Publisher Robin Hodge.

igtlggtlasgfiggnlgga. th Ticket information 2 1 10 l . . . . . . . ~ . . .

Kathleen Mor an. i The multi-talented theatre director turns his attention to Hiroshima. '“dCX 0‘ ShOWS "1 “"3 135119 3 Advertising/c rculation John I Pa 8 8 Fringe Frontlines 4 Higgins. Lesley [.awrie. Clare i g ' A“ , d, 6 Lawler. f ‘an cl

Accounts Georgette Renwick. Freeloaders 15, 17

Sheila Maclxan. I

Classified Jo Kennedy. ; > Typesetting Nikki Turner. '

Production James Halibtirton.

Dave Keen. I . Designlcanwc [mums-mm 5 Why grown men don their favourite


Guy Masterson Henry VIII -— Diary

frocks for fame, from Lily Savage to Ufa Serial Killer 21 -: wo‘nn. r -. .- , - 2?,°,';§§,§,:.‘3'5,.:,, , Terence Stamp. Page 10. flea/ft; Mytfinfjwyn 22 Books Ann Donald. (L 1a" v 0 I“ .\ Classical Music Carol Main. Clubs Rory Weller. Bethan ' - aw. i oreograp ers ays iii'lhom Dibdin. -, Film Alan Morrison. Trevor ? 1‘” LOthQd 24 Johnston. V Stephen Dinsdale 24 Fllmllstlngs'mom Dibdin. . We profile the quartet of modern dance Skavi/[e 29

FOIK Norman Chalmers.

Jazz Kenny Mathieson. giants whose work appears at the

Kids Gabe Stewart. . ' .

Rock Alastair Mabbott. Fiona Festlvdl' Page 12' L I k .

Shepherd. H E "'5 n a Fringe Survival Kit 33 Sport Jonathan lrew. Bap/(green Belter

Television [kldie Gibb. I _ _ Theatre/Dance Mark Fisher. I Starvmg Artists 34 Camera Edinburgh Make-up Services. 6-8pm

I The Waterboy goes back to his roots in the Wilds of Scotland. Mgr/m 39 ' Page 14' Tm‘qaam Tassa 39 I. Abducting Diana 40 (i il I :K J ; arts agger 8-1DPM Eartha Kill 47 g The daughter of rock’s most famous pout makes her directorial , 21 ( E debut. Page 16. '- y ' 10PM-LATE T o Australian funny women 5 " , ““m ' y lt’sA BiiLike This 55 The Adventures oi Priscilla, K iller Joe 55 Queen oi the Desert. I > For these shockers the ' ~. _ Plum” Saré’jet'v 59 Published ii The list ltd. Price Of fame is never (00 , - I Clerk,“ 69 t - f l R I d I d .' .~ Andre dc TOih HHMWCI pain u . ea t is an .5, ._ Hum 71 winning}, FHi m: weep Page 18 » Te11031 5561191. , ' ' i 7 -‘ e‘ ' 1 Fax: 031 557 85G). , i h“ A i i i meow OFFICE: N 0 N ' F E S T I V A I. I. I S T | N G S A N D P B E V I E W 8 Did Simzzi Wear Knickers? 51

] c i . r c‘ . . . . . . E713 33;},flgfil‘g”g,‘,13cf”“ I FILM. True Lies 82, Index 83, Listings 85. étifiljul‘fngxcgand g: {effing Z MUSIC: Strangelove 87, Live Reviews 87, Rock & Blues 89, @1994”, m Md, 5 Jazz 91, Folk & World 91, Classical 92. Re (d 'h l ' l I. . . . . mg: $333,; 33532;: I THEATRE. Silver Darlings 93, Listmgs 93, Follow Follow 94. 1;] RBapt g: wntt‘n '..') fh- - . . l 08 wifhefiwmn ° ° ART: Listings 95, Dav1d Hockney 96. Lifting, 53 e istdoe. t.“ t . . responslibilit; i]; dhégiieited LlStlngS materia ' TV: Listings 98. SUBSCRIPTIONS _ . Romantic Spirit in German Art 73 g; 3:? 320:5603 issues); ClaSSlfied George Wyllie in The Frame 74 . g L t r; 75 $3383; {Gregg mics). FREELOADERS - axcwsws FESTIVAL FREEBIE TICKET '5 “‘5‘ Send to Edinburgh Office.

The List 12—18 August 19941