Better go to the toilet now or you’ll be bursting by the time you’ve reached

the end of this diuretic dose of . . .


2 The List 22 October—4 November 1993

I llocos Focus? Yon Bette! Ms Midler plays a 17th century wicked witch brought out of retirement to cast one last spell - in modern-day Salem. Walt llisney is responsible tor panting out this kids’ llallowe’en movie. See Film listings.

. I Recently likened to n R .\ wnrthog (clothed) or the ~ iront end oi a Mlnotanr (unclothed), Ilarvey lieitel leaves the mean streets behind and goes native in low lealand tor his role in The Piano. See Film listings.


I There’ll he no more

wise sayings trom i,

Chairman llando tor a

. while - he’s all

‘, interviewed out,

' apparently. But expect

I devoted tans to hang on i Evan’s every word when the lemonheads hit the Barrowland stage. See lioclt listings.

4.; z‘lz/fiW. ' 1:.