The net result was that'the dulcet \Ve'le (Perhal)s fortunate”) not Offered ' ' ' l tones of Miss Fernandez were rendered examples Of What 'be‘hOP to hip hOP' A"an a new ! tom”), inaudible by the unrestrained involves. but this tjnzz-hnsetl' I am a non-smoker and welcome the i wall of decibels that emanated from Programme hardly suggeStS the range “Fella” move WhiCh Edinburgh ; [hese musiciahs_ How did such a and diversity previously heard on Jazz District Council has made to clean up l situation arise? Was the conductor Jllm'tilm- the City‘s PUbS (The U" 24/9/93). I l deal‘? Should microphones have been FUNheF. mOSt Of these new WW” love to g0 0‘“ for a drink given to the singers? Am the acoustics programmes will be dumped on without havmg to come home smelling at fault? Had there been any rehearsals medium wave. Now, I like Colin Bell a “he 1}“ neh'tmy. However: Your antete i or sound test? Having spent a large lOt. but l not on a hl-fi Smd_ no. snlqklng m pUbs '8 way down . i amount of money to attend this System to listen to him on FM ever)’ the I'm ' l d'sagrcc° London'based AI'C you Sl€€plCSS 1n debacle, surely the audience deserves evening, especially when his and other WetheFSPOOhS recently thtrOdUCed nO‘ some answers. speech-based programmes have had an S'nOklEglar?as in all its pUbs because 0f . - - ~ Whether I et an answer or not, I FM airing earlier in the day! Overw 6 "mg Cusmmcr suppon Egllnton or llVld In would wish %0 use your columns to let The BBC‘S PUhhe Statements abOUt (ineluding over 60 per Cent 0f the Livingston? Medical l the powers-thnt-be know that the maintaining their commitment to StlttOketS); d Ch I 4 f . orchestra ls stt sed to la tseeond music, simply are not matched by their eampmghe 0“ anne 01" ev1dence has pI‘OYCd that a fiddle. to thc stagger and ipftnam to actions. Nelther are they as willing to smoke-free areas in pubs and received a lCttCI' {O The List 18 _ hear a ‘big band sound‘ I will not be “Ste” to their ttStenetS its the)’ Claim 1 hug: resp?;c'CWith every 19"“ being - s ndln £26 to listen to the CGPQ. have still to receive a sin le repl to the tn 3V0“. e Ottsumem' ASSOCiation therapeuth and car} Offer tgfie patgetson many letters I have sent them onythese Showed (January 1938) that no rel1ef from many ailments. park Grove Terrace l matters, and their record of ever smoking was the most wanted change And fails, a bottle Glasgow It listening to the consumer is non- in Scottish pubs. and there is one; the o . t existent. Starbank in Newhaven, Edinburgh. Of .1086 CUCFVO tequ11a Plugglng a gap Sadly your correspondent has been Why can‘t more pubs cater for the two Should blot out the Your recent guide to student life in t fooled by the glossy approach. thirds 0f adtttts Who don't SmOke? . Scotland didn‘t mention Clyde Books ; Journalism by press release is not what PUbtteahS Who are tetd t0 tetean UP' paln' on Pamie Street as one of the best The List should be about, and this drop by the Comic“ COUtd theta] air eteahSthg bookshops in Glasgow. Vennel Press in standards is worrying. But then, your SYStetttS in th: “hhote PUh~ hut CW“ and the associated Gairfish magazine voice Wile 8180 sadly absent when the save money 3' Ming ‘1 Smaller Sy-‘tem Drowned out diva _ have always found it a really good i" changes were first threatened, so in Pa" 0f the Nb and setting “D it Sir William Congreve wrote in 1697 place to Sell our books and mags_ l find pethaps we should not be surprised by smoke free area (cost: a few pence for a that 'mUSte has Charms t0 SOOthe a it an excellent shop to buy underground 3 the sycophantic response now. few Signs) in the fest 0f the PUh- This savage breast, to soften rocks or bend a and altematlve publications _ good for Bill Alexander saving could be passed on to customers knotted oak.‘ However I must advrse students! l Millbtne Cteseent as lower prices! that this is not always the case. Indeed Richard price : Langstde Craig Cockbum on leaving the Royal Concert Hall after Vennel pmSS 3 Glasgow East Silvermills Lane Wilhelmina Femandez’s recent conceit pankhum Court I _____, ____ ___ m __ . Edinburgh

I was feeling (a) positively barbarian London

(b) as hard as granite and (c) as prickly as a holly tnee. tuned

Post Script

The reason behind this state of . Radio Scotland has far from ‘allayed annoyance, frustration and wrathful - the fears of those who saw the station’s . . Address your letters to The list Letters indignation was that my partner and l mUSteat Content tttekhng away. (The It's a fair point that putting music on at spent a considerable sum of money to l List 23/9/93). While some parts of the medt'ttm wave and speech on FM 14 High Street hear this noted ‘diva‘ put her vocal new schedules might be welcomed, the appears to be a nonsense. our own Edinburgh EH1 lTE chords to work on our behalf and had t overall effect had undoubtedly been to positive response to the new schedule or been denied the opportunity of listening } dilute the folk and popular music Should be considered ht the context of Old Athenaeum Theatre to her. elements the station has become highly ultra-g1tt(,,,ty expeetattnhs before it was 179 Buchanan Street

Nothing should be simpler than l regarded for. unveiled. we published a highly "tn-ea] Glasgow Cl 212 supporting a vocalist I should have Innovative and alternative rock, , piece ht our tssne nfz/ May when the or thought - but not so when the City of I previously heard throughout the week, thine] Changes were made. heft), the Fax them to: 031 557 8500 Glasgow Philharmonic Orchestra and t has now been pigeon-holed into a two- lack of response from Queen Margaret We will not print your full address or the Royal Concert Hall are involved. I 3 hour slot. The best roots music Show on Drive, perhaps a reply through The List phone number but you must include can only presume that given the ; British radio (Jan Fairley's Eartltbeat) letters page might befnrthenmt‘hg _ you them. Deadline is the Friday before opportunity of sharing the platform has been abandoned in favour of ‘roots never know. In the meantime have a publication. Keep them pithy. as with the likes of Wilhelmina, the music . . . from Del Amitri to Suzanne bottle ofjose Cuervn tequila t0 overlong letters may be cut. The best occasion proved too much for these ' Bonnar’; wonderful acts, but hardly - brighten you,» day Step thtt, our letter next issue will win a bottle of musicians who decided to pull out all t roots, and missing the special Glasgow office before lunch to collect Jose Cuervo tequila and a nutty the stops on the night. contribution of a quality presenter! And your prize, baseball cap.


Dirty live/tend: \lichucl Winner illltl llclcn '/.;ih;i\'i arc the odd couple in it new thriller killer collaboration (lull ).

l>’osii'e// and Johnson: Robbie (‘olli'zine illltl .lohn Sessions take to the isles in .lohn Byrnc's 'I‘V L'UlllL‘tl}‘ tll'zlllltl.

.llo/jqro'el .-\Iti'ood: The (‘zinzitligin illlllltll' on her Izilcsl norel. 'l‘ln' Robber Bride.

(i/oxgni': I'till tlclziils and pl'L‘\'lL‘\\'\ ol'(i|;isgo\\”s guy and lesbian lesliVul.

PLUS: Dragon - the Bruce Lee sloi'}. Leiiionhcutls. \Voi'hl Purl); ('ulhy tlL‘ \Ioncheux. I’oi'no l‘t'll' l)_\'l‘()\ and 'l’oyuh! (well maybe).

CO The List 8-21 October I993 Printed by Scottish County Press, Sherwood Industrial Estate, Bonnyrigg. Midlothian. Tel: 031 663 2404.