1. Lethal Weapon 3 (15) 1.45pm (not Sun). 5.15pm. 7.45pm.

2. Beethoven (U) 2pm (not Sun). 5.45pm, 8pm.

I CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk.0324 23805. £2 (Child/OAP£1.30).

1. Lethal Weapon3(15) 2. 10pm (not Sun). 5.10pm. 8.05pm.

2. Beethoven (U) 1.40pm. 3.40pm. 6.10pm.8.30pm; Sun 4.50pm.8.30pm. 3. Farand Away(12) 1.50pm (not Sun). 4.40pm, 7.4 m.

I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling University. 078661081. [D] [E]£3(£2). The Addams Family (PG) Fri 14. 7.30pm. The Commitments (15) Sun 16. 7.30pm. The Fisher Iting (15) Wed 19. 7.30pm. Cape Fear ( 18) Thurs 20. 7.30pm.

I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgatc. (1506 634 152. £2.50 (Childil .50) (CAP/Student/UB40 £1 .50 Mon-Thurs only).

Batman Returns (12) 2pm. 5pm.8pm.

I ADAM SMITH CINEMA Bennochy Road. Kirkcaldy. ()592 260498. Bar. [D] [E]. £2 (£1.20).

RUIIHIS) Sun 16.7.30pm.

I CANNON High Street. Kirkcaldy.0592 260143. [D] (screens 2 and 3). £2 (Child/OAP£1.30).

1. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 2. 15pm (not Sun). 5.30pm, 8. 15pm.

2. Beethoven (U) 1.45pm (not Sun). 3.50pm (not Sun). 5.50pm.8.30pm.

3. Far and Away ( 12) 2pm (not Sun). 4.40pm. 7.30pm.

I GLENROTHES CINEMA Church Street. Glenrothes 0592 750 980 £2 (Child £1.10). Closed Sunday.

1. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 7.30pm.

2. Beethoven (U) 2pm. 7.30pm.

I NEW PICTURE HOUSE North Street. St Andrews 0334 73509. [D]. Cinema 1: £2.30 Circle. £2 stalls (Kids/OAPs£l .50); Cinema 2: £2.30 all seats. Closed Sunday. except during school holidays.

1. Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 6. 10pm.8.30pm: Sun 7.50pm only.

2. Fern Gully (U) 6. 15pm (notSun). Farand Away ( 12) 7.40pm; Sun 7.30pm.


I CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288. Adults £1 .70.children/OAP £1.10. 1. Lethal Weapon3(15) 2. 15pm. 5.35pm. 8.30pm; Sat 1pm. 3.35pm. 6. 10pm.9pm. 11.45pm. 2. Beethoven (U) 12.05 (not Sun). 3pm. 5.30pm. 8.25pm. 3. Fern Gully (U) 12.40pm (not Sun);Sun 2pm. 3.30pm. Far and Away (12) 2.25pm (not Sun). 5.15pm. 8.10pm. I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612. [D]. £2.20 (Child/OAP/Student/ UB40£1.20). Phone for times. 1. Lethal Weapon3(15). 2. Fem Gully (U). Sleepwalkers ( 18). I MAGNUM Harbourside. Irvine. 0294 78381. Restaurant. Bar. [D] by arrangement. [E]. £1.90 (Child/UB40/OAP 90p). Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey (PG) Sun-Tue 2.30pm. Final Analysis (15) Mon/Tue. Thurs 8pm. I DDEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264 049. [D](cinemas 2. 3 & 4 only). Bar. £3.50 (Child/OAP/Student/ UB40£2.50 for performances starting before 7.30pm). Bookable luxury seats £4 (all screens). Saturday Lates £4; morning shows £2. 1. Lethal Weapon3(15) lpm.3.20pm. 5.45pm.8.30pm. 11pm (Fri/Sat only). 2. Beethoven (U) 1.30pm. 3.45pm. 6pm. 8.15pm. 11.05pm (Fri/Sat only). 3. Fern Cully(U) 1.15pm.3.30pm. Universal Soldier ( 18) 6. 15pm. 8.45pm. 11.15pm (Fri/Sat only). 4. Far and Away (12) 1.45pm. 5pm. 8pm. 10.50pm (Fri/Sat only).

. 6.50pm.9.35pm. 12.05am (Satonly).

Kids Shows Daily. not Sun:

StepIiIds (PG) 10.50am.

Beethoven (U) 10.45pm.

Peter Pan (U) 10.45pm.

Hoolt (U) 10.30pm.

I ODEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802. [D](cinemas 2 & 3 only). £4 and £3.50 (Child/OAP/Student/UB40 £2). Early evening performances £2.50n and £2.20; no concessions on final shows.

1. LethaIWeapon3(15) 11.55pm.2.40pm. 5.25pm. 8. 15pm.

2. Batman Returns (12) 1pm. 4.30pm. 7.50pm.

3. Fem Gully (U) lpm.3.15pm.

Universal Soldier( 18) 5.30pm. 8.25pm.

I LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Salteoats. 0294 62051 [D] by prior arrangement. £2.50 (Child/Student/UB40£1 . : OAP 80p) (£1 .50 Mon. Thurs).

1. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) Fri/Sat 1.30pm. 6.30pm. 9pm: Sun—Thurs 8pm.

2. Franky and Johnny ( 15) Fri/Sat 6.45pm. 9.10pm;Sun—Thurs 8.10pm.

Wayne's World (PG) Fri/Sat. Mon 1.45pm. I UCI Clyde Regional Centre.CIydebank. 041951 2022. [D]. Shows commencing before 6pm £2.50; after 6pm £3.60 (Child/Student/OAP £2.25 all day). Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 1.20pm. 1.50pm. 4.05pm. 4.35pm. 6.45pm. 7. 15pm. 9.20pm. 9.50pm. 11.55pm (Fri/Sat only). 12.20am (Fri/Sat only).

The News Boys (PG) 2pm. 5pm. 7.40pm. 10.25pm.

Beethoven (PG) 12. 15pm. 2.20pm. 4.30pm.. 6.35pm. 9pm. FarandAway(12)1pm.3.55pm.6.55pm. 10pm.

My Cousin Vinny ( 15) 4.45pm. 7.25pm. 10.10pm.

Universal Soldier ( l8) 2. 10pm. 4.45pm. 7.05pm. 9.35pm. 12. 10am (Fri/Sat only). Basic Instinct ( 18) 5. 10pm. 7.50pm. 10.30pm.

Batman Returns ( 12) 2.05pm. 4.55pm. 7.35pm. 10.20pm.

Wayne's World (PG) 8pm. 10.15pm.

Peter Pan (U) 1.30pm. 3.40pm.5.50pm. Fern Gully (U) 12.45pm. 2.45pm. Sieepwallrers(18) Fri/Sat only 11.30pm. I UCI Olympia Mall. East Kilbride.03552 49699. [D]. Shows commencing before 6pm £2.25; after 6pm £3.30 (Child/ OAP/UB40 £2) (Mid Week Saver Tue and Thurs: All tickets £1 .95).

Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 1.20pm . 4.05pm.



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The News Boys (PG) 1.05pm.3.55pm. 6.40pm. 9.20pm. 11.55pm (Sat only). FarandAway(12)12.45pm.3.45pm. 7.10pm.10.05pm. FemGully(U)1.30pm.3.20pm.5.20pm. Beethoven (U) 12.20pm. 2.20pm. 4.30pm. 6.30pm.9.10pm.

Universal Soldier( 18) 5pm. 7 .30pm. 9.55pm. 12. 15am (Satonly).

Batman Returns (12) 1.40pm, 4.20pm. 7pm, 9.45pm.

My Cousin Vinny (15) 7.35pm. 10.20pm. PeterPan (U) 12.55pm. 3. 10pm.5. 10pm. Basic Instinct ( 18) 7.20pm (not Thurs). 10.15pm.

Wayne's World (PG) 12.30pm. 2.50pm. Red Heat (18) Sat only 1 1 .45pm.

Cinema Paradiso (PG) Thurs 7.30pm.

I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. Irvine. 029479900. £2.50(Chi1d£1.50; OAP— Mon—Thurs only—£1 .50). Family ticket (2 Adults, 2 Children) £6.20.

Lethal Weapon 3(15) Fri/Sa12.10pm.6pm. 8. 15pm. 10.30pm; Sun—Thurs 6pm. 8.15pm; Moan‘ue.2.10pm.

Fern Gully (U) Fri/Sat. Mon/Tue. 12.30pm.



Events tor children are listed by city. then by category. then alphabetically by venue. Events will be listed. provided that details reach our oitices at least ten days before publication. Kids Listings compiled by Beatrice Colin.

GLASGOW Activities and Fun

I THE DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. 100 Govan Road. 427 1792. The Dinosaur Show Sat 15 and Sun IbAug. Shows at 11.30am. 1pm. 2.30pm and 4pm. Kids £1 .50: adults £2.50: family ticket (two adults and two children) £6. Meet Tex Mex. the Tyrannosaurus from Texas. to find out what he ate. how he lived and why he became extinct. Also prepare to be astounded by the range offascinating exhibits which display a range ofscientific principles.

I HAGGS CASTLE 100 St Andrews Drive. 427 2725.

Haggs Medieval Medley Bookable workshOps to run alongside the Glasgow International Early Music Festival. A day-by-day guide with age range in brackets.

Try 0n Armour and Design Your Own CoaloI Arms Fri 14 Aug. 10.15am and 2. 15pm. (7—12).

Make Music With a Medieval Musician Fri 14 Aug. 2.15pm. (7—12).

Archery Sat 15 Aug. 10.15am and 2. 15pm. (8—12).

Listen To Stories From Long Ago and Make a Herb Posy Sun 16 Aug. 2.15am. (4—7). Victorian Fun and Games Mon 17 Aug. 10.15am and 2.15pm. (7—12).

Garden Nature Trail Tue 18 Aug. 2.15pm. Bring wellies and cagoules ifwet. (4—7). I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. 887 1010.

Clay Modelling Fri 14 Aug. 2—3.30pm. £1. (4—8). Bring along any old jamjars. Numbers for craft sessions are limited to twenty. so booking is advisable.

I WISHAW SPORTS CENTRE 0698 355821 The Smarty Party Sat 15 Aug. 2—5pm. 65p. For members of Sunbusters 1992 only. A disco. games and prizes. Dress bright.


I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. 887 1010.

Jack O'Lantem Puppets Sat 15 Aug. Ipn‘ and 3pm. Kids £1 ; adults £1.50. Two



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shadow puppet shows by this innovative company. Don‘t miss The Giant Turnip and Catalina and the Mother Whale. an ancient Spanish folk tale.

Film I GROSVENOR CINEMA Ashton Lane. Ilillhead. 339 4298.

Caley Kids Club Saturdays 2pm. 80p. Films. cartoons and names.

Activities and Fun

I DALHOUSIE CHESTER STABLES Rosewell Road. Bonnyrigg. 660 3354. Kids £5.50; adults £7. Riding lessons and hacks in the countryside.

I EDINBURGH BUTTERFLY AND INSECT WORLD Melville Nurseries. Lasswade. 663 4932. Daily mam—5.30pm. Kids£l .60; adults £2.85 (under 5s free). From the exotic to the extraordinary. a collection of tropical butterflies. tarantulas. killer bees. scorpions and assorted creepy crawlies.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 29 Market Street. 225 2383.

The Flintstones and Their Food ior Painting Sun 23 Aug. Noon-~-5pn1. l-‘rce. Make fabulous paint using colour from nature. Crushed leaves. vegetables. and spices can create a range of sumptuous shades. .loin Edinburgh artist. Annie Cattrcll and bring a rolling pin. wooden spoons. old cutlery. rubber gloves. plastic containers. a pair of scissors. an old shirt and a snack. for aday of rampant inspiration. Booking essential. I THE SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM Lady Victoria Colliery. Newtongrangc. Midlothian. 663 7519. and Preston Grange. Prestonpans. Kids£1 : adults £1.95. Experience a life doon the pit in one ofthe finest 19th century collieries. Onthe first Sunday of the month the steam engine] and steam crane are stoked into action at Prestonpans.

I THE MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 225 2424. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Bearing AII Until Sat 5 Sept. Chance to partake in teddy mania and check out the museum’s huge range of antique and modern bears. Also a collection of bear-inspired exhibits. competitions and 1 games.



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The List 144 20:\ugust 1992 81