the year. With LA SWAT mart Jack Traven (Reeves) tip against mad bomber lloward Payne (Hopper) in a tower-block elevator siege. a brts wired to blow if it drops below 50mph and LA's as-yet-tinfinished subway. this is a rtrovie that will leave yotr on a ltigh for days afterwards. Edinburgh: Cameo. Strathclyde: Magnum.

I Star Trek Generations (PU) (David Carson. US. 199-!) Patrick Stewart. William Shatircr‘. Malcolm McDow ell. l l7 mitts. A contrived plot brings together Captains l’icard and Kirk in order to save millions of lives at the hands of the demented McDowell. Forget the time warp tosh and cringing references to the joys of the family; enjoy inStead the self-referential jokes of the seventh 'l‘rekkie movie which clearly shows that the Nut! Generation crowd make for better sci-fr than the original pantomime team. And the effects are indeed spectacular. See review. General release.

I Stargate (PCr) (Roland limmerich. LS. 1994) Kurt Russell. James Spader. Jaye Davidson. Ill mins. Was liarth visited centuries ago by aliens. Seems like it. particularly when ligyptologist Spader solves the key to a huge engraved circle found at the pyramids arid unlocks a doorway to another planet. Along with a military team led by Russell. he encounters totalitarian space god Ra (Davidson) and reverses l'S foreign policy by helping the locals. Big budget science fiction with gleefully ridiculous story and brilliant effects. (ieneral release.

I Straw Dogs (l8) (Sam l’eckinpah. UK. l97l) Dustin Hoffman. Strsan (ieorge. David Warner. 118 mitts. An trrild-mannered American brings his English wife back to her home village. only to ltave violence flare irt this inbred Cotrtislr community. Long tatred with the ‘gratuitous' bnrsh. Peckinpah's contemporary horror/thriller still retains its power. Cilasgow: (il-‘l‘.

I Taxi Driver ( lb‘) 1 Martin Scorsese. CS. I970) Robert De .\'iio. ('ybill Shepherd. Jodie Foster. “4 mins. Arr alienated taxi driver in New York is so repelled by the squalor and the moral decay around him that lie .v driven to terrible violence. One of the key films of the Seventies with the Scorsese-De Niro partnership at its peak. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I 32 Short Films About Glenn Gould (t l) (Francois (iirai'd. Canada. 1993) Colin licore. Derek Kctrrvoist. Katya l.adarr. 93 mins. l’artly a homage to the 32 sections of Bach's Goldberg Variations. partly a radical approach to screen biography. this film tells the life-story of piano genius (ilenn Gould without resorting to cliched archive footage. The acting is superb. the

5 structure fascinating. the music as vtbrant as

' ever. Rarely has the act of artistic creation been

1 presented on screen with such creativity. Fife:

t Robin‘s.

s I Three Colours Trilogy ( )5) (Krzysztof

Kieslovvski. France. l993/94) Juliette Binoche. erigniew Zarnachowski. Julie Delpy. lretre

Jacob. lO()/9l/9(r mins. Expressive and symbolic filmrtraking that also succeeds in being emotionally satisfying. Kieslowski's tricolour trilogy is ltis greatest masterpiece. Together. Blue. White arid Real make for the best in

litrr'opean cinema. Edinburgh: Cameo. I Timecop ( l8) (Peter Hyams. US. 1994) Jean- Claude Van Damme. Ron Silver. (iloria Reuben. 98 mins. Van Damme and partner Reubens are

cops keeping art eye on time itself: when the duo

i travel back to 1994 to investigate the mystery surrounding a powerful senator. personal agendas emerge. llyants. director of 20/0 and ()HI/(llltl. can handle the sfv of large-scale scr-fi.

btrt the narrative and performances tend to be

dwarfed by the design. Nevertheless. one of the few genuinely robust sei-fi movies around.

(ilasgovv: .\l(i.\l l‘ilm Centre. Edinburgh: MGM. (.‘Cl. Strathclyde: UCl (‘lydebank

I The Tin Drum Die li/et'lrirmnnie/ ( IS) (Volker'

Schlorrdorff. W.(iermany. I979) David Benrrent. Mario Adotf. Charles Aznavour. lJl nrins.

Compelling screen version of the (itrnter Grass novel about a yottitg boy who refuses to grow tip

as the Nazis rise to power in Germany. ()ire of

the greatest ever performances by a kid. btrt does

Schlondorff really add anything to what was

already in the source material? See review.

Glasgow: Cit-'1‘.

I To live (12) (Zhang Yintou. llong

Kong/China. I994) Cre Yotr. (iorig l.i. Nitr Ben. lZS mins. With a gentle injection of humour

alongside the tragedy. Zhang returns to the epic

scope of his earlier films. following the effects of history on an unimposing family. The ironies thrown up by political changes. taking in the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.

may have bizarrely comic consequences. btrt

they also inflict pain at a grass-roots level. (ie

You is a rrtagirificent lead. Fife: Adam Smith.

I Tokyo Story (L’) (Yashijuro Ozu. Japan. 1953)

Cltislrtr Rytr. Cltieko Higaslraiyanra. 139 mins.

()ztr’s widely acclaimed masterpiece is a quiet-

spokerr but eloquent statement on the travails of

growing old. The simple plot tells of an elderly

couple's visit to their children irt Tokyo where

they are treated tactlessly by their selfish

offspring. lidinburgh: l-‘ilm (ittild.

I Totally F“'ed Up ( l8) (Crregg Araki. l'S.

l993) James Duval. Roko Belic. Gilbert Luna. 80 mins. More entertaining aitd competent than The Living End. Araki's fragmented look at a group of LA teenagers is. irr fact. a film that addresses the problems of Generation X more closely and succinctly than the rest of America's slacker output. Air idiosyncratic mix of video realism and drartra-docurttentary that gives a freer voice to sidelined sexuality arid also a sense that we're all channel-surfing through life. See preview. lidiirbtrrglr: l'iltltlHHtSL‘.

I Trapped In Paradise (PU) ((ieot‘ge (iallo. t‘s. I994) Nicolas Cage. Jott l,ovit7._ Dana ('at‘vey. lll mitts. 'l'he tre'et-do-well liii'po Brothers try to take the bank iii the sleepy hamlet of Paradise. but find that accidents and circumstances keep pulling them back to town. 'l'rying for a slightly arcane twilight world of (‘api‘aesque iitragcty. writer-director (iallo's supposed comedy is under-developed slapstick that is ridden wrth cliches. So bad. it'll make you angry. (ilasgow: .\l(i.\ls. lidinburgh: MGM. l'Cl. Strathclyde: ('Cls.

I True Romance ( l8) t't‘ony Scott. (is. t993) Christian Slater. Patricia Ai'qtrette. Dennis Hopper. H9 mins. Comic bookstore assistant Clarence meets. sleeps with atrd tnarries novice hooker Alabama witltirr a matter of hours. tlrert the lovebirds fiitd themselves on the run with art accidentally stolen case of cocaine. l.irrtelight- stealing cameos and writer Quentin 'l‘arairtirro‘s verbal set-pieces fire this excellent movie. the epitome of disposable pop culture for the fast- food gener.’rtion. lidinbttrgh: MGM. Strathclyde: l'Cl liast Kilbi'ide.

I Trust ( l5) (llal Hartley. US. I990) Adrienne Shelly. Martin Donovan. .\lcrtitt Nelson. 90 mins. in suburban Middle America. a rebellious high~school dropout (Shelly) leaves ltomc after causing her father's fatal heart attack by announcing she's pregnant. Hy chance. she meets the dangerous btrt intelligent Matthew. who has also rebelled arid lost his job. A highly unusual black comedy with several unexpected twists front the writer/director of Amateur. (ilasgow: (ilr'l‘.

I 2001: A Space Odyssey tl ‘) (Stanley Kubrick. l'S/l 'K. I903) Keir Dullca. (iar'y Lockwood. l-tl mins. Celebrated visionary epic about the history and future of the human race. superbly crafted and directed by Kubrick. It needs the l)l_‘.' screen to do real justice to the fairrotrs sequences on the developrtrent of man and the landing ot the riryster'iotrs monolith. ()ne of the great classics of rriodcrrt cinema. lidinbtrr'gh: Cameo. I Unforgiven ( l5) (Clint liastvvood. l‘S. I993)


Clint Eastvvotkl. Crene llackirran. Morgan Freeman. l23 rrrirrs. Clint returns to the saddle as a former killer. tarrrcd by his late wife. btrt pressed iitto joining a bounty hunt which takes him to the town of Big Whiskey and into the presence of its sadistic shcr rff t llackrttarr). A darkly disturbing vv estcrtr which destroys the genre's traditional notions of clear-cut good and evil. instead presenting violent acts as physically and psychologically paiitftil for v rctim and perpetrator alike. lidinbuigh: liilrrrhouse.

I War Of The Buttons tl’(i ) (John Roberts. t'K. I991) Colm Meancy. (itegg Fitzgerald. John Coffey 9-1 ruins. the rivalry bctvvcetr two villages iii the sotitlr west of Ireland is taken tip it) childish skirmishes between local sclroolkids‘. btrt soon their battles escalate. Colin Welland's script oozes Irish charm and a lov e ot childhood. biit the repetitive structure begins to wear tltrrr. Strathclyde: Magiiurti.

I What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? ( 15) (Robert Aldrich. IS. 1903) lictte Davis. Joan Crawford. Victor littorro. l3} ruins. the catty rivalt)‘ lwtwcen two former screen stars (and of course. resemblance may be intended to persons Iiv iitg or dead) leads to suspicion after a trryster'iotrs accident confines l.a Crawford to a wheelchair in Aldrich's clever but ultimately unsatisfying mystery thriller. lidinhtrrgh: blltttllvflls‘c‘.

I When A Man Loves A Woman ( I St t t .tlts .\larrdoki. l'S. l99-l) Meg Ryan. Andy (iarcra. lillctt Hurstyn. l3(r ruins ('asurtg Ryan against type as an alcoholic itrothcr going through rehab hell and piecing together her domestic life does add welcortre friction to .\lairdokr's follow -up to Burn li'.\.'(’l'(/tl\. but otherwise it's .t rather typical piece about forgiveness, inner strength and reinforced family values. ’l he roirrarttic content and emotional rtranrpulrttroti. however. will please the harrkre carriers in the audience. l-‘ife: .\l(i.\l.

I Wildscreen tl’(i ) 'l vvo tut tlrcr progr‘ariturcs taken from the touring festival of Wildlife and linv ttortmctrtal l'tlltt and l‘\.'. in St't Ir'l I’ltit'i'v (\\"rlilscr'ecir -l. \lon l3. lots mitts) lrrrds Sir David :\tteirbototrgh in the Antarctic for The [tic l’r'r'i'n'. follow s a fisherman on China's l.rtang River in He Dir/rut I’m //.'\ (Ir’IIIlUIiIr'lI) and enters the isolation of .‘yloitg'tlra tot '/'/.'/ .‘llrrtiirto'rlrt ()fl'lrr'.\'1rrr.r la «(Inuit (tr/u'lr'ti/r're Sim/m t\\'ildscrccn i. Mon 3‘). IN ruins) looks at the cortrpctitiou faced llt Sp: r/rr llirrv. the money to be made in r'r'orn ll'r/rl: 'l/rt ff‘tr'lr’t' rlltlllltlf l’r'l Turtle. and retells the life of (7n (7:; 7/14' l’urrt/ti. (ilasgovv (il'l.

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