
Touring Theatre


I Cale Loco Arches Theatre. Midland


_ (Jlasgow‘s only theatrical nightclub I throws in cabaret. live music and

performance theatrics in between the records.


l.\ Cabaret is listed by date. then by city. Show:

will be listed, provided that details reach our ottices at least ten days betore publication. . Cabaret Listings compiled by Mark Fisher.

' FRIDAY 29 ' Edinburgh

I Theatresports Bedlam Theatre. 2a : Forrest Road. 225 9893. lllpm. £1 .5()(£1 ). Weekly improvisational student comedy.

SATURDAY 30 Glasgow

I Cale LOCO Arches Theatre. Midland Street. 221 9736. llpm—3.3()am. Glasgow's only theatrical nightclub throws in cabaret. live musicand performance theatrics in between the records.

! “0'5 Pa'adise 0"] Atifcnilcum I Fools Paradise ()id Athenaeum Ihcmrct 179 Human“ 5mm“ 332 2333- Theatre. 179 Buchanan Street. 332 2333. i 10.30pm. £6(£4). (‘razed theatricalcomic mgupm‘ £605” Fasgwlkmg funnvman

terrorist Chris Lynam is tonight‘s star Mark .Miwurdz- “um is the star name. ably supported by Linda Smith with manic compering from Phil Kay. Book early.

attraction this week. Fred MacAulay is the wittiest baldy bastard on the scene and Phil Kay is the most unpredictable

TUESDAY 16 - SATURDAY 20 Edinburgh anchormm


I Fools Paradise Music Box. Victoria 80" OFF'CE 04‘332 9000 T'CKETL'NK 041-227 551 1 Street. 225 2504 (Tickets also available .12.“. Skinnedandkmed from Queens Hall Box Office 668 2019). Cumbcmauld Them”. Kildmm' 02%


T5 EAT R E. Roy A L G L A it} o w

8pm. £6 (£4). See Glasgow line-up above. 732887. 10pm £4 (£3). Sec [TI-is. but substitute Kenny Harris as eompere. . Edinburgh l I Sin The Stepping Stones. 112West Bow.C‘rassmarket.225 65209.3() m. THE DRAMA CENTRE AT THE RAMSHORN ' Greenock mi. P

. . ' ~ ' ' I Rico's Corned Church Toba m Street. ' F00" Pa'adise Music BOX. Vicmm j Glngow S m0“ CXClung new theatre Q ()475 33705 3.35pm_ giant's. (hecnuck Street. 225 2564 (Tickets also available

is the lace to be for Sunday night comedy from Queen‘s “1*” BOX Officf‘ (’68 3019): asparpnmjcrcmy“crrinu'ndpmcondc“ , 8pm. £6(£-l). ‘Glasgow‘s gig l'tstedabove is keep 1hC laughs coming compered in Izdtnburgh by New ? 5 ; Town-dweller Kenny Harris. by Fem Mittem Cumhemauld - - . . Greenock ' ' ; (‘umbernauld Theatre. Kildrum. ()236 Sponsored by The AUSUlan Insumtc } 732887. 10pm. £4 (£2). Stu Who‘.’ has come tip with a new set taking as itstheme 3 " 6 February at the Seven Ages of Manand how Woman J, r - has put up with him. More anthropological - humour tomorrow night.


I Rico's Comedy Church Tobago Street. 0475 83705. 8.30pm. £2.50 (£2). (‘ompere Parrot welcomes Sean Mayo and Sean Percival to keep the good people of Greenock giggling through to Monday mornin a

Bruce Morton

I Sin The Stepping Stones. 112 West

"Unquestionably one of the most talented companies in the country" Observer

j. t y . " _ i g - _ , Bow. (irassmarket. 225 6520. 9.30pm. '. ' . .' -'v . i‘ ' ,- ""I|-" .. . . f -'~°- -" - "~ » Bruce Morton gets htmselftnto gear for m . _ I. _~. ":33;- ‘iti » ::E:-.a-.; 1: f f’. ff-Lff:.;. the TV lilmingofhis comicjourney ' - . .. ; I Edmbu'g“ , g I Itvc gigs in [)z‘dtnburgh'. A contender for I me 6” pfie‘sys "my Road 3'19}. Quccn's . 3.; .5 :43}: :;:_.:.‘.;;;:;.:.y 2-3. :1»: _-; ..: '~V;:-'r.55.;.;.;§Ej_:.;.:.~.j. .5315 4.3.; 33,-5.3: .35: g. -. -. .3 .; .I; _.:. .ng ;. idSl )Ldl‘ Si LI'TILT A“ dfd. N‘DTIOIT lS ( lcrk Sty-cut 668 201‘). Ihc 3315511. 17.3.93} . ' ramlStwsgfiiaseowam1:552.348, ,9 ..{3n.¢17.59m)93 , “MY” “'0” “Wm WM- all-singing. all- joking side of the Roman ' * " ' I. Uhealrespofls Bedlam Theatre. 221 (‘atholic church is revealed as this bandof Strathclyde Theatre Group Firm“ R‘md- 3259.893- “)Pm. £1.5lilil). bona fide priests show offwhat they getup i Weekly Imprm'tsattonal student comedy. u, whcn they‘re nut marrying, buryingor

blessing us. See preview.

50'l‘he List 2‘) January l l i-ehruary 1993