. - - starving. you will need to come Fey nod." §eeks raw gmouon’ but It back for this. The characters are :3 an emotion deeply Informed by

played by diferent actors, but this is the individual’s culture, experience one of the many strengths of this andparticular context. Company- They have children

through to grandparents in the company and what this adds to this story is extraordinary.

3 -4 May, Citizens


consuming. It may be in Russian. but it will lift you up and carry you along with its joys and sorrows. its recreation of a lost Russian world with heating resonances of today. and its greatest achievement. the presentation of what is universal in this divided world.

Natasha Parry. who attended one of Dodin’s workshops a few years ago. speaks of the images he creates on stage. She recalls one particular moment in Brothers aml Sisters Part 7. One in which the main character. Mikhail. offers his family a loaf ofbread. ‘lt is one ofthe t" "

reatest moments in the theatre.‘ she says.

‘gThere are no words. Only the universal image The Che" arena“! of the sharing of bread.‘ CHEKHOV IN Russian would be a Dodin would be the first to agree that he owes delight in itself. This production is much to Eduard Kochergin. the main designer beautifully staged. with its set of

of the Maly productions. Best known for his glass panels through which the work with classical Russian texts. Kochergin’s blossom of the cherry trees

sets recreate the worlds Dodin and the gradually fades. and the panels ADAPTED FROM Abramov‘S company work in. He only ever works with disappear as the play reaches its “0Vth these two Perfemmhee§ term natural materials. and the results are sets which tragic but inevitable conclusion. 21h CPIC JOUfnC)’ through the history make the stage crew tear their hair out. but Dodin has been faithful in Otithe PTY'dShh thmt'ty Centred 0“ which evoke not just a place. but a time and an recreating this slice of Russian Mikhilit- This the StOh)’ 0i 8 atmosphere. Brothers and Sisters Parts ()ne society. down to the finest detail. tilmtt)’ Stmgghhg t‘” kltkhel 0F and Two and The Devils are perfect examples while always accompanying that COmmUhilt tarm 33 lOVCrhmeht of his achievements. and lighting combines with a world of pain and humour. increases the grath q 3 and the with set to dramatic or piercineg intimate An intimate and emotionally Peehte g0 htthgtY- Th‘ hP'dh)’ effect. highly-charged production. with Work heaUtttUttY togett ‘aPtUFthg For a theatre which was founded by delightful observations of master- 21” the hie 01‘21 Village C tunity bureaucratic decree ‘and not because a group of servant. brother-sister relationships. Whteh has grown “R that d and artists got together and decided to explore The cry of the birds in the cherry dted togethet- The PrOdUCttOhS seize something’. the eight productions to be seen in orchard. resounding around the YOU h)’ the heart and make YOU Glasgow show a vision and theatricality which auditorium. will haunt you forever. laugh and er)’ the Years $10 h)’ 0“ outstrips many a company founded with more 29-30 April. Citizens Stage The Stagthg ts Stmhte ithd the artistically inspired roots. Dodin has been _ tttte 0t thoee 0“ Stage compethhg 35 Artistic Director since 1983 and he has taken The Devils YOU hVe thh them through the

the company. based in a little theatre off Parts I and Years and the hours- Nevsky Prospekt from which it takes its name _ . 7‘8 Mall 0113’“ (Maly meaning little). on voyages both on stage THE BRQODINQ dtmty'ttt world ~' ‘- ' and off which Scottish audiences can now breaththgthtehSttyahdthtrtgue- share. Every performance will be surtitled in 3‘“th asthue‘h “t Shadows ‘15 English, but as Natasha Parry puts it. ‘I don’t 118m DOdtn Steal?“ ‘magcs ‘tnd ever have the impression that I’ve spent the Ptctutcs W‘tth'” thts World; Hts time reading. I have been feeling. and l have Cmttmg m the mCCttttg 0t the

understood; J Secret Society touches you like a The Maly Theatre are at Citizens and Pamtmg by 0”? Of_thc Olq‘MaStch' Tramwmz9Apn-1 _ l5 Mm: But no image is Without lite. each

moment infused with a physical and intellectual vitality transforming his canvas into vibrant theatre. Here is a moment in Russian social history recreated on

kt J stage. offering us the chance to peer x. w” A y f t ~ in at a society which lost its

t1 .. direction. struggled with politics Stars in the Marni"

o 6 ~ .


and personal morality. and is gone . . .

forever. With Dodin's adaptation SET IN thctlmc 0t BreZhnev’ It

we can walk into Dostoevsky’s takes place m an Old harm,“ hou§e~

novel. formerly part of a mental institution.

]4_l5 Mm; Tramway now home to a group of prostitutes

' ' who have been ordered out of

m Moscow for the duration of the Olympics. ‘It is not only critical of

CONCEIVED FIRST. this is the society.’ Dodin explained to The List

concluding part Of the history of the on [he Maly’s acclaimed first visit [0

Prysalin family. If you have lived Glasgow in 1988, ‘thc whole play is

n with them since Mikhail was a impregnated with the pain and worry s a young boy returning from logging. of what is happening to the human The sets evoke not lust a place, but a time and an watCth him iOVC and 1080 and the soul in modern society.‘

atmosphere to plerclngly lntlmate effect. hand of the Party leave the people 4-5 May, Tramway

The List 22 April—5 May 199411