COMPETITIONS Win Louis Malle videos .1333-

SAIDFLOHEHOE French New Wave director Louis Malle's 1957 film Lift tn the The first four people to the door at Sax Scaffold is a taut thriller about a man who murders his boss Venue, Cumbernauld get in free to see but is arrested for another killing. The following year he made saidllorence on Wednesday 13 April and Les Amunts. a controversial film about a bored housewife who receive a complimentary drink. Doors open at runs off with another man. Both films are released on video 7m]. Take a copy at the magazine with you. this week and we‘ve got three pairs to give away. The outright . ~ g _, 5, ' “w winner also wins a hardback copy of the book Mal/e (m Mulle i i and a CD of Miles Davis‘ soundtrack for Lift t0 the Scaffold. To enterjust:

Name the famous French actress who starred in both films.

Send your answers, which must reach us by Wednesday 20 April, to MALLE COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


V Xi A) i L I, Ségéotgivefckehtsnsee Alan Taylgr lb '0 e $ '. I , an on au eac a tsnevtcomeycu

on Friday 22 April. It’s at T.C. Willis, 135 George Street, Edinburgh. Doors open, and happy hour Legendary Chicago bluesman ()tis Rush, who recorded his first begms’ at 7'3opm' Take a copy 0' The “5' With record nearly 40 years ago, is playing at the Royal Lyceum. Edinburgh on Sunday April at 7.30pm. You could win one of live

you. pairs of tickets together with a copy of his new CI) Aiu 't Enough C(mu'n' In. The new album includes some of Bush‘s own songs. together with compositions by Sam Cooke, BB. King and Ray Charles. To win the tickets and a CI), answer this question:

WINES FHCM CHILE The first tive people to ring 071 404 0180 and mention The List get a free

Which British rock star organised a blues tribute in London in 1992 to say thank you to the big names of blues. including ()tis Rush. who were a major influence on his band in the (iOs‘?

. " " ticket to a tasting of Chilean wines on Send your answers with a daytime phone number. which must reach us by Thursday l4 April. to HUSH Wednesday 13 Apr" between “cuts The 14 StI'BEt, Edinburgh EH1 aye nomafly and the is at Mammts’

Hall, 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh

Win Joy Luck Club tickets and book

Film director Wayne Wang's version of Amy

Tan's successful book The Joy Luck Club about

four Chinese women and their American-horn

daughters opens at the Cameo. Edinburgh on .

Friday 8 April. The winner of our competition “cuts {"9 two '0' the pm:e 0' 099 (£750

can see the film. read the book and have a poster and £6 tickets)?" sunday 10 AW" and

on their bedroom wall. The two runners up will new” 12 Apr" at tile Tm" Them”! Glasgow- get the book and poster. To enterjust tell us: Take a copy 0‘ The “St to the b” omce 0" the

night. Tickets subject to availability. What was the name of the 1987 thriller starring Tim Hulce and directed by Wayne Wang?

Send your answers. which must reach us by Thursday 21 April, to TAH COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.

Win a copy of Virtual Light

American writer William Gibson‘s books are the closest anybody’s come to making science fiction fashionable. Scientists working in the virtual reality field are still trying to turn his fictional ‘cyberspace‘ into fact. His latest book Virtual Light is set in the San Francisco ofthe near future. in a time when the gulf between the haves and the have-nots can no longer be bridged. We‘ve got six copies ofthe book to give away and the first three out the hat also get a signed poster. To enter tell us:



OFFERS: Cut out the coupon or take along the whole magazine and present it to the relevant box office or cash desk. All offers are subject to availability and managements reserve the right to refuse admission.

COMPETITIONS: Only one entry per person per competition. If you are entering more than one competition, you need use only one envelope, but please make sure that your name and address are attached to EACH entry. Competitions are open to all till residents (over the age of 18 In alcohol- related otters). iIo responsibility can be accede by The List for prices which cannot be obtained due to unforeseen circumstances. To obtain a list of winners, please send a SAE to The List Competition Winners, stating which issue(s) results you require.

What was the title of Gibson‘s seminal 1984 sci-fi novel about computer hackers and cyberpunks'?

Send your answers, which must reach us by Friday 22 April. to VIRTUAL COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 TTE.

The List 8—21 April l994 87