all other seats £3.31). (‘hild £3.51) (Pullman). £3.11). ()AI’ £3. 111(before ()pm).

1. Stepping Out(l’(i)3.11lpm.5.11)pm. S.l1lpm.

2. Robin Hood: Prince otThieves ( PG) 1.3(lpm. 4.35pm. 7.40pm.

3. Teen Agent ( 1’(i)3.31)pm. 5.211pm. Regarding Henry( 12) 8. 10pm (not Tue 1). Meeting VenuS( l3)S.l1)pm'1’ue 1 only.

I DOMINION Nesvbattle Terrace. 447 2am). Restaurant l()am—3pm. 5-1 1pm (Mon). Illam— 11).31)pm (Tue-Fri).

10am noon. 3—1 [pm (Sat). Bar

(Sat ): ().3t)- 8.31lpm (Sun). [1)]. Tickets £3.91)((‘hild'Student 1!B41)'()AP£2; no concessions for last evening shows Fri and Sat. or any evening shows in cinema3).

. Terminator 2—Judgment Day( 15) .51)prtt.4.51)pm. 7.51lpm.

. Robin Hood: Prince otThieves ( PG) l.31lpm.~1.31lp111.7.31lpm. 3.Alice(12)2.1()pm.5.111pm.8.l()pm.

I ODEON(‘1erk Street. 667 7331 ’(1118 311)]. 11ar5.31)—‘)pm. [1)] screens 1.3 and3. 1)olby stereo all screens. Adults £4(centre

seats). ((‘hildrStudent ()AP 1.31341)

£3.75 £3.35): noconcessions on final shows. 1.Terminator2-JudgmentDay(15) 13.1)5pnt. 3.35pm. 5. 15pm. 8.311pm.

2. True ldentity( l5) l.35pm.3.31lpm. (1.15pm.S.55pm.

3. FX 2: The Deadly Art of Illusion( 15) 1.15pm. 3.35pm. opm. 8.35pm.

4. Edward Scissorhands ( PG) 12.3tlpm. 3. l()pm. 5.45pm.

Dying Young ( 15) 8.311pm.

5. UnderSuspicion ( 18) l.11)pn1.3.41)pm. (t.15(1111.b’.41lpm.

I UCI L‘raig I’ark. Kinnaird Road. has) (1711 (16911777. [1)]. Box office open from 1 1 .31lar11. Tickets for shows commencing belore opm £3; shovvs commencing after ()pm £3.31)(('hild £3). Access Visa bookings (tot) 7W7 daily from noon. Stepping Dut(1’(i) ll.41)am (Sat. Strn only ). 3pm. 4.311pm. ().51)pm.‘). l()pm. Jacob's Ladder(lS)3.31)prtt.4.45pm. 7.111pm.‘).35pm.

' 2. The Red Shoes 3pm. 5.45pm. 8. 15pm. TUESDAY1


. MONDAY 30 I 1. Carousel (U) 2.30pm. (1pm.

Under Suspicion (15) 13.50pm (Sat. Sun only).3.1)5pm. 5.15pm. 7.35pm.9.45pm. Teen Agent (PG) 12.511pm (Sat. Sun only). 3. ()5pm. 5. l()pm. 7.25pm. 9.211pm. Terminator 2-Judgment Day ( 15) 1pm. 3.55pm. 6.41)pm.9.35pm.

Robin Hood: Prince 01 Thieves (PG) 1.10pm. 4.1)5pm. 7pm.9.55pm.

True Identity ( 15) 1.311pm (Sat. Sttn only). 3.35pm (Sat. Strn only). 5.311pm. 7.35pm. 9.40pm.

FX 2: The Deadly Art otlllusion (15)5.4(1pm. 8pm. 11).3()pm.

Regarding Henry ( 12) 13.311pm (Sat. Sun only). 3.55pm (Sat. Sun only). 5.20pm. 7.51)pm. 111.111pm.

Jungle Fever( 18) 4.30pm (not Sat. Sun). 7.31lpm. 111.1)5pm.

Backdrattt 15)-1.311pm. 7.15pm. l()pm. Dying Young ( 15) 5.35pm. 7.51lpm. 111.15pm.

Edward Scissorhands (PG) Sat. Sun only 1 1.50am. 3. l()pm.-1.311pm.

Teenage Mutant Ninia Turtles 2 ( PG) Sat. Sun only 1.311pm. 3.3(lpm. Rocketeer(1’(i) Sat. Sun only 13.30pm. 3.15pm.

Cinderella (1) ) Sat. Sun only 13.411pm. 3.411pm.

See also Edinburgh lates.


Lothian Road. 338 3688. Bar (Mon—Sat. noon—I 1pm. Sun b.31l—l 1pm) Restaurant (Mon-Sat. noon—9pm). [E]. Matinees £1 .71)((‘hi1dt()AP S1udent1713411£1.311): shows comtttencing before 7pm £3.31) ((‘hild()A1"1I1341)£1.71)):shoyvs commencing after 7pm and double bills £3.31) (no concessions). bookable in advance. .\'o concessions on Sats. FRIDAY 27

1. The Sheltering Sky ( 18)2.3(1pm.

Trust ( 15) 5pm. 7pm. 1). 15pm.

2. Duai des Drumes (PG) and La Béte Humaine(1’(i) 3prn.o.45pm.


1. Charlotte's Web (1}) 3pm. Trust(15)5pm.7pm.9.15pm.

2. Duai des Brumes(1’(1)and La Bete Humaine (PG) 3pm. 6.45pm.


1. Trust ( 15) 3.30pm.

Carousel (1;)8. 15pm.

2. The Red Shoes (PG) 5.45pm. 8. 15pm.


1. The Doors ( 18) 3.30pm. 5.45pm. Trust( 15) 8.31lpm.

2. Hors D'Oeuvres programme1(15)3pm. 6.45pm. 8.45pm.

1.TheDoorS(18)2.311pm.5.45pm. I Trust(15)8.3()pm. i

2. Hors D’Oeuvres programme 2 ( 15 ) 3pm. 6.45pm. 8.45pm.


1. December Bride ( 15)2.31)pm.

Trust( 15) (1. 15pm. 8.30pm.

2. Circus Boys ( 12) Hull. (1.311p111. 8.15pm



Filmhouse.881.othian Road. 338 3688.

| The annual membership tee of £ 1‘) 51)

The List 37 September— 11) October 1991 23