Possrble opening. replacing some of the I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. 2. Partie de Campagne (PG) and Le Crime I MOM High Street. Kirkcaldy. 0592 260 above‘ . 1- ladvbird. ladvbitd (l8) 1-40pm. 4pm. de M. Lange (PG) 3pm, 5.45pm. 8.15pm. 143.

The Adventures of Priscilla ( 15). 6.20pm, 8,45pm & late, “man” 15 Forrest sum (12).

“'9 “00 Kine (U). The Snapper ( 15) and Raining Stones (15) 1, Low or the Rings (PG) 2.30pm. Speed (15).

m" m "'9 Bum“ (PG)- Sun only. l-30Pm- Dazed 8: Confused (18) 5.45pm. 8.45pm. Clear And Present Danger (12).

see 3'50 Glasgow Latcs- 2. To live ( I3) 13-45?!“ 330W“. 6-15va 2. Partle de Campagne (PG) and Le Crime Opening. replacing one of above:

9pm. de M. Lange (PG) 3pm. 6.15pm. - The Lion King (U).

3. Reservoir Dogs ( l8) l2. 15pm (not "am (15) 9pm. I flfiw p|c‘|’un£ House North Street. St 12 Rose Street 332 8128. Sun). 4.45pm (1101 Sun). 9.20pm & late. sufln‘y 15 Andrews_ 0334 473509

mo“ 14 True Romance ( I8) 2.301)!“ (not Sun). 4 1. Dazed & Confused (18) 8.45pm. 1. Forrest Cump ( 12) 7.30pm.

1. Dazed & Confused (18) 6.30pm 7pm and late. 2. Partie de Campagne (PG) and Le Crime Much Ado About Nothing (PG) Wed only. 845m. ' See also Edinburgh Late-*1 de M. Lange (PG) 3pm. 8.15pm. llpm.

§.3I(l)arltness in Tallinn (15) 3pm. 6. 15pm. 2'£3”""°" “Wham “"3” 447 5815:3111» at Bldsemont High (15) Ellagygsugltlm) 6.15pm. shnffggy 15 PFOVISIOMI Programme only Ca“ Cmema MONDAY 17 I ROBINS East Port, Dunfermline 0383 1. "and & Comma ( 18) 2.15pm. to confirm limo-- 1. Dazed a Confused (18) 2.30pm. 623 535. 4 15pm 8 45pm 2.12M Lignglsiing (U) (l.3()pm). (3.50pm). 6.15pm. Forrest Cump (12).

' i ' i ' - ~ Pm. ~- . pm. The Innocent (18) 8.30pm. Speed (15). 23023:} “'3'” Ta'k Amt " (PG) 2- Forrest Gump (12) 1.45pm. (4.45pm). 2. King Kong (PG) 3.45pm. 6pm. The Mask (p0). 2_ Evewbodyas Fine ( 13 ) 3pm. 7-45Pm- Fast Times at Ridgemont High ( 15) Clear And Present Danger (12). Darkness in Tallinn (15) 6.15pm. 8.30pm. 3- Speed (l5) 2.30pm. 5.30pm. 8.30pm. 8.45pm. Opening. replacing one of the above: sum)" 15 I MGM Lothian Road. 229 3030. TufisnAY 13 the Lion King (U)_ 1, nmd a. Confused (18) 4.15pm. EXPCCIed Progfamme ameijatfiIY 35 1. Dazed & Confused (18) 2.30pm. 8.45pm. I follows. Call cinema to confirm times. 6.15pm, 3.45pm,

igfifim m Ridgmom High US) Provisional programme details only - not

confirmed at time of going to press. .3 . . . wienwgggzstfglg) 6pm 8 0pm I CANNON Titciifield Street. Kilmamock.

We Don’t Want To Talk About It (PG) 6.30pm. 2. The Comfort of Strangers ( 18) and The

1. Dazed & Confused (18) 2.30pm. 2:323:32.- (PG) 6.15pm. 8.45pm. speed (15). P .

2. The Innocent (18) 3.45pm. 8.30pm.

Channels for Change (tbc) 6.15pm. (“93' “"d 9'93"" "3"99' ( 13)-

1. Band & con'md (18) 230p!“ Opening. replacing one of the above: 6.15pm. 9.45pm. . The “on ng (U)' . 2. The Innocent (18) 3.45pm 6pm. gélKSLBURNE Glasgow Road. Pa1slcy. 889 8'30pm' Phone for details. , __ I MAGNUM Harbourside. lrvine, 0294 . , 278381. & I’OIIeSI sump (12). I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4 141. [D]. City suckers || (12), T“ .‘ i Clear And Present Danger (12). Fri 14: Gaming Even mu. nad (pg). 1 The Mask (PG). 1. The Incredible Shrinking Man (PG) and I 005011 Bums staruc Square, Ayr, 0292 x I The Flintstones (U). O The Fly(18) 11.30pm. 264 049. 1 Possible opemng. replacmg one of above: 2, Ladybird, Ladybird (18) 1|,40pm, speed (15). ; War Of The Buttons (PG). 3. Reservoir Dogs (18) 11.55pm. City stickers u (12), E I OOEON Clerk Street. 667 733 i/668 Sat 15: When A Man Loves A woman (15). g = 3101- 1. W0" 0093 (18) and 38" 300'! Clear And Present Danger ( 12). a an (18) 0 m Expected programme approximately as West (18) 11.30pm. Forrest Guam ()2), Barium in 13mm. (‘1'? 15 mum‘s“ ca" cinema Io confirm "mes 2- Ladybil'do “WWII (18) 11-40Pm- Possible opening. replacing one of above: mam (15) 8 .40 m ') ' * Pm- and weekend matinees. True Romance (18) 11.55pm. the Lion King (U)_ MONDAY 17 n p . Speed (15)“ Thurs 203 Kids Shows Sat: Call cinema for details. 1 Band & Confused (18) 6 30 Chasing The "98" (PG)- 1- Rear Window (PG) mid Short ll-30Pm- I OOEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. We Don’t Want To Talk About If "no ' my S'ickm " (‘2’ mm“ 2 3"" 3 5“ F" 1" 0698 283 802- 8 30pm ( ) able," ‘lISMan “"35 A woman (15). I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 Speed (15). " ' v 0 ( ~ )- 0777. Forrest Cum 12 . g}, Don t Want To Talk About It (PG) “applauding; Md A Funera' (15). m 14/5“ 15: cm s'ickelsp|: (1)2). .Partie de Campagne (PG) and Le Crime P8831816 Openlng' replacmg some Of the can “new for dem‘ls' The no" “"9 (U?- a 0V“; , I UCI Clyde Regional Centre. Clydebank, de M. lange (PG) 5.45pm. 8.15pm. The Lion King (U). o o 041 951 1949. Adventures 0' PTISCIIIa ( programme similar to 1. 1. Ildted In low York (15) 6.15pm. Threesome ( 18 ). I "'5 PAVILION Market Street. c3" cinema to comm Dazed & Confused (l8) 8.45pm. I ST. BRIOE’S CENTRE Orwell Terrace. Galasmelsv 0896 752767- Mrs noubmm (p0) wed only 2. Partie do Campagne (PG) and Le Crime 346 1405. Cafe. [D]. 50p The U0" King (U). Poqqiblc Opening? ' de M. Lange (PG) 3pm. Support Your Local Sheriff! (U) Fn‘ 14 I 30“ CINEMA Horsemafkel. KCISO- Thé‘lion King (U; The last Seduction (18) 6pm. only. 2pm. 0573 224 609. Bi“- IDI. Cinema only ° Ruth Rendal Event ( 15) 8.15pm, with I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 open Sat/Sun. Tue/Wed.

John Brown P.A. 0711/669 0777. [D]. 311881105).

WEDNESDAY 19 Expected programme similar to Week 1. 1‘ : Confused (18) 6.30pm. Call cinema for details. CENTRAL CINEMAS e 11 ew York (15) 8.30pm. Possible openings: Provisional programme details only - not 2. The Last Seduction (18) 3pm, 6pm. confirmed at time of going to press.

8.15pm. ,- r 1‘ . . ' x I ALLANPARK Allanpark Road. St1rling, "mason 0786 474137.

1. Nfiod In lieu: York (15) 6.15pm. Dazed a confused (18) 8.45pm. '§"4'.§:,".2 (U) 1'25pm' 350m

3.11;” Last Seduction (18) 3pm. 6pm. 2. Speed (15) phone for times. P’“ I CAIIIIDII Princess Street, Falkirk. 0324

23 0 . l GLASGOW LATES 1_ 2%,; “on m (U). War or The Buttons (PG). F” “’3” ‘5‘ 2' mm 6"” “2" hen... (l5) I cm! came oneov Renfield Street. 3. Speed (15). Threesome (18) i ' 332 8701. I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling '

I lICI Olympia Mall. East Kilbn'dc. 03552 49699.

University. 0786 461081. £3.50 (£2.50).

Phone cinema for details.

:riOlR‘SEXIENgR Ashton Lane. 339 4298. the lion King (U). Kika (18) Sun 16. 7.30pm. Ewen!“ program“? similar m week 1. 1. Golden Balls (18) 10 40pm “'3' 0' "‘9 3"“0'“ (PW ca" “'"W‘a I” “""m 2. Lo" And Human "chains ('18) mmasom (18). A Home Of our Own (PG) Thurs only. 10.30 m. The Adventures of Priscilla (15 ). Provisional programme details only - not affix afiwegfb) I MGM mam“ . See also Edinburgh Lates. confirmed at time of going to press. - 556 4282/4343, 0 Th“ Forge‘ Pa’khead‘ I ADAM SMITH CINEMA Bennochy Road. :20 lion Klnogui Phone cinema for details. Silila‘c(allg)y~8059f626703%9§h wattaS'sfi: (PG) . LII] . . . ' Lothian Road. 228 2688. I slimming gluing Church Street. I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. Irvine. mu" ‘4 7 Glenrothes, 0592 750 980 0294 279900. Provisional programme details only not 1' “and 8‘ “mm” (18) “308’” 1. The Lion King (U). "‘9 "33* (PG)- confirmed at time of going to press. 6- ‘5Pm' 3459‘“- 2. speed (15), Speed (15).

30 The List 7—20 October 1994