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a l ' (leSIgner iL‘A‘S‘Z "£10 ~ siinl cums: aim mpomr l ~ -‘ firsififl't- .( M rni AC" ‘OPilIi‘. i-‘EDOIIOVITCK. .1 \uit'll‘lm" g...“ h 50 your - old cmci ‘41.-..“ I " .r ~ ~' “" designer for the Vic-Wells n; f, l twat-t, has been found ,N' » Express Political Correspondent ‘(lcqlg 3&1i‘r‘lgli‘onic1nmuy7 - W." , t.‘~- . . . ultimate. 1‘hcr- was us in the room BENTLEY mu“ hang: . That w.” the. fmfl the and akpost mortcm hm been the irrevocable dccvsion by Sir Dawd Maxwell Fylc at M”. 0:35:36 WWW“ m . . I .H t . t t. .r A" ten o'clock last night after a last desperate bid by 200 ilu *‘ “J7 . _. W _ i - I ! > r. M.P.s to save the youth 5 lilo. “PM, 11:3,. l r Wm 1) “mm “‘3 ui¢.r_?mv$‘§"qoa. l_ T" E .l-lu. II n mi- Sm it-lm') '\ lll't'lxltill \\.:~ 1‘ of murr t ' ,n tug‘ririkmwgbri‘y “‘2 ‘r rlrlin'ri'tl Irv hh [H‘nuit- sw'ri‘lnf,‘ It) llu' “mud glli‘) .. M v .aJ 931:0:th m. mm dmgugamwdp, up: A. llniht' Hr (Unlllllill\ .illi-i‘ \l\ \l l .\ lt-(I Ih‘ . o‘ccuuon Ant]! 5” {or uxg‘Aomf"-‘;‘nd r it _ . r . _\m.“,-m lit-sail. pit-zilir’ll \Hlll llilll ill lii~ ("rru‘ll 11110 3’. . - “ant-mph?” s "‘Q'», .' . mum in \hlulrlmll. I . . . x ' gawnlnogeumumw‘”m ’Il' ll‘ tin .\\"\ »ii‘ " i.'4"l"l- hummio“ ' “but, . "wWfi’fvfl ; . '3'!‘- .I :«g'm \- l!- :t i.. 1“ '.il.:',; with ll! . -_-s ‘r D =~ H. lli l-EHllllri‘, \l Ml ;: "l'uzi’tx El'fl‘l HH‘ ' ' f _._.' Ill! .. 1‘0 ,1. . 1, :1 ' J '- '1' '- m :‘ :21 H. !:-l f! .i 3 'u- l iHJIiHiA. 'n I. ‘a‘ .' ‘s' ’y a 4‘ 'V liv‘ limllit lll'i- ii" iii l'tiihl ill" THD"'DD °,Ql.tR°1!’l-1 if!) ' i'»- l: ' 'l ll! i\ \( 'vl It“ tililé g m . ii‘|I_!lti, -.\ \.1 it .‘t'r...4.u \ .. |‘ ~ i tom. mucuno aw“ cu? " in .\n Hun“ ‘.l xn-’i ler 1mm in (mm? ' ,3, I 15.: « J may; eafitcdl$i:§;vw¢Y a, n n \ "A -' u w ~ .~ . ,. .- » = deas.%.,-Ar~;-_sgimii P _. .. ,e, ‘. ., . ..» - - ;: z- w ii‘;",‘.\."‘.l. . ,1“ .. v ,. is: , 1?. 5.3;” 15713:?“ -’ t“ :3: ii!‘. i. l. ., ,‘. ,. x. .V. :‘tleZ '-.' 1:1“ ' a '.~_ kg, 5&2! o . :' ..; ':;i 1' . '. ",’.. '11»le I! “5 “I‘r‘li LW‘ 7 s . aka” . .. " 1 f1: ’. -I:‘.:r in '1-':u;lr- - in. ~.\ ~- w .- ". rw- :1: Eden the who stayed like , " .’ -. '.::i-' .-\.”‘r .. ‘m'mhl‘. Hir‘jr wvu‘; a w t ' J. A - x :* vmhr: 4‘! Mr. Eden's : n “Kym” UMVLIY .w'. "w ‘..‘ ":21 L'l-“illl'rIYJt'dl‘ll «titlirl. : ' ‘i.. l’-‘ .r; .:_1 i». “r. liming. drspili" rm A] i‘- :r U r u .. 'V . .~ : w ..:.-,:t .. tl;‘.“i.rjn “it. ‘nr hmyrlal Wands-onm -' r; .~ i .. '. '|. " .- 1:4 tr in; (m l2|1;‘.x:'lli momma-n: U5 PUHCC , I' h " :" --- H‘- tz-l r" \" :i\'..-1>“ .‘-‘.|t. Lt'. ("vi-2km. H " "‘ V" t '.: -' :.:r rum: i-Il Hm rim-r u/ ii'nnrlsuorllt I "ll; ‘1" "1 I" I .7 11. 3m: ‘1,’ u irrir.’ 'Tlli‘ unit-nu n/ l]i£l(lll;8(_l$§ld

.vrr: "-umi Juli—l; (if :rturd


. "a. . I, ‘H 0 at“: A. . ;._‘ .~,‘ | I . ©

le Studio Canal +, film Trustees mm. British Sereen'

presenta [liennie and Co compaiiii '_ v Mum. Peter Medak “let him have it"-


Christopher Eccleston “mm...” Paul Reynoldssateen,"-

Tom Bell . Eileen Atkins '1‘ -‘ * 7 . I Clare Holman - Michael cough - Michael Elphick - Mark McGann m iom Courtenay

as Niven Craig

costume designer Pam Ia" - casting llle Boulting - production designer MiChael Pickwoad ' music by "land Kamen - director at photography Oliver editor Ray loveioy ' associate producer lane "318' - executive producer IEfemy Thomas. ' screenplay by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade . produced by luc Roeg and Robert Warr . directed by Peter Medak ~ /‘


flistrihuted by "RSI IIUEPENOENI fllMS



6'I‘hc List 11— 24 (was; 1991