GOMPETITIONS Original Levi’s

Store Spending spree

An Original Levi‘s Store has landed in Princes Street, Edinburgh. selling the complete range of Levi‘s famous American clothing; T-shirts. jackets and sweatshirts. Oh. and jeans of course. To celebrate the opening, we‘ve got ten goody bags of Levi merchandise to give away. including a rucksack. baseball cap and T—shirt. To enter. just answer this question:

Name the boxer short-wearing heart throb who famously removed his Levi‘s in the launderette ad.

Send your answers. which must reach us by Wednesday 4 May. to lEVI’S COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


Jane Tennent is the winner oi the HIM/Sound City competition which was run In The List’s ottlclal progme for Sound City. Jane is shown (here turning up last week) at Hull's store I Arygle Street in Glasgow where she spent a happy reonieg selecting £300 worth of Clh, cassettes and videos all courtesy oi those wondertul people etliMV. SoIIdCltyT-sblrtsereon theirwaytothe

tee runners up. Get your copy of The List by post and plan your nightliie over Place a regular order with your nearest breakfast. Copies are sent out to subscribers by first class post newsagent. The List is available from every second Wednesday and should reach you early on all good newsagents in Central Thursday. ____________________ __ Scotland and a new issue should be in To: THE LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS the shops every second Thursday. 14 High Street ---------------------------- -- Edinburgh _ EH1 "E To. MY NEWSACENT Please send me The List magazine: Please reserve for me until further

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so The List 22 Apn‘l—s May 1994