
Hasties Close. Cowgate. 225 2774. 8pm. 220 1550. 9pm-midnight. £4 (£3.50). See Oak Street, 668 2019. 8,30pm, £4. Live jazz plus hip hop and djs. Fri 26. {Ks—£750, The CEO serve up a highly

distinctive blend of music which 1 combines jazz. folk. classical and rock in

all manner of ways. Their style not only

defies precise pigeon-holing. but changes


i . . . .

i I Martin Taylor Renfrew Ferry. Clyde I Kit Carey’s Jazz Band Society of markedly “"11"” 11‘? CWT-"C 01 any “1.561 nath "3th below are to, 0mm“ shows: 1 Street. 429 1625. 8pm. £5 (£3). See Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 35 1h” balance-5 Shit! bleVCL‘n the furious sea “pants scene" for residencies_ Q preview. 9pm_midnigh[_ £2. Traditional. modes and influences. T he band line-up Gigs ate "stud by date men by city. ' I John Murray Big Band Society of has remained constant over the three years penomnces will be listed pmvided Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. 221 61 I2. 3 1" Wh'Ch lhc)’ have been “389m”. Wllh may dent's reach our omcés a least , 2~-5pm. £ 1. Mainstream. Karen Wimhurst (reeds). Steve Kettley one week negate publication. Jazz 3 I George Penman’s Jazzmen Society of GIaSQOW (reeds). Anne Wood (Violin). Ron Shaw “snags compned by Kenny Mamiesom Musicians.'73.Berkeley Street. 221 .61 12. I sandy ray“), and "an" Funamm Jflh'lsl‘rt‘jip'flik EEI'T‘?'_1‘T”“)'

r 8.30pm—midnight. £3. Leading DiXieland some! OfMugiCmm 73 Berke], . Strut “L (“"15 11-1111“. ‘1‘“ l 1 L HHS

1 band plus guests. y 1‘ . “y .“ (drums). and our very own Norman ; i 221 6112. 8.30pm. £1. Mainstream piano Ch] . .(., 1 . ,n- . ) - , d ha“ duo lug 2mm .1 mers L( cc ina . . O an " ' p ~ ' I Jazz Nlte lzdinburgh Peace i‘CSllV‘al. I Bobby Wellins Jazz. at The Bunny. I Laurie chescoe’s Good Time Band Edlnhurgh fig‘f"‘.§’g;‘,’f}fl‘fsg€‘28’ffrf‘miflfi‘: 30b Boiflcsmnc BM‘ 8“ (“us-“hm Strum : Edinburgh Jun ( mh‘ umwrsny Club‘ I Jan Swanson Jazz At the Tron. Tron Peters Big Band: i i. h I

9—1 1.30pm. £5l(£.:.50). ()ne otl Scotland's ({(l;iiiltlibjejletES.:50t2395’iS (.cnar Ban 9 Hunter Square. High Street. makes the tri i north for the first of two £6.50. This well-established Dixieland - , v . . f‘ g. 6

. . I . I. k d . I“ f )m [h _ um r m I l .t ._.t Singer leads a pool session. gigs on native territor) tiis wee 'cn . OH l H c 50 . a c e a es Visi ors‘ Wellins will play with the Brian Kelloek I [0 the new home 01 the revamped Jazz 4 . I . Trio in what should be line night of bop- ( lub. . I John Murray Blg Band Society ol flavoured music. " ' Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. 221 (ii 12.

I Martin Taylor Paisley Arts Centre. New I Edinburgh university Big Band Reid 2~5pm. £1. Mainstream.

Street. 887 1010- 8pm. 5 U3)- Thc Concert Hall. Bristo Square. 7.30pm. £3 I “9.0199 “man's Jame" Sg’gicw’ 0: Scottish leg of the guitarist‘s extensive (£2). Information: 668 4540 MUSICIzms. 73 Berkeley Street. ...1 611-.

UK solo tour opens in Kilmarnock on I Big Band session Society Of Musicians‘ 8301"""midnighl- 93- [)1-‘19'1‘1‘d~ Thur 25. and tours around Scotland ; 73 Berkclc). 3"ch 32] (,1 1?” 24pm. £1. 5

1"C'Udini~'3 15911110“ 1:9”.‘3 (“ll-‘30“? Si" 37 The Strathclvde Youth Jazz Orchestra

(8171“)3 Plcur‘mCC Thcmrct [idll‘hurgh- .' alternate with the Tim Barella Big Band. I 8373" silencers “"9 can" Jazz Band Thur l 1: Village Theatre. liast Kilhridc. I ‘mbme to Bobby Anderson 305m), of I m" wells Oct“ Jazz at The Dunm,‘ Edinburgh Jazz Club. University Club. Sat 12. Sec previcw t Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. Boglestone Bar. 80 (ilassl‘ord Street.' "*15 (‘humhm 5W“ “5113395; Edinburgh ' 8pm. £2. Led by the Bill Fanning 9—1 1.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Guitarist Bill 3'1 1391"“ law 911313 '"siiibm‘é5-5l).

; ()rchestra. we“S leads his adventurous Cighbpiccc guests £7.50. iriltlllltlllili-‘lilll with a touch I oon Cherry - In Now Queen's Hall. Z I Strathclyde University Big Band mini-big band. with John Longbotham “1 the “M’l'ct “"11 Amcnum 2111951 M1110“ (‘lerk Street. 668 201‘). 8.30pm. i Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). Reni‘rew Street. and Russell Cowieson on saxophones. Bill's” £7.50~-£‘).50. The trumpeter is always a 332 5057. 7.30pm. £4.50 (£2.50). 24- Ruben Henderson on [rumch john welcome return visitor. and brings with piece big band playing jazz standards and Kenny and John Waller on trombones. 7 him the current version of his band Nu. contemporary charts. Lindsay Cooper on bass. and Tom


with (‘arlos Ward on saxophone. Bob

I Bobby Welllns Jazz At the Tron. Tron 73 Berkeley Street. 221 ()1 12. 2--~5pm. £1. Cellar Bar. 9 Hunter Square. High Street. I Cauld Blast Orchestra Queen‘s Hall. SCC Sllndi‘)’ 14-

drums. See preview. I One People Club La Belle Angelc. l l


l B n d

Stewart on tuba. and Hamid Drake on 1 I Big Band session Society of Musicians.


The List 26 February—1 1 March 1993 37