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Designers' Habitats 2-28 May (closed 8 May)

A focus on the role of the artist/craftsperson in contemporary interior design for public venues:-

F I L M pubs, restaurants, hospitals and shops. F E S T | V A L Includes photos of interiors from Scotland and throughout the UK I as well as original work by all associated makers. 1 9 9 5 , - Mon Frl 10-5. Sat 124. Feat” ring 2 U K Prem lére K:- 22 Richmond Street, Glasgow. The fu riously invent -;~ —— Disabled Access

Star Wars of M g 3-


with music written and performed


Triple Vision

James McDonald, Neil MacPherson, Douglas Thomson

22 April - 27 May 1995

Monday— Saturday 10.00am - 5.30pm Paintings from £500 - £5000

Michael Fullerton Exhibition

f H . i a . . . i ( i TLiOManEG.“ouJ “M, av (Hawaii) at The British CounCIl l Gala?" Mlgmmw‘“ dill" 013/, 45402; 6 Belmont Crescent i 5‘ 0 0 ’glul 138a,,349 glafisgggowwife lando" 1W We 31373329073 GLASGOWGIZ 8ES i APPLES “Thea”! )3”) 141m 0130384017 Open 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 16.30 . [Bulk I Tllt e M d r F y f A ~3th d, Iciu ISL Jun “8 01 12232 28 on a} - r1 :1} rom pri - lune i Bragg Ipl.ii'l‘T‘:]eair€ , Jjwy 031332133515 admission free . s . ; . IN 983’ .1 147 354 « ' rl5t0' ,Th , a 13 aY 0 554 T - Eaiiiggléloogzlse M .1: CYDIL cream iiNi; ADT b1" film 9 , i .3 Edmbgwgfilmgfle .. ' Heather Nevay I Gliiiilmiheiheal'i 'af-lifrliil‘i THE ENGAGEMENT Huwich F'Im‘ '»f’fl}?--"-3‘5 ' ' I and other new paintings I r 1 ‘I Till 20 May . y _ y t d. Touringthe Monday Sa ur ay UK from MAY 5th 9303f“ - 530131“ Please . . 1 48 (Wat ent 51731” lir/rr'lrlifrmlnl.‘ aiiiilalilffnfal/iiir‘iiilirii‘rlrfi' 92 0141-221

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