RECRUITMENT THE sALissunv cams Godfrey Adama Mensah.‘

MUSICIANS? WRITERS? I Graphically enmus'asuc Actors!) Artists!) Desi nersq Weekend Courses master drummer and dancer . . _ - m ° 3 ° Metamorphic Technique: Adela presents the percussion, dance graduate of Communication 9 . q , , Directors. Filmmakers. 5 k S. 61 . Studies scekscmployment P form [so Amateur/ toe mm ‘ft “‘3 Ind culmrc 01' Ghana. West within the field of ra hie desi n cr- 6 10a"1—5Pm~£‘8/“2- AS'mplcr Africa as an all day worksho . g P g n . o . . P , profeSSional. Need contacts. _ t . . . ht , and anwork Have cxpcncnce Send your details free to: The n.0n m ,ru-swc dppm‘ic O sum-day 13 June at cmmuy with Apple Macs' Contact, ARC National Arts Directory. 4 self-hedlgg‘fig personal Educnion cwm’.” Avenue Eileen Strawn on 0315566605. Mclmsc Gardens. Glasgow 020 Bl, Ck M, d t _. th WM Park Sueet, Maryhill, Glasgow 6RA or phone 041 94s 2442. 5' - 12 f Ont} " .5. , l‘f‘ from Nam-4pm. cost £10- ! Jun: lOaliiifé m'gitri'l‘idJunc For more information mum! CATCH THEATRE COMPANY 3 , 10mg m “lg/£35 Ex lmin‘ Mike or Caroline, reqmre female Director for i , .p. ' o f ' g sphflumic pmducdofl. - the origins and svmbolism of legc Fest?“ Pgo‘x’c‘ll": Th" . , He's . , Black Madonna, 1 Tel: 041 946 1605 rows.” Y P" c i i‘" 4! T hiok l" w d”. t i Angelis. Closmg date l9June. : (Ag. 3/ I css'fig‘?fif§2p:;§$§ l I Edinburgh Pllates Centre 18a 11 FM" Sm“ ' fer; .3, V The Samba” comm Torphichcn Street. The only (7—? -53 ) I 2 Salisbury Road Pilates-based studio in Scotland. 031 557 8011' i Tm. croxcux coxch socrtrv I EH16 5A8. 18': 03,1 667 5438. E Pilatesis a specialised technique i f i which improves posture. i Part-Time strength and flexibility. - o 1 Mon—Fri from 9.30am; Sat from MUSICWRITERSWANTED i Adm‘msmtm S18 Yul! Superieuge‘ for 3 main. Phone Jane Parison031 Freelance feature writers and The Georgian Comm Society! 15"?3c’3f9g3'“? lenti‘ _ l 229 ‘868' . . F d f be k reviewers required for new I an enihusiasiic and knowledge- “8'9"”5; “cm” VOI‘CL" Itounu gay wonian Wishingto me an onunc (5 ons' Scottish music paper. For details able committee who organise a "am-'98 deCd 0" the BL] Can“) ¢ write for televiSion. and working YOUI’YCT)’ 0W" 1"“ contact pan] on 031 339 5739. ! series of 6 Saturday evening * lfadltlf’n‘ PIUS mOdcm rcécarCh- : on first project. needs some mafloazme '5 Tcéd)’ and f winter concerts of early music at Reasonable fccs. Convenient g voluntary help, advice and wallmg ‘0 PUbIISI' Your 5‘- Cédua's Halt mini"? 3 I0C31i0n~ experienced “NOT. ! constructive criticism from workl' wcdarc IEOking fl!" 8 I Pagflszg‘lizfxggo giygg‘émbcr- Enqmrics‘ 041 : experienced writer. Box No ta ente an origina . . - . . , 176/171. cartoonist to join the rest of I P'°"‘°"°“' Pianm'“; and - - publicity. Ability to use the our talentcdaiid original I my!) word pmr is T'- wiam 0f .comnbulors' wntc i essential. Salary in the region of . m . l with OOPICS of your work to. mow 21 000 lusex nses. U Cartoonist, ! I p pa ' E 'Ihe List, I Apply to: Georgian Concert 14 High Street, 3 Society, 3 East Castle Road, __ __ __ u) Edinbur h Fill m? Edinbu'shmlos’w- C SIGHTHILL 8 J 4' ; Application deadline: 70 w.” b .l. , lunc171992 O EDINBURGH EH11 40E 1 C I’ I' I In . BOILERHOUSE °° " g a I Tel. 031-453 2751

team of Postering staff

(Formerly Muirbla Theatre Company) , to work part-time, for


m, mum, of [he . COURSES/WWW" FULL TIME counsss STARTING For Fringe production of Edinburgh Festival. 1 I

'PlAY BOY."hy Paula , i ' - - UN ELLIN OTLAN Macgee at Theatre Workshop Mon Fn° Approx. 25 co co s 630 D

off~rs a . . . 17in Aug-5th Sept hrs. £2.75 / hr. Plcasc 5-daytraihingcoursc National Certificate Photography CV'S and photos to apply in writing [0 1 1 {in Edfii—r—infigh 11F th St Ed' b h ' ' ' mm U)" ogonflhozfeei’an Jilurg Plrnc SL Lcuh- EH6 alsim‘cekcnddaysin Sept/Oct. Degree Foundation Photography opporiiuu'ie: employer Closing date 181mm For people who want to grow.

to increase sclfconfidcncc. or to break out ofold

behaviour patterns.

GREEN CITY I5 3 workers. (To-counselling is self-help [in co-operative distributing wholefoods therapy: people taking equal “W and an inereasi ra e of non-food time “We ‘Clicm‘imd ' ' ° ' ' W ,gmn, products?" Scnfimnd enumclkwrmmm National Certificate Audio Visual . i . For more info: We have a strong commitment to ethical trading phone 031 332 8661. . O . with developing countries, try to encourage Degree FOUHdatIOll AUle VISUaI

increaSing 1156 Of organic and additive-free products, I :Idlllle. manpolin andtolk and support sustainable agriculture and 9" 3' “530m “’mtxpcrlcmcd

i . . musician with four Li’s released. ; ' ' hn Io

i ecologically sound practices. ' Privatctuition.beginners f AUdlo Vlsual Tee 0 ’, If you feel you have the pioneer spirit to help us into the ‘3t'3021C0mc- Phone GIaSgOW (041) 5

: - 7702. l

V let century, and can work as part of a team, then please ' V For further information please contact 5 contact us - especially if you have sales, financial, computer, i I

i i 1992 THE SPANISH YEAR ' The Information Centre at the above address.

or organising/administrative skills. We are an equal , , . , . . o n .l. l w .l .th CV10 1 ConversationalSpanish foriust ppo my ":5 cmp oyer' " e W'. ' £7. Native speaker. Qualified one" cu} (Personnel): 23 Flemmg SIR“, teacher. Don‘t missthc Glasgow 03] IPQ. opportunity. 031 552 4895.

L___ ._ -. _ ____.___

Lothian Regional Council

Garnet—1st 5: l-SJune i992