Christmas Exhibition Ulitii Fri 24 Dec. I MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY Forty up-and-coming and well established UanCI’SII)’ 0f Edlllbllfgh- Depamm‘m 0i. nmncs are showing their work in [his AI'CI'IIICCIUI'C. Chambers SII'L‘CI. expansive show_ Mon—Fri lOam—4.30pm.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAitERs 23 Union Tales From Two Cities Tue 1 1—28 Jan. Street, 557 2479 Tuc_sat loam—6pm Work from emerging architects iti Christmas Exhibition Until Wed 22 Dec. Edinburgh and Dublin.

Lithographs. etchings and screenprints by I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High members. from under £50. Street. 225 2424. Mon-Sat i0am—6pm. I FINE ART FROM GLASGOW i37 George All manner of archive material and old Street. 220 6370. Mon—Fri 10am-6pm; toys relating to ChildhOOd through the Sat i()am—3pm. ages.

Group Show Until Sun l9 Dec. Ewart Peter Pan Until 15 Jan. A celebration of Mundy. Roger Billcliffe and the Glasgow the boy who never grew tip with twelve Print Studio have joined forces to bring a painted scenes from the Peter Pan mural range of work by Glaswegian artists such at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for as J. i). Fergusson. Duncan Shanks and Sick Kids and paintings from a new book John Byrne to Edinburgh. by Edmund Caswell.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 William I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Street. 225 6776. Tue—Fri l lam—6pm; Sat Mound. 556 8921. Mon—Sat i()am—Splii; l0am—lpm. Sun 2—5pm. (Closed Sat 25-Mon 27 and

. “‘" ' Ethel Walker Until Wed 22 Dec. Still life Fri 3| Dec—Mon 3 Jan),

t A lithograph trorn Fernand légerjs boolt Cirque. Published in 1950, the volume is a celebration and landscape painting in Vibrant gouache The home of a fine collection of works.

or the artist's delight tn the circus or his memory. All 37 or these illusbatgg's art: cstzireintly and paste]. from the Renaissance to Posh

j hem“ “mulled 3‘ the com can": "y n I m" I FRENCH INSTITUTE I3 Randolph lmpressionism. including Velazquez. El

Crescent. 225 5366. Moll-Fri Greco. Rembrandt. Gainsborough. Degas;

lante'n Afcade Sm ]8_']‘hurs 23 Dec. influences on [he dcvcloplncnl of war 9.303IlI-5.3()plii. I . V21" Gogh and SCUIIlS'II Colourists.

' (‘onsteiialions of lanterns. spindiy towers. toys. this show outlines their history. Kathleen ""338" Until l‘rl l7 Doc. Turner watercolours Tue 4—3l Jail. The

i huge mechanical toys plus music. dance I THE CLERK MAXWELL HOUSE 14 India Pfllttltllgb‘t annual display Pl 38 WWI“ balm-“Cd. by

T and storytelling by ten artists. sculptors Street. 220 3800. Mon—Sat I FUUITMARKET GALLERY Market Smelt Henry Vaughn." "1 I990; Pl“S 1‘ SCICCUP"

f and musicians from \Velfare State l0.30am—4.30pm. 335 3383- THC-Sill l lain-(rpm: Sun of newly acqurred paintings. .

2 international. (Guardians of the Blackburn’s Birds Until Wed 22 Dec. An noon—5pm. (Closed Hi 24 Dec-Mon 3 Treasures from the Mesdag Collection

5 unpredictable; and Acme Presentations. A exhibition of watercolours by Jemima Jail). . _ Until 7 Feb. 011 loan from the Mesdag

i Solstice event will happen on Tue 2] Dec Blackburn who was a close friend and 30' lewm Until Silt 8 Jim- Ftrst ' Museum of the Hague. all impressive

I at i ipm. cousin of James Clerk Maxwell. A book retrospective oi this revered Aiiierlcnn collection of paintings by artists such as

l I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King of the watercolours has been launched to figure whose structures. seen here from Millet. Courbet. Corot and Daumier.

l Street. 552 48 l 3. Tue—Sat i iam-—5pm. coincide with the show by Canongate I963 t0 the PrCSCllt. Were 11 leading Shadow of the Forest Until Sun i‘) Dec. Nil Smell Tue lJ-«Sal i8 Dec. Work by Press. t COlththtll 0t thC minimal and conccplltill An exhibition of prints ofthe Barbizon seven young. exciting artists including I COCNBURN’S ART GALLERY The Wine art lliOVCtncntS- School featuring works by Millet.

Toby Webster and Joint Russell. Emporium. 7 Devon Place. Haymarket. I BALI-El" ‘1 4| Duttditb‘ Street. 557 Daublgny. Rousseau and Corot. The 80 229 839]. Daily i()am—6pm. 4569- Mtfttjsal 10.30111tt‘5pln. I . prints come from the British Museum and Christmas Show Until 16 Jan. A group PaAlLtlngs fpr Clhrlstmas Until l‘i‘li illustrate the way the artists wmkcd - exhibition b ' oun Scottish artists ~ CC. SltaCt 21m SCZIPCS. Print-5‘ iltt directl from nature -- an approach known I M" suPEnMABKH 7 BlaCkmurs including abysllrlact fad landscape mUlll'tllCdla work in it Varied Sht’W by as plcl'li air and went on to influence the sfm’c“ 332 9625- Mun—Sm Illaln’bpmf paintings. mixed-media work. painted SClCClCd ilrllSlS~ French lmpressionists and the Dutch Sun noon—4pm. Stacks of paintings. prints Russian dolls and wooden discs. I HANOVER FINE ART 22A Dundas Street. Hague School Printmakers. by whom and drawmgs from a couple of pounds '. callgcnvg GALLERY 3248 Cockbum i 556 2181. Mon—Fri 10.30aili--6pm; Sat there is also a group of works. Upwards- Street. 220 l260. Tue—Sat Ham-5pm. lOam~4pm. . . . I NETHERDOW ARTS CENTRE 43 Hiin I mounnfll GALLERY 5 RaCbur" lightworits Daily from 4pm (viewed from . CthStmaS [Xhlblllon Utttll Fri 3l DUC- Street. 556 9579. Mon—Sat l0am—4.30pm. Placc' 332 4605- Mml‘s‘" loanl’S-mpm; I outside the gallery) Tue 21 Dec—Mon 3 ! Over 150 works by gallery artists. Also [D]. Cafe. Also admits to the John Knox 3”" "00"“4Pm- _ Jan. Two Christmas installations by miniature silver sculpture by Alejandro House. a picturesque 15th century Christmas ShoWUmd Thurs 30 Dec. Kevan Shaw and Malcolm “mes, Lopez and Raku pottery by Holstcad and building. reputedly the home ofthe l aiming“ mid Pm"S by ~59"le young i Christmas Trees is a small forest of colour Brownlee. notorious Scottish church reformer. ROMS“ “I‘ll-"l5 SPCl‘ ‘5 MlCl‘flCl MCVC'Sht ' and light which re-interprets the optimism I I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Admission f i .20 i/50p). Sibel“! C rum hw'ng and Shell“ f of the festive evergreen. and Ril't’rUf E Northumberland Street Lane. 557 5454. Facets Until Fri 24 Dec. Puppeteer ian C "ncs- * Dreams is a kinetic artwork ex loring Tue—Sat l lam—4.30pm. Turbitt originally trained as a scul tor. I sauna" THEATRE COMPANY 8””"0" 5 light. motion and shadow. p Christmas Show Until Sat l8 Dec. in aid This is a selection of his paintings? “it” MUSb‘ClbUtSh- 665 3340- MOMS“! ; Video Art from the Netherlands Until Sat of Save the Children. paintings. prints and puppets and three-dimensional work. main-69m. , , _ . I8 Dec. Installations by Frits Maats. Jaap jewellery by 50 artists including William I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland

i Christmas Exhibition Until Sat 8 Jan. Six : dc huge and jusrin BCHML t [,ittlcjohn, Street. 557 l020. Mon—Fri l()am~6pm;

i i‘fl'3l3.5lltl“' 1‘ range 0f WPrk “lClUdlllg Artist for a Week Short-term shows by the j I ITALIAN INSTITUTE 82 Nicolson Street. Sat 10am—4pm.

l “""k "l Wm” “M Gem'lllcs- brightest of local talent. You can meet the I 668 2232. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm. On a Small Scale Until Fri 3i Dec. Four

I CAI-Io" GALLERY “l RPYUI Tammi ! artist at the gallery on Saturday afternoons ' Nina Spailone Until 23 Jan. interesting hundred small paintings by a mixture of

55" Illm- M‘m‘l‘“ mum"(’i’ml 51" ' 3—5pm, l paintings. reliefs and collages. established artists including Jack Knox.

= "’“I‘l- I m , _ , _ y . I rliE uEMARco EUROPEAN liRr ; I JOHN ltltox HOUSE See entry rot and recent graduates. Also ceramics and cm'smas Emlbmon U‘ml Thu” 33 Dc“- FOUNDATION York Lane. Albany Street. g Netherbow Arts Centre. glasswork.

Scottish. English and European paintings. cmistmas Exhibition Um” Fri 34 [)cc. watercolours and prints from the late 1901 work by Royslon du MauriCFLCbCR and

i “ltd Ci‘rly 30‘“ WWW.“ by members of the SSA and the I i I CITIZENS STUDIO I7/2l Assembly I Chilean/C Gallery _ Street. l.eith. 554 i649. Tue—Sun . . EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL (in the

Zillion—5pm. «1' t . ‘t s ) ' ) 8‘; i‘ Christmas Exhibition Ulitil Sun 1‘) Dec. A £1,113f2?!(2.3339522tfi;;,';§‘f;§,’.,._‘" dd ; mixid sh‘ow including oils. experimental } Recent work from Edinburgh Printmakers f I “'0'” 1"“ Ct’lt-‘lrUCllUnS by 33 uni-5‘5- Ulitil Fri 31 Dec. Limited edition rints b l I CITY Al" CENTRE Mark“ SW“ 7-25 . some of the gallerv artists. Also p y 7 2.124. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Cafe. (Closed phou)graphy by Frank Prior, . g Sat25—Tue 28 Dec and Sun 2—-Tue 4 Jan). t I fnmgunhfl'cflflnu “BRAIN George ; ; A Night OI islands Sill I8 Dec—l9 Feb. A [V Bridgc‘ 225 5584. M0n_}.‘ri ()um_9pm-‘ portfolio of i4 prints inspired by Gaelic gm t)mn_1pm poetry .and prose poetry by Will M aclean. . Jacks netums flame and Other Stories sno'elmes Sal '8 Dcc‘ '9 F9“ The 593‘s Until Fri 31 Dec. Etchings and drawings

l influence ill Scottish art from William by Mike Spring

l Mi‘cli‘ggm ""‘V,““.l-* - , I Ebllleuncli COLLEGE or Alir Lauriston 5 Making Marks Until 22 Jan. DraWIiigS Place. 229 931i. Mon—Thurs 10am—8pm; ' from the gallery‘s fine art collection Hi and Sat loumw‘epm.

which employ a range of techniques Masters or nesign Um“ Tue 2' Dec. The ".lCIUdmg wmk‘ hydu'm“ "W'C‘ “I‘m.” work of four students from the School of ly‘drtllt'yt KC" C l'mcfm‘l K3.” [Bull/"W- l)esign and Crafts. from the Film and

nuns. contemporanes Um" I ) Feb' A Television. Fashion. Interior Design and selection of large-scale works recently phmoumphy dcpunmcmx

hi’iught from Edinburgh Collette 0“ Art Work in Progress: Glass Andrew Grant

" s 0"” 3 6am? “'3' “W5 "m" "'3’" Gallery. Ulitil Fri i7 Dec. Third year é saroit carton shooting bot surreal and bizarre iiII Headless illonoot, which is ctttronuy showing 3"" ll" Um" 5‘" 8 Jim- “0'” P'W'C students work. i as part oi tito blaster: or Design Exhibition at Edinbuon college at Art. Also on display are “""my SUI“ to Transformers. an I mingling" GALLERY lxu Dumas ; Robert Bibb's ten photographic triptychs. Jane Maynard's collection or abstract prints on ml exhibition or ctilltelliptirary toys. gm.“ “7 5757 Mumpri I Immepm. l blankets and metallic printed wetloolt orpann iacltets. and Fiona Iwaobi‘: interior design: lixpltlring the sociological and cultural " ' ' tor an old chocolate factory in Him.

Sat i()am-- l pm. i

70 The I.i\i l7 December l‘)‘)3 l3 January l‘)‘)-‘i