If you’re just coming out you need a good address book.

Turn to the listings in .my gay magazine and you can make a note or the hats .md c‘lltl‘s.

But where do you turn it you want to know aliout safer sex?

We can give you the hasic facts. hut for more detailed advice. make a note of these numhers. (If. you‘re worried that someone else might see the names, you can always list them hy their initials as NAH. int and ties.)

Whichever one you call. you'll get useful advice and information from people who are friendly and

easy to talk [0.

But what. hriel'ly. does safer sex mean?

It‘s any activity where there's little or no risk of

HIV transmission through exchange of hlood. semen or vaginal fluid. That‘s why it‘s important to use a condom for penetrative sex with a woman.

But sex hetween men is often non-penetrative. For instance it might involve mutual masturhation which is

safe as there‘s no risk of HIV infection through hlood

or semen heing exchanged.

This can easily happen during unprotected anal sex.



F. G H l J K I.

It‘s a good idea also to use a luhricant, hut always make sure it‘s a water-hased one like KY jelly. Never use anything oil-hased like Bahy Oil or Vaseline as this will damage a condom. If. there's anything else you want to know ahout safer sex. call one of these numbers.

And keep them in your address hook. It’s very reassuring to know that help and understanding are just a phone call away. (Iall The National AIDS Helpline free on ()8()() 507 123, The Terrence Higgins Trust on

0171242 1010 or London Lesbian and Gay

D 6 E (JO . . . - . , . . _ K ‘7’ making it very risky for either partner. So ll you have anal Switchhoard on ()171 837 7324. They can Q“ . 6 sex you should always use tht’ strongest condoms such as also give you details or local helplines I z i . . . . 70 "T ; Durex Ultra Strong. Mates Super Strong or H'I‘ Spc‘cial. and services. ’HOV“ l 1 Hz.- IHA :r‘.~,:-.|.m (1:): .‘..- a? ~sr Zialflltal‘fl A -; * "l‘i ‘— '

The List 2| Apr-4 May I995 87