


‘I am probably the most successful ! actor in the history of movies, 1 financially speaking. I only wish the I world would listen to me more. instead of bothering about my teeth and l eyebrows.‘

.lai‘k Nieho/sonflashes a smile. raises an eve/tron: and. ehm . . .

‘The three extra nights will have films in Italian. German and French instead of English. but it shouldn’t be a problem for British viewers because dialogue isn‘t our strong point.‘

Mark (iarner o/‘(ontinema/ 'Ie/ei‘ision diseusses the dubious expansion of Ifuro-eulture brought to the UK by subsidiary (om/rant". the Red Hot Duteh porn ehannel.

‘Miehael is the least weird man I've ever known.‘

Is Elizabeth 'lav/or really the best person to define it‘eirdness and get

Mie/tae/ Jae/(son offthe hook."

‘When I started out in this business at l‘), I made myself three promises - to stay in ajob for more than six months, i to save £300 to buy a sports ear and to l pull as many birds as I could.’ i Rod Stewart shows etar‘tly why he 1 deserved a Lifetime Ar‘hiet'ement aeeo/ade at the Brit Awards.

I We remember Da Jam like it was only yesterday - as do Yankee tribute hand All Mod

Cons. heading underground at ‘()nee upon a time. rock music was Edinbmflh Venue and . sung by the voung to disgust the old. 8|asgow0athouse.That‘s \v .- . h}, H entertainment! see Rock i ow, it seems, it is sung y [M o L to listings. embarrass the young.‘

Craig Brown. the Sunday 'Iirnes' 'l'l’ ('ritu'. ('o/nments on per/ormani'es at tile above.

I ‘So what do you terrorist guys like with your pancakes

- maple syrup, mushrooms or a no-holds-harred shoot-out?‘ Steven Seagal cooks up a

storm in the frankly daft action thriller Under Siege. See Film review.

Eh}; List 26 February 7— ll March 1093 3