_ Te achin. What other

If _\‘nll gnv :a graduate. 01' suun will ln‘. and ynu gn'v Ihlllklfqu almni a (arm-1'. hau- yun run— sidm'vd svmndmy ~whnnl [(-m'lnng.’

.\fl('f' all what other pmft-ssmn'offers ynn the «‘hnnn- In Influence 11w fUIUH‘ n! .w many young people? \Vu'n )‘HUI' llvlp (with om- uf yum pnpil> can make 111v must Hf mm tuh-nls.

If that sounds :1 hIIlv daunting. it is. I’m! a «me yun‘ pl'nti-ssnmnl [I'znnlng mursr will pix-pun-

ynn fur [hr clmllvngv and :1 ~staff (lvvclnpnn-nt

23% I 6.3


pmgx‘unnnv ml! km'p _\‘()UI‘ leaching Iu‘lnnqm-> up-ln-(lutv Iln'nnghunl ynnr can-(‘1'.

l.<-I's nnl fnrgvl that :1 (‘éll‘m‘l‘ in [warning offer» nthm‘ (‘XH'Ht'Hl pmspu'ls. 'l‘hv lmsir [my M‘ult‘ rixvs In :ilnuhl 815’.""". And with mul‘v than half nf swnndm‘y lvm'hvrs in pmmnu-(l pnsts an :unhitmm~ Imvhm‘ can certainly gm plan's.

Tn find ()lll mnn- almut hnw ynu can hm‘nmr a sccnndzn'y school [HH‘hUI' please

mxnplvtr and pnst the mupnn.

Job gfers you thls many » prospects?

N mi In Ill: IHM‘ HUN i“ '5 H27“ HHx’. 1' Mali” ’51.. I" W 'X ! 1.2 HHNN "Rf QH‘ [1H1 "\X IN“ \Mznp :u-u“.




l'nfluNh‘ - __ 7 \fll' _,

[All]111(('l('\h’dHIHull)!!!“inhuull'Hhh‘.I\.Ipplnpll.|((‘l Rl'llflII-H\lidl‘IJYIUZir\“’(!l‘lll1,.I7f.:l;.u!l'\ Minn 'Ic \ ’mnlugx

I'h'u\ll‘~31.!”1"(“Hiplllllh' "' ~v \unmhn Snimu K

A";.l (' .I.'1 l1:l(!t'!;,f!mh..1fr .0! M hwri HHH'I

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The List 6— 19 November 1992 75
