Edinburgh’s to p watering holes

It is only natural that Highland Spring,

Scotland ’5 premier natural mineral water Restaurants ! ! Tel. No should be stacked by leading rataurants and 1 ALP-HORN 225 4787 , , 2 KEEPERS 556 5707 hotels 1n the heart ofEdznburgh 3 THE WITCHERY 225 5613 4 Cosmo 226 6743 DENZLERS 121 ' 554 3268 For the benqit q‘ visitors to the 1993 Edinburgh Hotels and Clubs

Patina], we are listing a selechon' of the leading 5 THE GEORGE 225 1251 6 ROYAL TERRACE 557 3222 hotels and rataurants who are pleased to seroe 7 Summon own) 229 9131 Highland Spring natural mineral water- 8 gfiiogfllgfbnmw 556 7177 ' ' ' ° 9 CHANNINCS HOTEL 315 2226 Stdl' Sparklmg and Ughfly Sparklmg' 10 THE Roxauncm; 225 3921 Bum HILLS 447 8888 , . . , NORTON Houss- 333 1275

You will also find Highland Spnng at Pizza Wm “WNW” WNW

Hut and Beq‘ieater rwtaurants throughout Scotland, Highland Spring natural mineral water adds a special something to the spirit of the Edinburgh Festival.