
I Cate Loco Arches Theatre. Midland Street. 221 9736. “pm—3.30am. See Sat

Comedy is listed by date, then by city. Paisley

s .

Shows will be listed, provided that I Kevin nay and pami paiqic A . y rts “‘3'” "’3‘" °"' “it”: 3‘ "’3" ‘3“ Centre. New Street. Paisley. 887 1010. “'5 hem" publication' can“, “Sun” 9pm. £5 (£3). See Renfrew Ferry on compiled by Mark Fisher. Thurs ,6. Glasgow 6' . asgow Events aye "sted ii ci men under-fives free. An attractive setting to Loco A h . Tit v tr‘. Midland , it fit. ,. i i . :3; MI 9712c Ielspm 368m I "ugh lemon Lew. Eight. Stralhclydc alphapeucaiiy by actmty. Kids listings where kids can learn about the habits and i “an i i h. i ' 'hi i b University Union. John Street. 552 1895. compiled by Beatrice Colin. hab'mi Ofihe buuerflY And ifth Glasgow 5 pop” a” “in” mg C u butterfly seems too tame for some. they

7.30pm and 10pm. £3.50. Two chances

throws in cabaret. live music and _ _ l g” I, t 1 Q q . q u, . a] . . . - . . . . for students and vuests to en 0 this C?" a so i W 9m" U an ‘Sori’fon-t OP'C Performance theatrrcs between the popular hypnmi: J Y birds and tropical fish. It S aJungie out

records. there.

IHunsnAY 15 THURSDAY 23 Activities and Fun Exhibitions

I CHILDREN’S NEWSDESK Motherwell , T, Glasgow Library. 0698 266166 ext 2549. Begins ’45:" “m cm“ 2 Mark“ 5W“ ~~5

Mons. 5.30—6.30pm. A weekly class for budding newshounds. Newsroom activities. news hunting field trips. feature writing. interviews. photography and more.


I THE DISCOVERY DOME University of ." Glasgow Campus. 330 4903/4905. Sat 18 I .\. Sept—Sun 3 Oct. Mon-Sat 10am—8pm; i" Sun mam-«1pm. A hands-on exhibition where kids can explore the world of science. Over 50 experiments using

Kevln nay

illusions and lasers. mirrors and magnets. L”, I “'9 “an,” Fem Clyde qucc' skeletons and sound sculptures. , General enquiries: 552 0767. Tickets: 227 I The Benlrew Ferry Clyde Place. I somwnmng iii smimimyng ' ; 55]]. £6 (£4). 8pm. Lousetalk star Kevin General enquiries: 552 0767. Tickets: 227 scflools Scotland street School Museum. \ Day recounts his memories of teenage 55 l 1. £6 (£4). 8pm. Regular compere Scotland sired. “if” 946 2817. Sat 18 u h I ; racism and isjoined by Greenock's Perrier Parrot introduces mild-mannered baldy- Sepi_Tuc i2 0“ Mungu The Expiorcr " '. I ' I i SJ. "-1? i , contender. Parrot. in the new weekly bastard Fred MacAulay and support-act and pirate Gmnnic doing [he Hokey " .v‘ N ' ‘i waterborne comedy club. Alan Taylor. Coke), with a kangaroo can be found Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit Until Sat 25 amongst a host of imaginative illustrations SCPL Mon‘sju loam—6W“; Sun by children who have translated their own noon-5pm He?- A Celebration Of the song themes onto paper. The launch on Fri centenary Of this World famous rabbit. On T H E A i R E i7 Scpi at 10.303,“ will see [he 4 September. I893 Beatrix Potter wrote a r u n t 0 n C O M P A N Y songwriters singing while working iciicr a)“ Sic: ngid-fllTSU-Sihihc birth 0f ":18 s w S. ta e 0 eter a it. e c aracters. sue M u s s E L . u R G u hde puPpm as Jemima Puddleduck. are all present as , ' . Film large figures dressed in costumes from THE FUNERAL by Hector MacMillan I Homenwfll cw“: THEATRE 0698 Scottish Ballet. along with the original in assoc. with “)3 productions 67515. drawings and objects from the author’s

1025 SEPTEMBER *SAT MAT 18 SEPTEMBER AT 2.3OPM* Super Mario Bros Fri 10 Sept 7.30pm; Sat “fe- Cartoons and toys Wi” keep Smaller

7 - ,. . children amused. ll Sept -pm and 7.30pm. For kids With me some" warm": From me Ukrainian

THE FAIRER SAX Gameboy hero worshipping tendencies. Steps Um“ Sun 17 Oct. Momsat MONDAY 13 SEPTEMBER AT 7.30PM Theatfe 10am—6pm; Sun noon-5pm. £2 (£1). A range of historical artefacts such as THE STEAMIE by Tony Roper jewellery and golden masks dating as far 1-16 OCTOBER *SAT MAT 9 OCTOBER AT 2.30PM* 6,35 "‘ back a“ “BC “3’ Over'c'gh‘si Jack 0’ lantern Puppet Company Sat ll Theatfe

TICKETS: £7.00 (PULL), £51!) (CONCS), 556.“) (FIRST NIGHT FULL),

Sept. 2pm. Kids £1.50“ adults £2.50 04 (FIRST NiGirr CONCS). £4.00 (MATS) , i , i - MARVELLOUS SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES AVAILABLE family (one adult and two kids) L5. I mum WORKSHOP 34' “ammo”

. 7 \ ‘AUDIO-DESCRIBED MATINEE PERFORMANCES‘ Double bill of Jack And The Beanstalk Fgfgiiigcf 794~~ coma“ the box 0m“ TEUEPHONE Box OFFICE 031 665 22.40 and The Frog Prince. Jack climbs up the ' , , highest beanstalk ever and hears a Junk" “mpdmeam 1h: beglnmflg Of a mysterious thumping noise. while a spoilt term 0 rim: WE” 5 005- Each h prince has to change his ways with the “88'0" ‘1 ("tor ca 3 I C group ' mug

chance of being a frog for fifteen years. areas .Of "Fovemem- vmcc .work' TWO wen-loved tales told by Shadow coordination and games With some classes

puppets. For ovcpfivcs. working towards a production. Age Ian Turhitt Puppet Company Sat l8. Sat groups ‘5 {Ono‘iisz

25 Sept. 2pm. Kids £l.50; adults £2.50; 5:7'V“"°'“- *1ch Tu“ from 2‘ . family (one adult and two kids) £5. A 33);” OCL 3'30—‘5pm' £2 per sess'on‘ charming and classic tale told with bright goat'o'ds' every sat from '8 . and colourful puppets. For 3—7-year-olds. sew—“3 OCt‘ 2’3‘30pm' £2 per sess'on'

I Pmsuy Am 65mg New Sm“:t 887 12-18-year-olds. Check venue for details 1010, ' of times and prices.

Jack 0’ lantern Puppet Company Sat 18 Sept. lpm. Kids £1.25; adults £l.75. Two

traditional Scottish tales told by shadow I flew um: mama Broughion \ l PUPPCiS- For OVCT'fiVCS- Road. Biggar. 0899 2063 l.

Puppet shows in an old Victorian theatre. EDINBURGH Nessie The locli lies: Monster Sat ll 91 MILLER STREET 041-221 7565 Activities and Fun 323:: 3:385:11:ifizéiii‘itf‘i‘smii23 . I THE entueunou BUTTERFLY FARM Sept. 7-30pm- Kids £3. adults £4- 1 6 BYREb ROAD 04] 1339 2544 Melvin. Numy, Lasswade, 663 4932. Pips And Panda Meet Goldie locks Anti Mon—Sun lOam—5.30pm. Adults £2.95; The Three Bears Thurs 16 Sept 10- 1521m- family (two adults and four kids) £8.60; Kids £3. adu'is 54- For under'eighis-

54 The List 10—23 September 1993