the spectrum perhaps. but in bringing top chefs together with younger members of the profession, chefs working not only in restaurants and hotels, but in contract catering. pubs and schools as well, it is all about the percolation of traditional skills and new ideas right through the system. Founding members like Perrier Richardson of the Glasgow Hilton and David Wilson ofthe Peat lnn are concerned that their considerable talents are mostly lavished on the rich few, and hope that the work of the association will go some way to redressing the balance. Over the next year, they will be holding a series of tastings and workshops at which, for a small fee. lesser chefs will be able to ‘* refine their palates and learn about the e e p t culinary philosophies, histories and . hallmark techniques that underpin the 7 Old Fishmarket Close success stories. Edinburgh

What with Get Cooking! and the SCA, , who knows, kids may soon be fed in I“"Chafingag‘2:538?2231381138?”ch the school canteen by chefs tralned by Sundays dinner only super-chefs, and then, healthy, satisfied and with heightened sensibilities, happily trip off to Food Clubs after lessons for nothing more sinister than a bit of egg beating and cream whipping . . . . Pie in the sky? Oh ye of little faith!

telephone 031 225 5428

For more information about Get Cooking! and starter packs. call Lara Baker on 07] 628 2442.

Scottish C hefs' Association programme and membership details are available from Brian Hannon, 04 I 636 6332.

NATURE 'S GATE . H RESTAURANT/CAFE p . ;’ i \t 35k“:- ~ ii flags, 3:3 if *9 _ MP5 Jackie lalt, Slmon Hughes and Ken llvlngstone with pupils at Mill Hill County High D‘scover we'dehfih“ 0 I School at the launch at ‘Get Cooking’ of Persian Tandoori Regauram Vegetarian/Vegan cooking microwave. and smell is a good half of Salade Nicoise or saute some Otters YOU . taste. and appetite. There is nothing vegetables to toss on pasta. ln extolling Introductory offer 3-courae Excellent Buffet Nights. either, I think. quite like the satisfaction the virtues of cooking. it is worth - - . of handling beautiful raw ingredients acknowledging that things have ,dmzer p11“. Yule {(1): 2 Mon (vegetanan 02W) and creating an attractive meal from changed for other reasons than that m a ome y a mo“? ere Tuesday, Wednes ay . them. For children and the rest of us fewer women are willing or able to Only £16 6pm til late who spend so much time as passive devote a large part of their lives to it: Mon - Sat 9.30am - 9.30pm recipients of TV, or at best interactors we are also gravitating towards Sun 12 noon 4-301)!!! A [a Cane menu with computers. cooking is a rare day different kinds of food. Interestingly 83 Clerk Street also available to day opportunity actually to make enough. of the children Mori talked to, (next to Queenl. Han) something. I remember at the age of ten 67 per cent felt they could prepare a Edinburgh 661 0202 661 0306 spending literally the whole of one salad. Even when we do cook, T 1031 662 4104 27 Jocks Lodge Edinburgh Saturday making Danish pastries traditional baking, roasting and stewing e

following Mum‘s Cordon Bleu cookery tends to give way to stir-frying, course pamphlet step by laborious step, steaming and poaching. Meat plays a

kneading, prooving. folding. rolling, smaller part, often not much more than ' q .1 F x", "' sculpting what a sense of a garnish bacon, chicken livers, EL 33L achievement as I eventually handed the chopped ham or it is lean and high ‘- , " wretched things round to my bleary- quality. and best grilled or flash fried. L a - eyed family at eleven at night! This is good. because it is quicker and _. _ ' I easier, and often healthier and tastier. ( b ’N but it would be a great shame to see the a There is nothing , either, quite Skills of our mothersfandkgrandhmothers GLASGOW: SCOTLAND isa ar the art 0 ma ing t at rare "k8 the saus'acuon 0' thin‘g).pfeally excellent pastry, or cakes MACALLAN RESTAURANT handling beautnul law that are neither powdery-light. stodgy OF THE YEAR Ingredients and creating an or taste of baking soda. It would be attractive meal from them. equally sad if no one was devoting the A SCOTTISH WINE MERCHANT time to developing new ways of OF THE YEAR combining flavours and enhancing Having said that, it's not often I make the? (“01gb 09mins! me‘hOdSt i“ “"6 - . - _ - wrt our c anglng as es. gagzifihzzfitgse:orfi:ti":2 Effiglhgi‘éc to This is where the Scottish Chefs‘ TEL:

anything more skillful than assemble a Assoc‘auon Comes m' The mher end 0f

The List 16—29 July I993 71