Les Diaboliques/ Cousin, Oousine

fiuw Cousin Cousine, first released in 1975, is the story of two

married couples who meet at a wedding and start a partner- swapping fling. ln Les Diaboliqttes, the wife and mistress of We’ve got three pairs of tickets to see Rab Hoakes a vicious headmaster plot his tnurder. Then the corpse and Oysney Moon at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow on disappears and the women wonder if he is really dead. We‘re Sunday 12 March at 8pm. Take a copy of The list to giving away five pairs of these two French films on video. To the Tron box oitice at 63 Trongate before 8 March to enter. tell us: claim your tickets.


e: .r: o = a > r: .2 .1: or 99 E a U

Cousin (‘ousine was remade by Hollywood as Cousins. Who was the male lead. better known for settin ' u the drinks in

Boston’s tnost famous bat"? E p Send your answers, which tuust reach us by Wednesday 8 we’re giving away f0“, pairs of tickets Mill'Cll. lOI List, to see Simon and The Rubber Bishops Edinburgh 5'" 175- on Thursday 2 March at the Glasgow Concert Hall. Write to Colin at the Gilded Balloon, 233

The Mission/ ;‘ Oarter USM

Two major gigs at Barrowland. Glasgow coming up in March and

we‘ve got three pairs of tickets for each. Carter have always had a devoted live following but their new

album has made them new friends in the 7‘3; j \ ill d’lllttll) indifferent music press. The Mission continue to I J M plough their goth/rock crossover and their name still . g e ) graces countless leather jackets across the country. To : ~ I enter. answer this question, and mark your entry clearly with the gig you \\ ant to see. Please enclose daytime telephone number:

(Entry'valid only when accompanied with relevant voucher)

III-l a CD = 'O U .2." U) = O 2 m I“ = s —l _= m. S. U) 1.“

rcmnnetmmvoucher tang valid only ripen accompanied out: relevant'voucheri

Name file Mission‘s lead singer and Carter's two main mischief—makers. Send your entry. which must reach us by Tuesday 28 February, to:

0 new moves

We’re offering two tickets for the price of one to

.1 _’ . m.

. _=

- m : A. at

a d '2

O m. '_ m .2. ._ m :1: ~ ~ BAHROWLAHO COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE. see Vicente Saez’s Rapta at Tramway on Friday 3

March at 8pm. Take a copy of The List to the box ottice.

Green Legend Ran/ Greenpeace gmefiw

Green ltgem/ Run is a new Japanese ‘anitne' released on video which has a strong eco—message. Ran is a young boy who lives in an apocalyptic future where the air is unhreatluihle and rain no longer falls. He joins an underground resistance. movement trying to win back the elements for the people. The video release has been sponsored by Greenpeace and we're offering five goody-bags containing a Ran video and sweatshirt. plus a Greenpeace long—sleeve 'l‘—shirt and info-pack. To enter. tell us:


at the Ramshom


You can get two tickets tor the price or one to see the performance or Metamorphosis at the Ramshorn, Glasgow on Sunday 26 February at 7.30pm. Take a copy or The List to the box office. Tickets subject to availability.

competition Voucher- (Entry valid only “unaccompanied with relevant voucher)

What is the name of Greenpeace's ship that is used during anti-whaling demonstrations? Send your entry. which must reach us by Friday 10 March. to: RA" COMP, Tire List, I 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


OFFERS: Cut out the coupon or take along the whole magazine and present it to the relevant box ottice or cash desk. All otters are subject to

I availability and managements reserve the right to

The Tm Drum COMPETITIONS: Only one entry per person per

competition. It you are entering more than one The Tin Drum is director Volger Sehléndorff's excellent competition, you need use only one envelope, but adaptation of the famous German novel about a young please make sure that your name, address and boy with special powers growing up (and then stopping voucher are attached to EACH entry. Competitions growing) during the rise of the Third Reich. To coincide are open to all UK residents (over the age of 18 In with the cinema re-release. the film is now also available alcohol-related otters). No responsibility can be on video and we've got six copies to give away. To enter. accepted by The List tor prizes which cannot he tell us: obtained due to unforeseen circumstances. To

Who wrote the book on which the film is based? tibial" a “St.” maven.” pleas: send“? 3‘? to the "' Send your entry, which must reach us by Friday IO St competmon "new" “at "9 w c moist

March, to: TIH onurtt come, The List, 14 High Street, "3""5 1°" WWW Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


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92 The List 24 Feb-9 Mar I995 Printed by Scottish County Press. Sherwood industrial Estate. Bonnyt'igg, Midlothian. Tel: 013l 663 2404.