Beethoven(U) 10.3()am (Sat only). 1pm

(sat/sumo. 0 m Music Presents I ODEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. ()698 283 802. [D](cinemas 2 & 3 only). £4

and £3.50 (Child/OAP/Student/UB-iO £2).

Earlyevening performances £2.50n and 6 £2.20; no concessions on final shows.

1. Caliiomia Man (PG) 12.10pm.2.50pm.

5.35pm. 8.35pm.

2. Patriot Games(15)noon(not Fri—Mon),

2.45 m.5.25pm.8.10pm. l - e I Beethoven (U) Fri—Mon only. 12.30pm. Z 8 D 3. A League 0iTheir0wn(PG)1.45pm. I 5pm. 8pm. I LA SCALA 1 lamilton Street. Saltcoats, :ct't'iltt oi tlcltelprices. e S 0294 62051 [1)] by prior arrangement. ' ° £2.50(Child/Student/UBM)£1.10AP _ 80p) (£1.50Mon.Thurs). i. Ricochet ( 18) Fr'L’Sat 8.20pm; Provisional programme details only-not Sun—Thurs 7.50pm. continued at time oi going to press. Beethoven (U) 1.45pm (Sat only).6.30pm ICANNON Clarkston Road, Muirend.633 (Fri/Sat only). 2123. 2. Gladiator( 15) F ri/Sat 8.40pm; 1. Patriot Games (15) Unconfirmed. Sun—Thurs 8pm. 2. Unforgiven (15) Unconfirmed. Hook ( PG) 1.30pm (Sat only). 6. 10pm I CANNON Sauchiehall Street, 332 1592. (Fri/Sat only). Expected programme approximately as I UCI (‘lyde Regional Centre. Clydebank. iollovts. Call cinema to coniirm times. 041951 1949/2022. [1)]. Shows 1. Patriot Games(15). commencing before 6pm £2.50; after 6pm 2. Uniorgiven (15). £3.60 (Childl’Student/OAP £2.25 all day). 3. Housesitler(PG). Patriot Games ( 15) 1.50pm. 4.25pm. 7pm. 4. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15). 9.30pm. 12.05am (Fri/Sat only). 5. Beethoven (U). Caliiomia Man (PG) 1pm (Fri—Mon), Fara Away(12). - 3.05pm,5.10pm. 7.10pm.9. 15pm Opening, replacing one ofabove: 11.30pm (Fri/Sat only). City 0iJoy(15). 2nd DECEMBERm A League Oi Their Ovvn (PG) 1.30pm. I CITY CENTRE ODEON Renfield Street. . , 4.15pm.7.05pm.9.50pm. 12.20am 3328701. - -- ~ - (Fri/Sat only). . Expected programme approximately as V >7- , w \ m Uniorgiven (15) 1.10pm. 3.55pm. 6.50pm. ' iollows. Call cinema in coniirmtimes. 37d DECEMBER 9.40pm. 12. 15am (Fri/Sat only). California Man (PG). Housesitter(PG) 12.20pm (Sat—Mon Knight Moves ( 18). 4}}. DECEMBER only). 2.40pm. 5pm. 7.20pm, 9.45pm. The Player ( 15). 11.55pm (Fri/Sat only). Alien 3 (18). ' ' I, r/ n LethalWeapon3(15)2pm.4.40pm. ALeague OlTheirOvtn(PG). ,',/ 1.25pm. 10pm. My Cousin Vinny ( 15). 10/

lien3(18) 2.20pm (Sat~Mon only). Opening. re lacing two ofabove: {F I ' 4.50pm. 7.40pm. 10.05pm. Carry On Colupmbus(PG). ) i My Cousin Vinny (15) 9pm. Bitter Moon (18). Beethoven (U) 12.30pm (Sat—Mon only). I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. Hillhead, 2.30pm (Fri—Mon only). 4.35pm. 6.40pm. 339 4298/7814. White Sands (15) 4.55pm (not Sat—Mon). Provisional programme only- call cinema to 7.35pm,10.10pm. coniirm. Fem Gully (U) Sat—Mon only. 12.10pm. 1. Uniorgiven ( 15) Phone to confirm. 2.10pm, 4pm. 5.50pm. 2. A League 01 Their Own (PG) Phone to Knight Moves ( 18) 5. 15pm (not Sat—Mon ), confirm. 7.50pm. 10.20pm. See also Glasgow Lates. Peter Pan (U) Sat—Mon only, 1.20pm. 3 I MGM PARKHEAD Parkhead. The Forge, 3.25pm. 5.30pm. ; 556 42824343. I UCl Olympia Mall. East Kilbride. ()3552 3 Expected programme approximately as 49622/49699. [D]. Shows commencing l iollovts. Call cinema to coniitm times. before 6pm £2.25; after 6pm £3.30 ((Thild/ i Uniorgiven (15). OAP/UB40£2) (Mid Week SaverTue and PatriotGames(15). Thurs: All tickets £1.95). A League 0i Their Ovvn (PG). Patriot Games ( 15) 1.15pm. 4pm. 7pm. Housesitter (PG). aftpm. laZOam (Sat only). . Caliiomia Man (PG).

omia an (PG) 1:. 10pm (Fri—Mon). Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15).

2.20pm. 4.40pm. 6.50pm. 9pm. 11.35pm Beethoven (U). ‘(lSatfinly). Alien 3(18).

"3i *9 a woman( 15)3Pm-4-55Pm. O enin ’. re lacin two ofabove: 7.30pm,9.55pm.12.15am(Satonly). Clipy oiJ:y(1§). g Housesltter (PG) 12.15pm(Fri~Mon). Carry On Columbus (PG). 2pm (2.30pm Tue—Thurs). 4.50pm. Sec also Glasgow lates. 7.10pm. 9.35pm. I SALON Vinicombc Street. 339 4256. A League (it Their Own (PG) 12.40pm ( 1pm Provisional programme only call cinema Tue—Thurs) . 3.40pm . 6.30pm . 9.20pm. ; to confirm.

Uniorgiven(15)12.5(lpm.3.45pm.6.40pm. ' PatriotGames(15)2.1(tpm.5.10pm.8pm.

9.25pm. 12.20am (Sat only).

Knlomuovestm2.30pmt'ruc—Thurs only).5.10pm,7.45pm. 10.15pm. I _ .

Lethal Weapon3(15) 1.25pm(Tue—Thurs 12R” 5"°°‘~3326535'

FRIDAYZ only),4.30pm.7.20pm, 10.10pm. . Allen3(18)10pm,12.25am(saton1y). . 1' “me "an 7'“ (“931"”- Peter Pan (U) Fri—Mon only. 12.30pm. WW" (18) 51"" 7Pm~9Pm 2.35pm. 2. Mauvais Sang(15)3.30pm.

Beethoven (U) 1.05pm, 3,10pm‘ 5_ 5an 1 That Obscure Object oi Desire ( 18) 6pm, 7.40pm (notThurs). ‘. 8-30pm.

Fern Gully(U) FmMon only‘ 1pm‘3pm SATURDAY3

Death Wamnt(l8) Sat only. 12. 10am. 1- “me "a" T810 (PG) 3pm.

Swoon(18)5 m.7 m, m. Irvine i 2.That0bscu$e0bigctoi%esire(18)2pm, 17m DECEMBER 0294 79900. £2.50(Child £1.50;OAP— éflfiflfl'xm’pm‘ GLASGOW BARROWLANDS Mon-Thursonly—£LSO). Family ticket(2 1.Julce(15)5pm 7pm 9pm. acmfiti 32:??3)???‘ .5 t 2- The Field (1216pm.8-30pm. TICKETS JUST THE TICKET, VIRGtN, UNION sr, GLASGOW a. RIPPING 2 45 6 8’2 “' P31?“ 3 MONDAYS a. VIRGIN, EDINBURGH AND ALL OTHER TOCTA OUTLETS. - Pm, -30Pm~ s 0pm - 1"" 1.Tle MeUp.TleMe Down(18)3pm. CREDIT CARDS 031-557 6969. POSTAL& OTHER INFO 031-556 1212.

Beethoven (U) Sat only 1pm.

The List 25 September 8 October 1992 23