Yer man from o;


‘l was drawn to it because it was such exciting music. very rhythmical. passionate and spontaneous.‘ El lngles. aka Peter Holloway. founder member. manager and guitarist with Jaleo. explains his love affair with flamenco. Born in Preston but a Spanish resident for eighteen years. Holloway began playing the guitar when he was fifteen. Now based in Seville. he isjoined in Jaleo by a second

M ., guitarist. a singer and two 7?; dancers one female. one male their aim being 'to


present authentic flamenco in its most pure form.‘

The percussive footwork of proud. flamboyant dancers Ana MaBlanco and Isidro Vargas. both born in Seville from distinguished flamenco and gypsy families. is offset in the perfonnances by the accompanying guitarists. El lngles and Carlos Ayala with singer Paco Gio. who is ‘one of the most popular singers in Andalucia'. Holloway explained.

The flamenco meaning of Jaleo has no real English equivalent. It refers to the support behind the dancers. the clapping and shouting of

words of encouragement. and it is this which creates the vibrant atmosphere of a flamenco evening. ‘Remember. it‘s not all fast and pulsating rhythms.’ Holloway adds. ‘it can also be slower and more lyrical. There will be guitar solos and duets with the singer who uses the sound of his voice as another instrument. Then there are group elements in the programme a true

cross~section. The spirit of

flamenco is improvisation and that means something new is created during each peri‘onnance.‘ (Tamsin Grainger)

I Jaleo (Fringe) Queen‘s Hall (Venue 72) 668 2()l9. 16—17 Aug, 8.30pm.

£8—£ l () (£6).


Jimin: Australians wouldn't give a Km for any other conic The name’s pronounced Jim-own, as mingled admiration tor the wealth of countless Australian couch potatoes talent on display, and concern at the could tell you. The Irish-bom prospect of the scene becoming too comedian isn’t quite a household business-orientated. ‘I’ve seen it in name oi Vegemite status Down Under, America,’ he says, ‘every comic takes but he’s getting there, thanks to it very seriously, treating it as a

The fluid Fella

For those who remember Donald

regular appearances on the popular career.’ That said, his visit is a . Campbell’s n", Widows or mm mm ‘Tonight live’ show and sellout tours. concerted attempt to build a following ammo", his mum may with Fm“ Jimeoin moved to Australia as a in Britain. Esme shourd be a “home "mm to

Jimeoin’s own act mixes eccentric but recognisable observational material (imagine, it possible, Stephen Wright’s material delivered in an animated Hibernian lilt), punctuated by the occasional song. The songs are the only area where be specifically mentions his lrishness. ‘I don’t play on the iact that I’m Irish,’ he says, ‘but in things like the song “lever Meant To Stay” I do the opposite oi all that Irish nostalgia stuti, saying I don’t want to go back home.’

like his compatriot Sean Hughes, Jimeoin isn’t irightened to get a little serious once in a while with the occasional thought-provoking song or comment. ‘Sometimes I think of something that is worth saying without being funny, without being a punchline. I want to be able to do that sort oi material, without getting too iuckin’ arty about it.’ Jimeoln: a gag, a song, no iuckin’ artiness - could be a winner. (Tom Lappin)

.Iimeoin - Coin’ Cit (Fringe) Fringe Club (Venue 2) 226 5257, 13 Aug—4 Sept, 8.30pm, £6 (£5).

seventeen-year-old carpenter before embarking on a career as a comic, and in a short space of time his endearineg quirky brand oi skewed observational one-liners have established his reputation as one oi Australia’s finest stand-ups.

Having sewn up Melbourne, Sydney and most other points Antipodean, Jimeoin has decided to test the temperature oi the international comedy melting pot that is the Fringe, encouraged by the warm reception he got for a iew unbilled slots at the Fringe Club last summer. Undeterred by the notorious bear pit atmosphere oi the basement bar, Jimeoln’s approachable gags went down a treat.

‘I really enjoyed it,’ he says. ‘And it helped that l was a completely new act. With Edinburgh, by the time you get to be really good, everyone’s seen you about a million times, you’ve come up through the ranks, so it was good to come through the door and get a good reception.’

.Iimeoln’s approach to the sheer quantity oi comedy at Edinburgh is

familiar territory. Although The fluid Fella is no sequel to the cit-revived Widows, they form the first and second plays in what Campbell says will eventually become a trilogy. The first play was based on a real incident which took place on the Caithness coast in 1884, when six women, all i . ' widowed on the same night, reiused to 4 - * ' he ousted from their crafts, The coast their relationship with the man who was then in the throes of the herring owns the estate where they have their boom which was generating enormous Cleft comes into it as we". 30 wealth. The Ould Fella is a work at although it’s set in 1930, there are fiction set 50 years later, in the 19303, contemporary Parallels. I would say as the sole remaining character irom "hivefsel Patellele’ Campbell. a Widows, Hector, looks back at his life. prolific writer whose first episode for ‘One of the things I’ve been wanting BBC Scotland’s Strathblair is screened to write about tor a long time is the the night hefefe the Play Opens. says , way in which economic conditions - The 0"” Fella is doubly Sheeial- ? recession and depression destroy Writing about his native Caithness human lives, individual lives,’ says alleles him t0 get deepef into the Play. 5 cempeen, Where part or the theme or and also marks his eighth production ' the new prey, it's about peepre living with Firth Estate director Sandy ' in a world where their whole purpose Nellseh- (T hem Dihdhll ; has been taken away. They have been The Oeld Fella, (Fringe) Fifth Estate, croiter iishennen and the herring have The hethefhe"I (Venue 30) 555 9579, 9 gone: there is no living to be earned flue-4 Sept (not 15. 22. 29 A119). from the sea any more. Of course, 3309'“. 95-50 (54-50)-

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