I SCOTTISH GALLERY l6 Dundas Street. University Old College, South Bridge. 558 1200. Mon—Fri l0am—6pm; Sat 650 2211. Mon—Sat lOam—Spm; Sun 10am—4pm.

Robbie Bushe Sat 9 Apr-2 May.

2—5pm. Mind and Body Until Sat 9 Apr. Gwen

Figurative Paintings- A150 emOilVC' Hardie's solo show of recent oils and

abSlmCi landscapes by Janet Pierce and sculpture is influenced by Impressionism

melalWOTk by 101"" creed- and positive thinking. The results are m I $601115“ “new WEI" 0F Tumeresque landscapes of the human

muslin Am Belford Road. 556 8921. body. tfcggfiiztafilliited but nip. then Mon-Sat l0am-5Pm; Sun 2-5pm. [D]. I 369 GALLERY 233 Cowgate. 225 3013. 9 V V s“ I“ -

Cafe. The gallery‘s justly renowned cafe Tue—Sat noon—6pm. m is open Mon—Sat lO.30am—4.30pm; Sun Our Patients’ Minds Are Full Oi Images

2.30'4-20Pm- Enll')’ ‘0 the Pcrmzmcnl "lat Fm“ Did "0i Meet In Vienna Unlll Art School Fashion Show Glasgow School collection is free, and features works by Sat 16 Apr. Another Aerial-organised of An student Union. wed ILMOH‘ 19 Picasso. Matisse» Mondrian and 20‘“ installation. this time by Robert Apr. Call 332 0691 for tickets. Second century Scottish artists. The gallery has Montgomery. annual fashion show. [his time with [he recently purchased Alexander Stoddart’s I WASPS GALLERY Pairioihall (off emphasis on performance. larger-than-life bust of Henry Moote- Hamilton Place). Daily l-5nnt- Rachel Meehan Glasgow Print Studio William “"30": P'lnmak" 3"“ Stained Almost a Down: One Grout) - TWO Shows Tue 12 Apr. 7pm. Fro}. The mm willit'ilk Glass Am“ Um“ 3"“ 17 Am A um” Thurs '4 AP“ Paintings and on her invigorating new show i r I ..’ retrospective Of this SCOIIISI‘I artist who sculpture by eleven young artists working I . Atat- . died in 1972 and left behind a glowing in Edinburgh, Playfalr Parade by Ross Georgeson. rm: reputation and a large body of work. Stephanie Enilel Sat 16—24 Apr. "WWI I3 009 0' "OI" 0' a Will! 0' Him I scorns" “now PORTRAIT Photographic portraits which capture a Allegory Gallery of M odern Art. Mon 1 l m 0" mm" “I aim “mun” WEI" Qween Street. 556 8931~ shared emotion between sitter and artist. Apr. 12.45pm. Free. Michael Cassin on mm“ M “"5"” sun," In. sum' "'0 Mon‘sai loam—5W“; 3”" 2‘5Pm- [D]- John Bellany‘s painting. “3‘ u” m‘ is also on 3M" Cafe. Scotland’s bonniest and beastliest Art and panonage: the Gram pipe, ,. - , , . . . - . monarchs, liticians. writers and artists. - - pom-3i alter . 1145 ,m. ~ .t. f .. t Examples include a pottery chest. eoms. um um. 8p:om . . . An Everywhere Um” Stflllng by Hugllsctmaéc 1 Free \ leeture

decorated pots and artefacts from the

them. 15 May. A selection of work by David I THE SMITH Am GALLERY Alto museum 5..., WHWCL Tuesdays [hmughom the

Good as com Um” 4 May. A display of . Williams. the head of photography at Dumbarton Road. 0786 471917. Tue—Sat exhibition 13.45_l‘15pm. [:rcc

vintage examples of Scottish money Edmburgh COIICSC Of A”. PI“S hls 0W1} 10-303'11‘5pll‘l Si" 3‘5Plll- introductory talks on the show with Robin including notes and silver and gold coins. ' P‘Ck 0f the SCOIIlSh Phomgmi’hy ArChlVC "0"“ Eat “'9‘ Images in the. . . Baillie.

I ROYAL OBSERVATORY VISITORS including prints by Francis Frith and landscape Until 8 May. Anexhibition ot the meam of ossian Nutimml Gallery Fri CENTRE Blackford Hill. 668 8405. Pamela MCDonaid- lands-cap? thogmphy by‘SIX art's“ 8 Apr. 12.45pm. Free. Miiiigo Campbell Mon_pri noon_5‘30pm; I SCOTTISH UNITED SERVICES MUSEUM working in Scotland. all of whom are on Ingres work

weekends/holidays nwn_5.30pm. [D]. Edinburgh Castle. 225 7534. Mon—Sat inspired by their surroundings in different my. canemn and art for churches

£1.50 (75p). 9‘30‘1m‘5-30Pml 3”" 119'l175-30P'll- Ways- . ' Gallery of Modern Art. l2.45piii. Free. A The universe Exhibition Up_m_dmc Free. but there is an admission charge for I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE University lecture by Fiona mum)”

information on the Big Bang and the casuc- 0f Stirllllg' 0786 467154- Tue—Si“ Slide Workshops WASPS. 7—9pm. £25 everything else you ever wanted to know F‘" '0‘" Fmedom 3"" ""753 Palandi I lam-5pm . _ (£15). Following the interest in the

about the Universe_ Scotland and the Second World War Jean Miro Uliu ROI Ulllli 30 Apr. ()nly Collective Gallery's impirmmm] 12m mstoflcal Exhibmon lmmducmm [0 the Many Polish soldiers came'to Scotland in Scottish showing of lithographs. made by Show, this newly launched mcmbmhip work of The Royal Observatory and the. 405 a“? “3‘5 is 3“ ambition 0f Ml“) for Am“! Jarry S U”“ R‘” “l 19%- scheme entitles members to weekly modern astronomy. plus two original uniforillsv lnSlgllla and “illlean 35 We” Thls Play made [he Wm" 11” lllo‘liml _ . workshops which explore the creative telescope towers and the best view of as dranlngsi ans and Other Personal “Villll‘gilldc he“) and "1936 lillllccll VlVld potential of the medium. making slides. Edinburgh from the rooftop terrace and materia . . and humorous works show that Miro was sound and use 0“ screens. Cu“ 330 1619 viewing wicscopg I TALBOT RICE GALLERY Edinburgh clearly inspired by it. for membership form


1 . . SmirhKline Boecham M ()(11 (‘1 n 1)

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18 MARCH-29 MAY 1994




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56 The List 8—21 April 1994