“aller if FESTIVAL if

Mandela Theatre Company developed

a highly individual style. That’s one

way oi saying that they had become

“mum ’"omd’m" Your chance to see some of the best shows in this year's Festival! You may claim as many different offers as you wish, but only one pair of tickets per voucher, on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis.

uninteresting, just one knew what to expect. They changed their name to Boilerhouse and we may have expected a change oi tack in their performances also. We were to be disappointed. Play, Boy is directed by Paul Pinson, written by Paula Macgee and acted by Mandela, whatever the writing on the programme may say. Three women dangle irom step ladders and a iourih, yet more preoariously, is suspended on (lor the iemales) belore an inevitable

Please take the whole magazine along with you each time. All offers are subject to availability and the

arope high above ourheads. Gradually conclusion.Soundsabysmal? That jndjvjdual management's decjsjon (3 final, she descends and is invited by the would be uniair, tor the performances ENJOY TH E SH DWI otherstojointhe ‘merry-go-round’. oi Michelle Gomez, Rachel Ogilvy, - This is a metaphor iorthe little matter It'llaureen Lani: and Jeanny Eraser are oi the late olallwomen, condensed rst-rate an nson’s rec on sa and simplitiedloreasy visualcacophony, never resting lora . FILM FESTIVAL communication. Ariel (ior it is she mgmegtarad ahauengir'tgttihe'audience A pair of tickets for one of the following who descendsirom the ralters) must to co en e . escr p s e - screenings, SECRET NATION on 20 choose between the lite oia slutas problem—it patronisesthe audience. ' , embodied in Electra,theliie oiacareer almostseeminglo assumethatwe /\ Aug, ROY ROGERS 'K'hg M the slut-Chamelea, and thelile oia didrit’tkrltomthatthsreflwarprgblem oi m Cowboys on 24 Aug, YOU, ME AND housewlle slut—Medusa. The only sex sm n ewor . e 0 an , mm . other option is nottojointhe uniortunately, Play, Boy is not going nun MARLEY 0" 24 Aug' .T'crtms Shaoum be merry-go-round atal|,and she willnot to change anything. (Philip Parr) W“ DICKEU up tfom the Fltm OUSB 0X choosethatmmshe? Well . ..oi “1......” Office irom 12 noon on 20 August. course she will. Play, Boy (Fringe) Boilerhouse,

And so the audience has some Theatre Workshop (Venue 20) 226 MAM BO |N N

unsubtle sledge-hammering at its 5425, until 29 Aug (not 23), 11.30pm; sexism (iorthe males) and compliance 30 Augé Sept, 9.45pm, £5 (£3).

Thea Vidale

Back in the 60s, Beyond The Fringe probably shocked audiences by saying ‘pooh’. How times have changed. Edinburgh audiences are now so sophisticated, so liberal, so open-minded that nothing but nothing will shock them. Right? Wrong, very wrong. Thea Vidale bounds on stage and announces that she’s just llown in irom Australia, and, as we know that she's ‘controversial and daring’, we

The iirst live people (plus one guest

each) with a copy of this voucher will receive tree entry to the MAMBO INN (at the Playhouse) on Sunday 23 Aug at 11am.

ARTHUR SMITH , Four pairs oi tickets to see BEST OF ~ ' THE FEST WITH ARTHUR SMITH on 27 Aug at The Playhouse (8.00pm).

' Tickets should be picked up from the Playhouse on the morning of the show , (Box Oiiice opens at 10.00am).

expect something maybe about the 55335; I. , -'gkjgfiz'é2395’???

Bruces’ sexual prowess or possibly the " ' " ' N , , - . .

plight 0t the Aborigines. We do not {Iberia-tall predictably ilat, and some oi I ' " ' j; H ILL STREET TH EATR E

expect a line beginning, ‘Those e "as are so tast that they "it t- °

Australian women are so hairy that eiiortlessly over everybody’s head. But ' ' F0 ur pal rs 0' t' skats to $188 SEX AFTER

when they spread theirlegs. . .’ 0" motherhood. men. racism and. 01 SUPPER 0“ 21 Aug at H'” Street

"gaggvgmgofleg, but God help 22:8 afllaudlfnze‘ a Theatre (10.05pm). Tickets sho uld be . vyougoa r gn onowa . -

problem with that?’ she screams at She says as Iauohino helplessly as v- . . p'ched Up mm “In. swat Theatre Box

those brave oriooiish enough to stun taboo aitertaboo is deaitalatal blow. " Ottlce 0" the morning Of the Show-

the iront row and conceal their Essaottat viewing to' those it- ’1 . I," La ng uage may oiie n d!

embarrassment behind uprajsed comlortable with discussing liie‘s big “1

hands. Vidale’s banter with the night’s issues. and. even mo"! so tor those selected member oi the audience (or Who Wtsh they “to. This is the comedy sacriiicial lamb) is like nothing you’ve that the Fringe hoods and, as Thea savs ever seen or heard. ‘How long have you about something completely othofoot. been married to him?’ ‘8lxteen years?‘ ‘Oooo you’ve tried black. you’ll never ‘Wow, he must be GOOD.’ 90 hash-' (Philip Pa")

Obviously there are some moments which are left iloundering somewhere Thea Vidale (Fringe) Assembly at the mid-Atlantic. Comments about Jesse Meadows (Voooo 115) 229 9281. Hot" Helms-one oi America’s most iamous 4 Sentlnot27.1). 109m. 2550 politicians but virtually unheard at over (£550).


Four pairs oi tickets to see THERE MUST BE MORE THAN 50 WAYS TO TELL YOUR MOTHER on 21 Aug at Hill Street Theatre (12.05am). Tickets should be picked up irom Hill Street Theatre on the morning of the show.

The List 21 27 August 1992 51