I 00 the DJ, one of the charming new digital technology Cenobites in llellraiser lll. See Film review.

I You will believe that Alyson Orr is Marlene Dietrich, although judging by this picture, it may take a slight suspension at disbeliel. Falling In Love With Marlene is at Glasgow Arches. See Theatre listings.

I Those chiroy chappies from Zimbabwe via the Scottish borders. The Bhundu Boys, head this way again with a gig at Strathclyde University on 20 February. See Music listings.

‘Your wisdom and farsightedness are no less needed today than they were ; twelve years ago when you stormed



‘To live like this is to feel demeaned every day. to feel little twists of humiliation accumulating around your heart. To live like this is to allow people, including your wife. to call you a coward on the front page of the newspapers. Such people would no doubt he prepared to speak well of me at my funeral.‘

Four years after the jam-a. Salman Rushdie can still manage a little dry humour:

‘lt was a happy weekend. The exchange rate mechanism claimed its fifth victim: the Irish punt.’

Lord Ridley gets a kick out o/‘Ilte financial dillit‘ulties o/‘otlters.

‘What do they think the kids are going to do~'.’ Do they think they are going to kidnap a bunch of police and cut their ears ol’l‘.’ Do they honestly think that's going to happen? No. I don't think so.‘ Quentin 'larantino puts the l'l()l(’)l('(’ in his debut moi'ie Reservoir Dogs into perspective.

‘Young black men today need role models. and it's a shame we have to dig up a dead man instead of finding someone who walks among US.‘

. Spike Lee hopes hisforthcoming moi'ie l I Maleolm X (‘an inspire others to look l jg/‘om'ard. not bark. i

into office and began the most ! successful presidency ol‘ the post-war world.‘

Lady Thatcher proves that old politiea/

has-heens stick together as she lauds

Ronald Reagan at his 82nd birthday bash.

m The List 12—35 February was 3