7‘9» $55,?“ . a: trail. r r: if“ ~ .th155‘ : ~

CALIERIESOF I / NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF SCOTLAND The National Gallefrises elf cmntprrilsing'gle D National Galleryo co an , ottis ati Portrait Gallery and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, contains the most distinguished collections of paintings

; I F | G M n i outside London.

i we ance rap 0 es gner -

i wanted to sharc work in Applications are invited for the newly created post of The National Museums of Scotland are a small but

‘f Edinburgh . Plcusc send details Commm'al Mmagc" lively publisher currently seeking an editor and

! of your experience. present The a poimmcm will be for an initial period on yum promotions manager. The Museums publish six to

I situation and samples of work to with c ssibim of” extension . l f .d f k t

' BOX NO mm,“ P0 y ten tit es a year or a wi e range 0 mar. e s,

l I Two male actors (3 1-45) 11w rim”), mic of the commuciai Manage, will be m reflecting their diverse seience and art collections.

i sought for original play to he dexie dop the (glimmercial actlivitiels ofdthe Gglllleéies,

i performed in Edinburgh in late "‘5 ,‘ng Pu “33mm: {am i "'8' 0’ ct an ' ° ° 'v' to April. No lllOllC) involved. but cstf‘bl'Shfncsm (amiade comme or 5&0” SHEEN” we alSklngfi anfintgusfisrglcblpdl . ldual d commitment essential! Pluusible gm: 1; wilfibcW335;mg‘gggmmjumim wor c ose y W t 9 ea 0 . 1} muons an l‘ili’tcrlC'cln ziccsnis necessary. in the mail ma, mc'udin responsibility for the generation other members of the small publishing team. Tasks ( “mm- 03‘ --’ 3757- ofprot‘ii, stock control an ihcmanagerneni of ross . Will include general and desk editing, the .Mim "0F'9'S'e‘lm'e'lm "‘3’ '“.Sand 09cm!“ c"Pm-“5' fi‘Pc"cm°° mam?“ development of new titles, the running of develop portlolio. Dedication staf WIII be essential. . , d , , , h undomgmng pmmm). . . __ promotions and marketing, an aSSisting .Wlt essential. £15 per session (plus 53'2")" £25»000 Pa w'u‘ “foss'b'my 0”" annual bonus rights, co-publications and contracts. Experience expense-ii Reply with relevant related to [he acmcvcmcm o agreed mg“ levels' in two or more of these areas and in working with experience. photo preferred . - - ° I z -

(rammed)- BOX NO I‘m/RI" For further details and application forms app y to IBM comgauble PCS and /or .Apple. [giac Mmsmua Bowden, computers is essential, together With flex1bility L0 A 1311301181 galleries? 36‘0"“: and the ability to work well as part of a team. minis ation par men . 1:, Hum Row, Edian h EH3 6”}. Applicants shouldalsoopossess a relevent degree J0 Telephone 03'. 556 8 1 X 208 or equivalent qualification. . I The closing date for completed application forms is wamh “HS space' 19111 March .1993 The starting salary for this post, which is graded F- The beSI A" “I‘m °Pp°numucs “91”” E on the Curator scale, will be between £10,354 and ' ' ' ' ' tions and vacanmes a ear £17,916, With placmg subiect to qualifica . . , experience. Progress Within the scale to a In The LISt- TH! wine" 3 TECHNOLOGY ceuTns maximum of £21,798 is performance related. " °" OJ CT “’0 m o . re: E Application forms, to be returned by 19 March E I.“ “a, 1993, may be obtained by writing to Mrs. M. < " '0 ' l useum of s 700145 ’2’ 5"“ W" “°-"‘m°-°“ '2? 'd3°'2£h1?§i§’e“£es’§§§f‘?aEEK? 3‘ an in: '— -< We are looking tor a committed individual to take over the 0 an g ' REQUIRES management of our Project which provides student Ref No F-E/BD pentred training tor disadvantaged women. in particular mm the East End at Glas ow. The successful a licant - - AN will be responsible to” 9 pp An Equal Opportunities Employer ADMINISTRATOR Projegt Development and Marketing, Securing Funding and enerating Revenue. Co-ordinating, Monitoring and IMMEDIATELY- Evaluating The Centres Activities. Developing Student . RING 031 229 7455 Support Mechanisms and Financial Management. S in addition to sound management skills and a working knowledge of new technology they will have an under- TV A standing of women's training issues and a belief in the New |nnovofive TV company with growing W empowerment of women. hud I d m nt now r- t It you think you tit this challenging role contact: The C lens progromm “9 990' e ' I 0 “Wong’s rghgwy can“, Cloooalmarnoack innin- seeks pre-school characters and stories vo so, ngflo Road, began 40 an. Toh(041) 551 8822 In 237 for an iniorr'naiion pack “19°”le be formatted *0 puppets 0’ , and an application form which should be returned by mOdGI OnImOflono undlscovered :2": '9‘”, ":77" 19°10 ! , m dad m h h writers preferred. a omens ec no ogy on re is n roug t 9 European Social Fund via the Strathclyde Integrated De- A" responses treated In smetest confidence l J Ee/opment Opegation and Strathclyde Regional Council. and will be lndlviduolly replied to: lasgow City ouncil and the Glasgow Development Agency also contribute. PO BOX 196/ R/ 2


70 The List I2 —25 March I993