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“Slur/n wickedly shelters .s‘lerenliyws

The Village Voice

EMMA CHRISTIAN 'I'RADI'I'IONAI .\\U.\'lLilRU.\t 'llll l.\|l Ul .\\;\.\'

(ureul llaill Edinburgh ("mile * Free Rossly u ( hupel * Rosliu * .28 .\ug 9pm . sf

. . . - . , .. (on ( :Islle admission) * .22 Aug lpm ()ld 8’! Paul’s * 1‘) \ug Itipm ' ‘5‘” (‘L'w‘fi‘n St (.ilcs‘ ( zulwdrul * l-‘ree * .25 Aug 1.2.l5pm .\cou~lic \Iusic ( eulre * SI Aug 8. 05pm

\l \lary's (.zuhedml * .24 Aug 10.15pm SI .\ll(lre\\'~ & \l (neurch * .2 Sept l.’.$0 pm excavations of untold truths and 0th er Ollth rsts Sliwkliridge l’ari~ll (‘liureli * 2" Aug 9.30pm \Izlgdnleu (impel * ..’. Sept 9pm

A professional "funny lady" confronts family taboos. global insanity. nervous breakdowns. the Holocaust, and beauty school.

. -\‘ U "I u . , g An ear/say production at mourn mummy '0." f ' p -. i '. ' 1' i

34 Hamiiton Pjace box office ()3l 226 5425 or fringe office ()3! 226 5'38

"No More Mr Nice-Guy”

"You will laugh and you I will hate yourself for laughing but you will laugh anyway”

Gilded Balloon II Stepping Stones Courtyard Theatre 8. 30pm (9.45pm) August . September

Parrot on Pain 2 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 2 Parrot on Passion 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 3 Parrot on Perversion 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29. 1.

Admission £6/£5 Box Office 031 225 6520

The List 19—25 August 1994 47