Films screening this fortnight are listed i below with certificate, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Alan Morrison.

I Aardman Animation (PO) A selection of household favourites frorri the award-winning team. including ('reature ('orrrftuti, A Grand [lav ()ut and The ll'rone 'l'rouierx. Edinburgh: Filmhotrse.

I Accion Mutanfe ( )8) (Alex de la lglesia. Spain. I993) Frederique Feder. Antonio Resines. Alex Angulo. 9-1 mins. A group of handicapped revolutionaries kidnap an heiress and head to an off-world rrrining planet for a bloody showdown. An instant sci-fi/hoi‘r or cult classic let loose from i the Almtxlovat‘ experimental labs. Try to ' imagine Ir'reakx rrreetirig Barbarella at a party thrown by Mad Max. Glasgow: Gl-"l‘. . I The Adventures or Priscilla. Queen Of The i Desert ( IS) (Stephan Elliott. Atrstralia. I994) i Terence Stamp. Hugo Weaving. Gtry Pearce. 10-1 ririrrs. Two transvestites and a trans-sexual tearrr i tip for a trip across the Australian outback for a j drag show in Alice Springs. Serious issues pop tip from time to time. btit the emphasis is on the camp humour of the iii-bus bitchiness and outrageous musical set-pieces. Edinburgh: MGM. Central: MacRobert.

I Alexander Nevsky (l‘) (Sergei Eisenstein. I'SSR. I938) Nikolai ()khlopkov. Alexander Abrikossov. Dnritri ()rlov. \'assily Novikov. ll2 mins. With music by Prokofiev. Eisenstein re- enacts splendidly the medieval rotrting of the Germans. drawing powerful comparisons with the l'SSR's L‘UlllL‘lllptiltll')‘ threat from the Nazis. A thrilling. patriotic epic. Edinburgh: Filmliotrse. I Alien Trilogy ( l S) (Ridley Scott/James Carrierori/ David Fincher'. l'S. 1979/80/92) Sigotrrrrey Weaver et al. llfr/l 37/l 14 mins. The Complete story of Ripley and friend. from Scott's: edge-of—the-seat suspense thriller. through Cameron's Rambo In Space. to Fincher"s dark. atrrrosplieric finale. A variety of styles and scares: around every corner. Strathclyde: Magntrrrr. 3 I Amateur ( 15) (Hal IIartley. I'S. I994) Isabelle; Huppert. Martin Donovan. lilina Lowensohrr. l05 mins. Isabelle. arr ex~ntrn writing porn stories. meets arrrnesiac Thomas on the streets of New York; soon they find that his past is somehow linked to Sofia. a porn actress. and two violent corporate assassins. The patented Hartley dialogue and wit is ever present. btrt this time there are a few filmic jokes thrown in with references to specific genres and other movies. (’entral: MacRobert. Strathclyde: l'(‘l ('lydebank.

I American Gigolo ( l8) (Patrl Setri-attet; (‘8. I980) Richard Gere. Lauren Ilutton. .\'ina Van Pallantlt. ll7 mins. .-\rchetypal Schradet‘. exl‘loring the scanner side of the American fast- lane. Gere is perfectly cast as the title character. a shallow. .-\rmani-clatl stud who provides his clients with infinitely pleasurable sexual satisfaction. btrt is unable to experience either love or commitment himself. This emotional paralysis changes when he becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal and reaches out to the beautiful Hutton. litigiossing Breclitian morality play. Glasgow: GFT. ' I Andre (l') (George Miller. I'S. 199-1) Tina Majorino. Keith Carr adirrc. (‘helsea Field. 9-1 I mins. This time it's the turn of a seal to keep the kids oolring and aahing. as the true story of Andre unfolds. Set during the early (r0s in a small fishing tow it in Mairre. the film Iras all the necessary elements cute kid bonding with cute animal - and with a few adventure sequences in the plot that ptrts this fiippered hero in the Skippy/(‘hampion/Rin Tin Tin class. Glasgow: ()deon. MGM Parkhead. Edinburgh: ()deon. I'Cl. Strathclyde: ()deorr Ayr. l'Cl (‘lydebank. I Annie Hall ( I 5) (Woody Allen. ('8. 1977) Woody Allen. Diane Keaton. Tony Roberts. 93 mins. Warm. wistful. wonderfully witty Woody discotrrses on love. death and life in the Big Apple in this mtrlti-()scar-winning autobiograplrical cornetly-roirrancc. Edinburgh: Filmhouse.

I Army In The Shadows (Jean-Pierre Melville. France. I969) Lino Veritrrra. Simone Sigrroret. Jean-Pierre Cassel. l-tt) mins. A resistance fighter is captured iri Vichy France and. while in a prison camp. tries to track down the informer

w ho betrayed his group. Melville uses his own experience as a member of the nun/iris to build a tribute to the French Resistance that is truthful and tragic. With the shorts ll'ordx For Battle by Humphrey Jennings and London Can Take It by Jennings and Harry Watt. Central: Mac~Robert. I An Awfully Big Adventure ( l5) (Mike Newell. UK. 1995) Hugh Grant. Alan Rickman.

Georgina Cares. lI2 mins. Amidst dreary post- war surroundings. the naive and impressionable Stella (Cares) discovers a microcosmic world of rivalry. jealousy. lust and resentment when takes a job as assistant stage manager with a rep theatre company. Newell taps into the darkness of Beryl Bainbridge's novel. btrt like his prevrotrs line/rantedApril and Four ll'edt/r‘rrgr And A Funeral. it really might be more suited to an evening at home in front of the box. General release.

I Barbarella ( IS) (Roger Vadirn. Italy/France. I967) Jane Fonda. John Philip Law. David llernrnings. 98 mins. In the year 40.00) AD. sex kitten Fonda travels to the planet Sorgo to divest herself of rntrch futuristic clothing. fall in love with Law's angel and tussle with Hemmings' mad scientist character Duran Duran (yes. fact fans. it is he). Dated Vadirn romp of interest mostly to kitsch aficionados or horny twelve year-olds. Glasgow: GF'I‘. Edinburgh: Cameo. I Belle Epoque ( l 5) (Fernando Trueba. Spain. I992) Jorge Sanz. Fernando Fernan Gomez. Ariadne Gil. Penelope Cruz. 109 rrrins. Dtrring the Civil War. a young deserter finds himself under the wing of an elderly libertine. enjoying the pleasures of his fotrr daughters ~ a lesbian. a widow. a bride-to-be and a virgin. Sparkling. feel-good. period comedy that revels in the joys of life and love. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Blaclt Beauty ([5) (Caroline Thomson. L'S/L'K. I994) Sean Bean. David Thewlis. Peter Cook. 82 mins. The rrrost famous horse in children's literature returns in a faithful screen version by debut director 'l‘homson. whose work as a screenwriter ~ The Secret Garden. lir/rrart/ .S't'inorhandr. The Nightmare Before ('lrriitnuti taps into a darker current ofchildhtxxl vision. The pace sets off at a gallop. and should intrigue adults as well as younger viewers. Glasgow: MGM Parkhead. Edinburgh: l'Cl. Strathclyde: Magnum.

I Blade Runner ( l S) (Ridley Scott. ('8. 1082) Harrison Ford. Rtrtger Hauer. Sean Yotrrrg. I I7 mins. A tough cop tracks down a group of malfunctioning androids in this gritty hi-tech retread of Raymond Chandler. executed with Scott's customary visual flair. and with strong performances. especially from Ford and Hauer. Edinburgh: St Bride's Film Festival.

I Blue Sky ( 12) (Tony Richardson. ITS. l99l) Jessica Lange. Tommy Lee Jones. Power‘s Boothe. 101 mins. Carly. extrovert wife of army radiation expert Hank. courts tragedy when she begins an affair with the base commander. ()scar-winner' Lange plays a fragile. mentally

unstable heroine of the Tennessee Williams type.

following a similar path to the one she took in l-‘rarrt‘ix. Tommy Lee Jones is on brilliant form. proving that Tony Richardson‘s final film was expert at creating characters. btrt fell apart when it concentrated on plot. Edinburgh: Filmhotrse. I Bosna! (no cert) (Bernard-Henri l.evy/Alairr Ferrari. Bosnia/France. I994) ll7 mins. British citizens' understanding of the conflict in former Yugoslavia is shaped by newspaper reports and prime-time television news broadcasts. The startling. shocking. saddening documentary shows that the images we have seen are btrt the tip of the iceberg. The filmmakers openly condemn Western non-interventin and chart the destruction ofcommtrrrities. Don't turn your eyes away: this is material that nrtrst be seen. Central: MacRobert.

I Boudu Saved From Drowning (PG) (Jean Renoir. France. I932) Michel Simon. ('harles Grandval. Marcelle Ilairiia. 87 mins. The extraordinary confrontation of moral outlook between a tramp saved from drowning. and his well-to-do rescuer who becomes his host is both charming and disturbing. as Renoir explores relationships between opposite sectors of a polarised community. Followed by a talk by Jonathan Moore. director of Scottish ()pera‘s Life With An Idiot. which also features the theme of interlopers (Moore is interviewed in the next issue of The List). Wed 26 only. Glasgow: GFI‘. I The Cabinet or Doctor Caligari (PG) (Robert Wierre. Germany. I919) Werner Krauss. Conrad Veidt. Lil Dagover. A landmark ofexpressionist cinema. feasting the eyes with bizarre. angular visuals despite its technical crudity. The acting and directing are superb. and the story of a fairgrourrd hypnotist who uses a sleepwalker to carry otrt murders still retains a unique sense of horror. Shown here in abridged form. following a workshop by John Ferrari on the 9.5mm gauge. popular for home cinema. Edinburgh: St Bride's Film Festival.

I Captives ( I5) (Atrgela Pope. I'K. I995) Tim Roth. Julia ()rmond. Keith Allen. 99 mins. Despite its BBC roots (writer Frank Deasy also scripted the award-winning The Grass Arena and director Angela Pope has an impressive television CV). this British feature certainly deserves a big screen airing. not least for the excellent performances of its stars. ()rrnond is a dentist who falls in love with a prison inmate (Roth). btit finds herself caught between romance and thriller suspense when she sets about to uncover the details of his crime. See

feature. Glasgow: MGM. Strathclyde: I'CI (Wydebank. I Cinema Paradise: The Special Edition ( IS) (Giuseppe 'I‘oi'natore. Italy/France. I988) Salvatore (‘ascio. Philippe .\'oiiet. Jacques Perrin. I70 mins. The nostalgic chronicle of a Sicilian youngster"s formative relationship with his local movie house and its wise old pr‘ojectionist is largely unaltered: the new material details the older Salvatore's traumatic return home. showing exactly what happened to his teenage paratnour. Consequently. the tone is darkened. a counterpoint to the central sltishirress. A rrrasterpiece restored. Strathclyde: I'Cl East Kilbride. I Cookery Event (1‘) A special evening event that looks at cookery on television. from Fanny ('taddock to Keith Floyd. Hosted by IIera/t/ food writer Catherine Brown. the event examines the changing sty Ie of the presenters. And. as they say. we hope your doughnuts turn otit like Fanny's. Tue 25 only. Glasgow: GI’I‘. I Cronos ( IS) (Guillermo del Toro. Mexico. I993) 92 mins. Possibly the strongest feattrre to emerge from Mexico in recent years. alongside like Water For ('lrot'o/ate. In Itrsh visuals. del Toro spans centuries in his tale of the human desire for an intricate mechanical device that prolongs life. A uniqtre vampire movie that brings art to the world of horror. ('errtral: MacRobert. I Dirty Dancing ( l 5) (Emile Ardolino. l'S. I987) Jennifer Grey. Patrick Swayxe. Jetty ()rbaclr I00 mins. Retriar'kablyr t‘dinary btrt staggerineg popular ‘girl meets boy from the wrong side of the tracks" rri.isrc:tl set in .in Arnetican summer catnp in the year 1903. Fife: .\'ew Picture House. I Disclosure ( 18) (Barry l.evinson. I'S. I994) Michael Douglas. Derni Moore. Donald Sutherland. I28 mins. High—flying computer Irardwarc exec Douglas is beaten to promotion by former flame Moore. whose subsequent attempts to get his pants off brings about allegations of sexual harassment. The spark point iii Michael (‘riclrton's source novel Is only one factor in this corporate suspense thr rller. which is as slick. professional and empty of sure-footed morality as you wotrld expect. That said. you'll stay glued to the screen. General release. I Drop Zone ( 15) (John Badharn. l‘S. l99-t) Wesley Snipes. Yancy Butler. Gary Btrsey. I0! mins. ()ttt to catch the bad guys who killed his brother. Snipes infiltrates a grotrp of exhibition sky-divers « btrt yotr can't fool (is that this is a plot. It's just an excuse to rip off l’ourt [freak territory. indulge is some breath-taking airbourne shots. arid get the star in skin-tight jump suits. Delivers the thrills. btrt nothing else. Strathclyde: Magnum. l'Cl (‘lydebank I Dumb And Dumber ( I 2) (Peter l'ar'r'elly. l'S. I994) Jim (‘arreyz Jeff Daniels. lauren Holly. 102 mins. Brainless limo driver Lloyd ((‘arreyl drags eqtrally intellectually challenged roommate Harry (Daniels) to Aspen in search of the beautiful Mary. not krrowrng the suitcase he's carrying contains the ransom for her husband's kidnappers. There's nothing patronising about these guy's sheer stupidity this is aimless, ptrerile. shametacedly liilarroirs stuff for people who didn't understand the jokes in unmet ll'orltl. General release. I Easy Rider ( IS) (Dennis Hopper. l'S. l9tr9) Peter Fonda. Dennis Hopper. Jack Nicholson. 9-1 rrrins. Artless. archetypal road rnovre in which two dope-loving bikers travel the highways and by-ways of America. Dated cult attraction with Nicholson stealing the show as a boozy lawyer persuaded to join tip for the trip. Edinburgh: ('ameo. I Eat Drink Man Woman (PG) (Atrg Taiwan. 1993) Sihurrg Lung. Ktrei Mei Yatig. (‘hein Lien Wu. I23 mins. Ang's 'I‘lre ll'edtlr'ne Banquet was a surprise international hit; [fat Drink .llarr ll'ourau surpasses it on every level. (‘htr is the greatest chef iri Taipai. but for years his affection for his three grown rip daughters has been redirected into the lavish meals Ire prepares for them. When love unexpectedly enters into the lives of all fotrr. their inability to communicate comes to a head. Warm. funny. colourful. A joyful experience. Edinburgh: Cameo. I ET (I) (Steven Spielberg. I'S. I932). Dee Wallace. Henry " homas. Peter (‘ovote. IIS mins. An alien creature gets stranded on earth (the opening sequence of threatening legs and flashing torches is beautifully done). w here he is adopted by some kids. who help him corrstrrrct a communication (Is‘VI'Sc to summon back his spaceship. All the little guy wanted to do was go home. btit Spielberg nrade sure he had lots of cute and agreeable adventures first. and slipped iii the most tear-jerking psuedo-death since Baloo the Bear in The Jungle Book for good measure. Edinburgh: St Bride‘s Film Festival. I Even Cowgirls Get The Blues ( IS) (Gus Van Sarrt. US. I993) Uma Thurman. John llrrrt. Rain Phoenix. 88 mins. Thurman stars as the free- wheeling Sissy Ilankshaw'. sent to the all-female


Catch the best Film this fortnight.


I Muriel’s Wedding More upbeat fun from Australia in the Priscilla mould as trgly duckling Muriel sets out to find her Prince Charming, while singing along to some Abba (litties.

( Ieneral release.

I Hoop Dreams The struggles of two black teenagers to win basketball scholarships is chronicled over a four-year period iri this riveting documentary. A masterpiece. [:‘tlr'nlntrglr: Cameo.

I Exotica Arthouse favourite Atom Egoyan delves into the world of strip clubs and the lost souls who gather there. Glasgow: GFT. Edinburgh: Film/rouse.

I Priest Written by Jitnrny (Cracker) McGovern and directed by Antonia (Safe) Bird, this is an emotional belter confronting the question of sexual identity within the Catholic Church. lidt'nbrtrglr: Cameo.

I Once Were Warriors New Zealand's biggest-ever box office success is. surprisingly. a hard-hitting Loaeh-style look at domestic violence and disenfranchisernent in the Maori corntnunity. Glasgorrr: MGM. Edinburgh: Filmlrouse, UCI. REPERTDRY

I Three Colours Trilogy Kieslowski’s magnificent trio. European cinema at its very best. shown back to back for an indulgent day‘s viewing. Glasgow: Gl’T

I Annie Hall Seminal Woody Allen movie. starring the man himselfand Diane Keaton. with observations on life and relationships that still make the sides ache. Ifdr'nburg/r: [film/rouse.

Rubber Rose ranch to shoot an advert for female hygiene products. in this unsuccessful adaptation of Tom Robbins' seminal 70s novel. Van Sant neither sticks to straight narrative nor fully endorses the esoteric. so the result falls between two stools. Glasgow: Gl-‘l‘.

I Exotica ( I 8) (Atom Egoyan. Canada. 1994) Brtrce Greenwood. Mia Kirschner. Elias Koteas. I01 mins. A brooding set of trotrbled souls who collect in a strip cltrb are linked by a dark event in their pasts. In a way. Egoyan's film. despite its setting. isn‘t about sex at all. It certainly doesn't allow the viewer to escape into fantasy. instead focusing on how these tratrrnatised individuals cope with their personal sense of loss. The filmrrraker's rrrost accessible film to date. See preview. Glasgow: GET. Edinburgh: Filtrrhouse. I Far From Home (PG) (Phillip Borsos. US. I994) Mimi Rogers. Bruce Davison. Jesse Bradford. Fourteen-year-old Angus is washed up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest and. separated from his family. relies on The Yellow Dog for help. A live action kids' movie in the ‘one boy and his dog‘ mould. with ingenuity under pressure shown by the young teen hero and canine courage from the four-legged co-star. Glasgow: ()deon. All UCIs.

I Fiorile ( l2) (Paolo and Vittorio Taviani. ltaly/I:rance/Germany. I993) Claudio Bigagli. Galatea Ranzi. Michel Vartarr. IIS mins. A typically classy affair. the Taviani brothers' latest takes a ZOO-year trek through the travails of the unfortunate Benedetti family. Transitions

The List 21 Apr-4 May I995 33