I Clint Eastwood makes a last-ditch appeal for budget tunds (Kevin Costner needs a clothes allowance for a start) in A Perfect World. See Film preview.



I Amy Yasbeck’s chastity belt encounters a spot at rusting up in Mel Brook’s belated spool Robin Hood: Men In Tights. See Film review.

I ‘The Little lA-Year-Old Dancer’ is a stand-out piece in the collection at Degas sculpture at the Burrell. See Art preview.

I A.c. Acoustics,

unusual rainwear aside, model the latest sound of young Glasgow with their single Sweatlodge/MV. Check on them and tellow travellers in Music preview.




‘When I was nine. I discovered a relative's hardcore porn collection and read it non—stop for the next two years. I think that's probably why I have a very high porn tolerance and can’t see what‘s wrong in it.‘

'l’hatir David Baddiel 3‘ PC attitude. that is.


f 'The gig that stands out the most in my

mind is one we did at Glasgow Barrowland a few years back. It was after a match between Celtic and Rangers where. for a change. Rangers lost. It felt as though everyone at the gig had been at the match. The atmosphere was just mad there was this incredible youthful energy.’

The l’ogaes ' Spider Staey reminisces about the good Old Firm days.

3 ‘I don‘t think drugs add anything to life

apart from you stay up longer and talk a

lot ruore bollocks.‘ Jim Davidsmi explains why a nation

l prays he stays ('lear ofanything

. stronger than a (up oj'tea.

‘lt worries me that l'm not fucked up enough to be a really great artist. l'm

lucked up enough to be an OK artist.

but l‘m not sure whether 1 can ever be great.’

Juliana Hattie/d ('mlsiders W/It’f/H’I'

Q art/airing a tire or two might help her

\t'rilt' /)(’f/(’I' Stings.

‘When I was younger lhe problem with my eye knocked my confidence. I

j thought I could neyer be a singer; that

you had to beautiful to be on TV. Then. last February. l’ricnds came up with the idea of me wearing an cyepatch and now I sometimes think that‘s the only reason people come to see me.‘

Chart-topping (iabrie/le on how her


dreams i'ame trite.


The List l7 December l993~l3 January MN 3