What Other job thi 8 many

6 cts?




If you My :1 graduate. or soon will l)(', and you My thinking :llmlll :1 mu'vm‘. have you rou- sulcrvd svauulzu'y srhool loathing?

:\ll¢‘l‘ all what otlu-I‘ px'ou-ssion offu's you [he cluulcv lo influvuu- the futurv of So many yoqu pvoplc‘? \\'uh your lu-lp ('IK'll om- of your pupils can mukv my most of llu-u' [alt-ms.

If that sounds u litllv daunting, i1 is. But :1 om- yuu' pl'olk-ssiounl (ruining (‘HUI'SL‘ will pl‘t'pill't'

you {or thv chullcugv and n stuff (lcwlopuwm

ofers you


progrmnnu- will km-p your tt-nrluug u-cluuqucs up-lo—dutv throughout your carver.

Let's not forch that u uu'vm‘ in u-gu‘lung offers othm‘ vxwllvul [)I'HSIM'k'lS. 'l‘lu‘ basic pay scalv risvs to almost USHHHL :\ml with mom- than hull of svmmlzu'y Ivzu‘lm‘s in promou-d [)Hslh an mman Ivm'lu-I‘ can certainly go plum-s.

To find out more about how you mu hu'nmv u sm'omlury ~\‘chool [v.‘u‘lu-x‘ plt-usv

nunplvlc and post [hr mupou.


\v!;u' HI: |‘( LVN ’l‘lk" MN II: \t lll'.l\'. l- lx'l- In!“ NI. l’H l'21|\ ll.:. l'.l’l.\'lil lx’hll l.l|l 'I\/ No \uttim :lt'tt‘\\.I:‘.'

The List 9— 22 oétébér 1992 73