L_._- .._ . e . 14 The List 24 Feb-9 Mar 1995

‘()ne night about five \ears ago whilst leaving it (its centre hat; .’ was i‘ontronted by an old man outside. [had seen this old man several times lie/ore. wandering around the (NY, He was olwioush' ‘i/own andout'. He asked mefor some money. lgare him a little then asked lliltt what lie was doing out there. He blurted out his story: (hire a skilled worker in the (.‘ales'. Glasgow 's British Rail engineering works at .S'pringhurn.’ a union organiser with a wife. a good home and a flourishing soi'ial life. Sll(/(l('l1l\'lll-\ H'Ifi' dial. This was a terrible hlowsini'e he loved herdearlv. With no immediatefinniiv to support him he quickly became depressed. losin g hisjoh in an industrial aii‘ulent. losing his house thmugh mounting ileht. hei'oming an ali'oholii‘ and ending up leading a squalid life on the streets ofUlasgow.

[Eventually he left Glasgow for London. where his situation hei‘atne worse. nearly (lying through starvation. exposure and alcohol poisoning. After a prolonged period of hospitalisation he returned to Glasgow to rebuild his life. Unable to get a start again he was still on the streets and pessimistie about his future. After pouring all this out. he hurst into tears and wandered off into the night.’ - Ken Cunte

llnocuts trom Ken Cuttle’s Story From Glasgow 1989
