I St Mirren v Hibernian Love Street.


I Race Days ‘l‘uesday‘. 'l‘hurs‘day‘ and Saturday. Shawt'ield Stadium. Rutherglen Road. (ilasgow. 'I‘here are ten races in I each meeting. starting at 7.45pm. £3.


I Race Days 'l‘uesday. Thursday and Saturday. l’owderhallStadium.

Beay erhall Road. Edinburgh. Each meeting includes ten races. startingat

.ilem. £3.5(lStand. Race programme tree with admission.

FOOTBALL Saturday 12


I Celtic v Dundee Utd (‘eltic I’ark. (iallowgate. ( ilas’gow . 3pm. A few seasonsago this could be acrucialtitle game. Not this year. methinks.

I Hearts V Duntermline 'l‘y‘necastle Park. (iorgic Road. Edinburgh. 3pm. A great start to the season lor I learts and this should be another two points in the bag. so long as the Erie team are not as lucky as they were in the Skol(‘up.

I Motherwell v Falkirk Eir Park. .‘slotherwell. 3pm. Alter the European disappointments of last week. .‘ylotherwell w ill be looking lor an ego-boost against


l’aisley . 3pm. Surprise team ot‘ the season. I libs. should consolidate their league standing with a win oyer 1st

f Diyision-boundSaints.


I Aer Fortar Somerset I’ark.Somerset Road. :\y r. 3pm.

I Dundee v Clydebank Dens l’ark. Sandemau Street. Dundee. 3pm. Dundee are surely the team most-likely-to this year. but then they said that last season. I Hamilton V Montrose Douglas Park. llamilton. 3pm.

I MOTION V Hamilton (‘appielow Park. (ireenock. 3pm.


I Albion Rovers v Clyde (‘liltonhilL ('oatbridge. 3pm.

I Cowdenbeath v Alloa (‘entral Park. ('owtlenbeath. 3pm.

I Dumbarton v Stenhousemuir Boghead. Dumbarton 3pm.

I East Stirling v East File l-irs Park. Eirs

i Saturday 19

Street. I-alkn k. 3pm. I Queen's Park V Berwick I lampden I’ark. (ilasgow 3pm.


I Airdrie v St Mirren Broomlicld. Airdrie. 3pm. l’oor old .»\irdrie. You can still here the ‘w ee wo/ robbed' chants echoing I around liroomt'ield. Now that they're out ot the Skol ('up though. they may be able

; toconccntrateonsecuringPremier

Diyision football next year.

I Dundee Utd v StJohnstone ’I‘annadice l’aik. l‘annadice Street. Dundee. 3pm. I I Duntermline v Aberdeen East End I’ark. Duntermline. 3pm. Aberdeen arelooking 2 as ery uselul team this season andshould ' take the honours at East End Park. I Falkirkv Celtic Brocks‘ille. Falkirk.

' Ari / S. W ..

One week into the World Cup and the pundits are already having a tield day. Are France dreadfully under-prepared and going to come unstuck? Did Australia llatter to deceive during the summer? Are New Zealand's three-quarters going to find the pace too much lor them at their age? 00 England ever intend to pass the ball in anger? And, who can stop Scotland? The last at these may seem like an optimistic question but the Scots display against Japan has had many already pencilling their name in torthe semi-finals at least. As a quick glance at the schedule shows that the likely opponents in that semi-linal would be either England or France, at !


Murraylield, itwouldn't be overly dreamy to startthinking ‘tinal‘ either.

The Japan game was saturated with good omens torthe Scots. Lineen and Scott Hastings’ tackling was as learsome as ever, Tukalo and Stanger both looked sharp when given the ball, Calder and Jettrey (in spite of advancing years) were almost invariably first to the loose ball and Gavin Hastings didn’t miss a kick all day. There were also the rare sights at Scott Hastings scoring a try and the ball reaching the wings, it not frequently. then consistently.

0n the negative side, in spite at being about two stone per man heavier, Scotland were unable to shift the Japanese serum and, in spite of being two inches per man taller, the Scots received a woelul amount of ball lrom the line-out. When up against skilled line-outers such as England or New Zealand, that deliciency could well be exploited with catastrophic results. But we are getting ahead at ourselves a little. Scotland’s display was the most assured of any of the nations tipped tor success and I would not be a conlident England supporter it that team has to trek up to Murraylield to tackle a side almost identical to the one which beat them so convincingly in the 1990 Grand Slam decider. And then, there will only be Australia or New Zealand to overcome in the linal. Easy, isn’t it? (Philip Parr) See Listings lor next week‘s game times.

3pm. Scotland's last representatives in Europe they may be but (‘eltic have looked very shaky in the league. Eyen their inconsistent form should be too much for Ealkirk though. I HIDSV Motherwell Easter Road Stadium. i Albion Road. Edinburgh. 3pm.

I Rangers V Hearts lbrox Stadium. (ilasgow. 3pm. (‘ome next May". they may look back on this match to see where the title was won and lost. Expect no-holds-barred stul‘l.


I Clydebank V Ayr Kilbow ie Park. (lydebank.3pnr

I Kilmarnock V Partick Rugby l’ark. Kilmarnock. 3pm.

I Meadowbank Thistle v Dundee Meadowbank Stadium. London Road. Edinburgh. 3pm.

I Morton v Hamilton (‘appielow Park. (ireenock. 3pm.


I Alloa Athletic v East Stirling Recreation Park. Alloa. 3pm.

I Clyde V Cowdenbeath Douglas Park. Hamilton. 3pm.

GEE}- Saturday 12

Start ol the National I lunt season at the west coast course.

Wednesday 23

I Edinburgh Racecourse I'iirst race at

1.45pm. ()ne olthe linal llat race meetings '

ol the season.

I R GBY Saturday 12 i

RUGBY WORLD CUP I Scotland V Ireland Murraylield Stadium. Edinburgh. Scotland take on the

hopelully be as exciting a match as their recent Ewe-Nations games. See panel.

Saturday 19


Murray l'ield Stadium. Edinburgh. Sorry about the ambiguous nature ol this fixture but. at the time ol going to press. w e don't know the teams. I‘ll stick my neckout. Scotland y Wales. See panel.


I Gull Monarchs v Stoke Potters I’ow LIL‘l'IlttII Stadium. Iieay'er Road. Edinburgh.

7. 15pm. The last home league match ol the season which should end on a w inning note tor the \lonarchs.


I Glasgow Tigers v Shetlield Tigers Shaw-field Stadium. ( ilasgoys 3pm. 'l’he final match of the league season sees the Tigers take on their name-sakes liom Sheffield w ho haye built up a strong side oser the last three seasons.


I GullMonarchsv BerwickBandits I’owderhall Stadium. lleas er Road. Edinburgh. ". 15pm. Some \Vt ll ld-class riders will grace l’owderhall tonight. including England international. Key in 'I‘atnm. and Swede. Jimmy Nilsen.


I Hogganlield Triathlon ( iltlsg’tiys. A 3K canoe. lollow ed by a Sills cycle. lollow ed by a lllK run. You must be mad. Ilyotl are. or you want to watch. contact Dept ol Parks and Recreation. Ill'l rongate. (ilasgow.



SUN TO FRI 6.00pm to 10.30pm ALL DAY SAT 12.00pm to 10.30pm

I Ayr Racecourse l-‘irst race at 2. 10pm.


List I I - 24 (Ictober Alt-)9! 59

l ever-improying Irish in what will

i IWinnerPoolZvRunnerUp Pool3 a l