. The.

1993 LANGUAGE COURSES J Daytime or evening classes at all levels from S I beginner to advanced in




Cl I NEW TERM BEGINS llth JANUARY 1993 m5 seems" BALL“, I Contact the Institute now to enrol, or visit our Modern Language 261 West Princes Street. Glasgow I Open Day, Saturday 9th January 10.00am to 4.00pm. 0 TUESDAY ' BALLET. Y r W ) Y ‘1 WEDNESDAY - JAZZ \ ll\S ITI'U l Efor AP} LIED LA.\GUAGE STUDIES / THURSDAY - CONIEMPORARY [:K/fi 21 Hill Place, Edinburgh Ill-18 9I)P All evening classes taught by experienced guest Tel: 031 650 6189/6200 Fax: 031 667 5927 \ “Gene's ond Occompon'Od bY DFOfOSSlODOI \ r musicians in fully equipped dance studios BEGINNERS WELCOME! 'Baltef clases available for Beginners, : I I Intermediates 8r Advanced ' . I . I 953309; FRIDAY ; USE YOUR LOAF! 5250/9200 concession per class. . ‘riddie' finddgu'ffr 20—28 hours per month (very Make bread. Shaw Fm” BOOK NOW! and gel TWO CLASSES FREE. I leSQm-Flrbl‘l’sgfillsf‘ ("19" flcxIbIc IImCS)‘ £5 per hour‘ {0 ; know-how through our For further information Tel: music .mgUplC ml“? ., help self-employed person with PRIVATE TUITION Ci’lum” The Steps Out Office 047 3312931.

I flatpicking. open tunings and I d 1_. b _. improvisation. Friendly. “or pmcc‘ssing‘ ‘Ni 5 ' I informal tuition. Beginners book-keeping mmg‘ phmlc l I spaniSh'speaklng woman W l welcome. Phone ()41 332 7702. calls' ci“‘“d-" Please send LV‘ I wanted! Fourcnthusmsuc CEROC I I The Pilates Centre WItBh “:0 t0 9 women wanting to learn Learn to partner dance to any ' 18A Torphichen SIFCCI. is the ox o ' conversational SpamSh' central type of music— anywhere.

flat for informal lessons. Good 3 company and lots oflaughter.

Ceroc is an exciting. stylish form F|NANC|AL ADV|CE . of modern jive based on French FED up WITH THE

only Pilates-based exercise studio in Scotland. Pilates is a

highly specialised method which DIRECTOR ron TlE COMPANY ? FCC and ban" System rock and roll. 1-hour lesson and

Strengthcns- “WW. and HIV/AIDS project. start f preferred PhOnCO313467204' 2 hours freestyle dancing. HARD SELL?

improves posture. Personal January 1993. Applications No need to bringapartncr. . ,

ProgrammeS dCV'lSCd ‘0 5U" ASAP to: Catch Theatre C0 . LOOKING FOR A MATE l Wednesdays. 7—1()pm. at We are mendly prOfess'on'

dividual re uircments Phone 11 Forth Street Fdinliur h ~ l The Venue 390 Saucliiehall als who will take time to

"'1 i l ._ q 7 j ‘T _‘ ~ 4 g anb. somewhere to stay.an 7 v I

ism P3920" (BEES) hm 3113' hnCIOSC 5A1." I audience. a market place. a . sue") Glasgow Further listen to you and find out

. thousands of people in Glasgow I- th m fu . lPrivatetutors provided forall : ' .. . y I , ,. I My 78 er a." con 59. subjects: primary.secondary. (Kl-COUNSELLING SCOTLAND and Edinburgh by tdkmgoum be laid back instead of

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I Portuguese Private lessons by native speaker. Beginners to advanced. for business or travel or to complement existing

Phone for a chat or drop in for coffee - Speak to David or Doug.

i . - .r . ~ ' (z . l Send£l lus A4saetoMark I studies in Portuguese. £5 an I mf) l Fl't7/3/13" 'l T ‘rrace. .‘ I I I 0 C K H A R T I D u N c A N53 l 48 West George Street or 62 SP | SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1993 momenta .586 Fax 041432 1668 TWO ADS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE . ' 3331‘s“: .3: minim...” .,.; Book a classified display ad in the l— :a'; T :m—IOTa;_d- 'I' 7 I; " "' Tl Emma” . . . . , w a van ago 0 a spam ' - ' t '83!” (192) 0' The [36‘ and 't m" I offer and book 2 ads for the price oil. I HEALTH I appear in the iollowmg issue I Company Name I I ABSOLUTELY EREE! . I Address I ; Just send in this torm With your artwork] | I I copy together with a cheque/P0 (payable : 79' I I to The List Ltd) and your ad will appear I “ma” "am" I in the next 2 issues of The List. - IGavCondomsP ' Mo 36. l : sue 0' ad —— cms x cals' : Durex Extra Stroii; £815;rMates l S st £131NVSH l Artwork and cheque Shoum reacn our l ISSUE Numbers l Gigiaferglis. Cheque payable to I Edinburgh office (14 High Street, Edinburgh, l (Romnmboryourcopydudlinel) ' g‘a"‘§“"'n§‘f}‘lg§g) BI x II, . . C ar me . ) . I EH1 1TE) the Thursday before publication. I s I. I Bui’khum Hm. 169559. I no mo . . Normal dlscountx do not apply. Otter only applles to : Payment enclosed E Vigilflgffflgfliai I ragga": 26:21:13:ng— It I (Cost £4 per single column cordirndro (ml. VAT) min at 4 am.) : herb???” Y0“ hefifi?£§°d5° l ' - o apernaros i All ads must be prepaid. l_ BEL“ 35501030 '8 FREE _] 50 George Street, Edinburgh I "———— 0312263437.

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90 The List légbeeember 1992 ——1—4_.l i it