I Carol Laula ('athcdral llousc. ('athcdral Squarc. 552 3519. 9pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc cstablishcd songsmith with thc rcycrcntial audicncc. Morc accomplishcd and morc popular than cycr.

I Nathan Detroit Apollo. chfrcw (‘ourt. 3326231. 9pm. l‘rcc.

I The Amazing Jimmy Brock Experience Drum And Monkcy . llopc Strcct.332 1893. 9pm. Frcc.


I Jethro Tull Playhousc 'l'hcatrc. (irccnsidc I’lacc. 557 2590. 8pm. £13. £12. Kids don't know thc mcaningol discomfort until a Sunday School tcachcr has tricd to cstablish a spiritual dialoguc with thcm by means of a crackling copy of Tails-1 qua/1mg. And. ycs. thcy'rc still going. with balancing llautist lan Andcrson thc only original mcmbcr. Ncyc'r rcally in tunc with thc timcssincc thc mid-70s. thcy sccm rcsigncd to thc proposition that 'l'ull cycnts arc of mainly nostalgic yaluc.

I The Australian Doors Show \'cnuc. ('alton Road. 557 3073. Scc Sun 15.


I Fastlayne Music Box. Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 9pm. Fiyc-piccc rock band amongst whosc influcnccs arc citcd Van llalcn. Gary (ilittcr and Bryan Adams. High hopcs for a big rccord dcal soon. I The Shedrakes Negociants. Lothian Street. 225 6313. 9.30pm. Frcc.

I Live music Bcrtic's. .‘ylcrchant Strcct. 225 2002. 10.30pm. Frcc.

WEDNESDAY 18 Glasgow

I Jethro Tull (ilasgow Royal (‘onccrt llall. Sauchichall Strcct. 6.30pm. £13. £12. Sidc circlc scats only lcft. 'l‘ickcts from thc 'I'ickct (‘cntrc. (‘andlcriggs 227 5511.8cc'l‘uc 17.

I The Australian Doors l’ayilion. cht‘icld Strcct. 332 1846. 7.30pm. £7. £6. Scc Sun 15. .\'otc that duc to thc rcccnt floodingat the Pavilion. all shows arc subjcct to rcschcduling but no furthcr dctailswcrc ay'ailablc at timc of going to prcss.

I Dreaming Jesus and Dream Disciples King'l‘ut's Walt Wah llut. St Vinccnt Strcct.2215279.9pm.£3.50.liyou‘rc

toying with suicidc. (‘rcaming Jcsus arc not thc band to chccr you up. ()t'tcn labcllcd gothic. thcy arc in tact just adcath mctal band who occasionally makc conccssions to things likc tuncs. l’lus local gothic support.

I saidllorence and Better Ways ( ‘niiun (‘lub. Scott Strcct. 332 0712. l’ostponcd from thc prcyious wcck. and still a bit ol‘a qucstion mark hanging oy cr it as w c w cut to prcss. Bcllshill's saidllorcncc arc biding thcir timc bct‘orc tiring into rccording action for Iipic Rccords. Bcttcr Way sarc hoping to kick up a similar luss mcr thcir strcamlincd dancc pop.

I The Djirans Nicc'n‘Slca/y . Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9637. 8.30pm. £1.


I OSBOUUIB l’lay liotlsc 'l‘hcatrc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. 557 2590. 7.31 1pm. £12.50. £1 1. Alwaysonc ol tlic most cndcaring (and pr‘cpostct'otis) of thc 1 1M pantomimc danics. About as satanic as a brcad and buttcr pudding. but hc milks thc old horrts and pcntagrams imagcry likc a good 'un.

34 Tim List 13 26 March 1992

stop the machine

The Album





I Baby Animals \'cnuc. (‘alton Road. 55:]

3073. (‘urrcntly Attstralia‘s hottest doublc—platinum rock band. liuropcan support band for Bryan Adamsand playing thcir own hcadlining datcs in a brcak from Van llalcn‘s currcnt trck across thc L'SA. 'l‘cllingly. thcy chosc to put thcir husky yocals and crunchy guitars in the hands ot \cncrablc glam producer Mikc Chapman.

I A Homeboy. A Hippie And A Funky Dredd lircathlcss ('lub. l’ottcrrow Student l'nion. l’ottcrrow . 650 2656. 8pm. Studcnts £1 . gucsts £2.

I Sweet Jane Ncgociants. l.othian Strcct. 2256313. 9.30pm. Frcc.

I Malt And Hops Noblc's. ( 'onstitution Strcct. 554 2024. 8.30pm. lircc. Rock and pop classics t'rom thc 60s.

I Chill Varicty Bar. ('halmcrs ( 'losc. oii lligh Strcct. 557 5150. 8pm. lr‘rcc.

I Live music Subway . ('owgatc. 2256766.



I The Naked Flames. Julie and Dog King 'l’ut's Walt Wall llut. St \"inccnt Strcct. 221 5279. 9pm. £3. local band triplcbill. 'I‘hc Nakcd l-‘lamcs slip comfortably

bctw ccn various indic sty lcs. t'rom thc mclodic. janeg and tlntcstittg tothc morc rcwarding 'sonic cathcdral' typc stuff. Scc Fri 13 lorJukc.

I Fenn and Fassbinder Apollo. cht'rcw ‘ourt. 332 6231 . 9pm. l-‘rcc. liycryonc's layouritc local tloublc bill (and it it isn't. why isn't it'.’). It's going to takc aprctty hclty talcnt to till I’cnn singcr Lukc's shocs w hcn ltc lcaycs shortly. 1n the mcantimc trcat yoursclt to some passionate indic noisc. and pondcr it thcy 'rc this good w hcn thcir lrontman docsn't cycn want to bc in thc hand. what hcights could tltcy scalc with somconc whosc cnthusiasm is boundlcss'.’ Fassbindcr. w hosc songs tcnd to bc slower and morc lctt-ticltl than l'cnn's. hayc alrcady shown thcir potcntial; hopclully thcy '11 soon bc fulfilling it.

I Auntie Rose Biko Bar. ()uccn Margarct l'nion. l'niycrsity (iardcns. 3399784. 9pm. Frcc. Studcnts and guests. The confusing sound of mctal. funk and brass (wc think). Anyway. thcy'rc hcayy - wc can say that with impunity.

I The Bain Brothers llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. 9pm. l-‘rcc. An imprcssiyc sct of touching lolk songs.

I The Catz 'l‘radcrs. (ilass’tord Strcct. 552 6246. 10pm. l-‘rcc.

I The Exiles Nicc'n'Slcazy. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9637. 8.30pm. £1.

I The Clockhouse Drum And Monkcy. llopc Strcct. 332 1893. 10pm. Frcc.

I Frontier ('I'B(‘) Solid Rock Cafe. 1 lopc Strcct. 221 1105. l’rcc. ‘Souliul. mclodic' ncw \'crtigo signings. from l’rcstwick. ot- all placcs.

I Electric Daisies Mission. Battlcficld Road. 9pm. l-‘rcc. This may bc what Auntic Rosc arc striving to do hcayy guitars and kcyboards that you can casin shakc a leg to. 'l‘hat‘s right. it's ourold lricnd ‘lunk mctal'.

I Dreaming Jesus and Our Lost Souls

; Dugout. (‘athcart Strcct. (irccnock. 0475

27918. 9.30pm. £3. Scc Wed 18.

I Blueprint 'I‘wa (‘orbics. Kilbowic Road. (‘umbcrnauld 0236 727473. 9pm. Frcc. I Live Music ()uthousc. (‘athcart Road. 649 0184. 9pm. lircc.


I Daisy Chainsaw and Sheep On Drugs (‘alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 7066. Scc prcyicw.

I saidtlorence and Better Ways Music Box. Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 9pm. Scc Wed 18. (ilasgow.

I Double Happiness ('hocolatc City Club. Vcnuc. (‘alton Road. 557 3073.

l lpm—5am. £3. A rarc and wclcomc appcarancc by thc new band trontcd by Andy (hung. tormcrly of Rhythm('hillun (and bctorc that. if you rcmcmbcr. 'l‘hc

i l