0 I saw you Alex from U I saw you on the 1.00 lo Bordeaux. We met 1/5/95. Edinburgh 7.5.95. We c S I E D B 0 0 N G F 0 R M Victoria Street. Edinburgh. I exchanged smiles. you have ' was with friends. you were in a nice eyes. I fixed your chain. I I Prim in BLOCK OAHTALS huny. Hope we can get together had flowers (for a fn'end)! Can : sometime. Michael. Box No we meet again. Box No PERSONAL (Box No is i Name ......................................................................... .. . . . I U/253/l3. U/253/23. l“eluded m pnce. ' Address . I : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o e e o - . o s u c . . o o . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . s . . e . . . . . . . . o o . . . e . o e . e .o 7pm You gprgeous eyes on 3 words lus 20 /extra word ' bike With mend outmde Tcscok p p . ' ................................................................................... .. Me blonde roller-blader in a seml'disp'ay: £14 for up to l ........................................ .. Tel. ................................. .. daze. You smiled. what‘s next? 20 words plus 40p/extra Prim message one word per box 8 N 0/253/14. - :I‘sa: (III I Th * C le word' (NB Telephone Numbers count as one word). I a L a y I Saw You: Free for up to Sample Room after the Grand Slam defeat. Me: scientist. you: 30 words° occupational therapist with interesting hairstyle. We talked. OTHER SEcnous Charm me again sometime. Box 9 I saw you Mambo Bar Lineage: £5 for up to 30 No U/253/15. launch. Our eyes met over the words plus 20p per extra . i saw you initially (CJC) in casino. I was sipping a mambo word.

spider. You were talking to

my dreams. I’m your personal . , Eddie Puma. Let s have a

‘interpreter'. When 'Mystic

Semi-display: £8 for up to

Debsv looks into the future _ it's priqvateJiiambo. Box No 20 words plus 40p per extra ours! You're my top + a dress + Hiya/£40" k v b] word. I love Y0”! (DLG)- 30" N" F .. UOV- Wm” H” Display: £5 per Single U/253/16_ ,scor .I'IOII sa oon (reg l l VAT .I , ) . known) in George Square. C0 um“ Cm, exc -

saw you I “3‘” 3“: you one Glasgow (9/4/95). Have made (BOX "0 COStS £5 extra/ deadly summer ' I saw you‘ eye contact in GHQ. Let's get issue for non-Personal ads).

Susan. dressed in black. at a

I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I l I I i I I I I l together for a Miller! Please I I I

party without masks (29/4). You . N peg/95 RECRUITMENT . prefer ‘blue’. I prefer ‘red’. but Bgtiizcaa'cns COURSES/TUITION | wmc" sect'on? actually I like orange as well. Thursday 4th May. mung IIAIICE CLASSES . How many Issues? 30" NO U/253/]7° grapefruit. Your gym shorts SERVICES : o ' I 33* You on the were 4 sizes too big. I know : Tick if you want a Semi-display ad CI underground. I was sitting next you‘ll be reading [hisJust I . . [0 you, I took all of your smell thought I‘d say hi. Frisbee-i Box ' TICk If yOU want a Box "0 In personal) 0 inside of me. You smelled like No 0353/26 Imnnucmus : Total Cost £ the kind of guy I‘d like to get to Q I saw you in Couon Club mVVEILTIES : know better. Where are ou? 6/5/95, Yoi: ' l 'i bla‘k. . Box No U/253/18 y nl'isses beziuigilfiilleyes LMe‘ Accommon‘no" : NOI rcqmmd for I Saw You- 0 I saw you Friday 5th May in mm“ leans. PIECde Shm- We : All adverts must be prepaid. Cheques and Postal Orders Cottier‘s. Derek you work for “N a FWPIC OI dances. some "n SELL I should be made out to The list ltd - t y t . . BUY A I RR I dldn t fall off the gage lingering looks. Please contact GROUPS I but you disappeared from it. I’d With phone number. Box No ' A , I I enclose cheque/postal order/cash for £ [Mossy/77 If your advert doesn I apply to any of the I love to talk more. BOX NO "‘ " ' , above sections. please contact us and we | U/253/19. I saw yo“ anum bOb. line“ can arrange a new section heading for l v I saw you Club x salurday 6 ROM“ {.Cad'ng What)?" you' l Alternatively, you may pay by Access or Visa credit card. May You “him T Shirt hit from Luth INS/)5. Me. mch l . - . . , . ' Jacket. linen trousers. stared I Phase debit m leans' Ml? ah"; T'Shm‘ bill“ from pavement too early in THIS IS A : y 18:3“5' ta on got _ the day to cruise intelligently. DISPLAY I Access/Visa card distracted. you got shy. 2nd time Unattached? 1 ct.“ meet BOX v Sims." 1 lucky. Box No U/253/20. NO [Hm/58 ' A” ER“ : b I I I I . I 33‘” V0“ Kell’lngrovc 0 I saw you working in Habitat It has a border all the way : "um e" ' ' - ' 6/5/95- You: gorgeous. dark: - you tall. black top. Me blonde. round and we can include I data I hatred girl. red vest, JCIHIS. wtlh trendy and single. Our eyes met. your company logo. | cyclist friend. I sat behind maybe next time it could be our : Cardholder's Name ..................................................... .. working on a tan and chat-up lips? Box No U/253/29. ~ Rates are £5 Del single I (name and initials as on card) line. but you left before I V I smelled you I took all of column centimetre (OXCI : Address 4 I O e . . e e o . s . . . . . . . o . s . s . e . o . o e . . . . . o o e e o o . . . o . o o . e o e . . o e . o o o ~ o n e o u o c a o o o so U/253/2l. smelled of mahogany and wet column mm Minimum cost : (If not as above) ......................................................... .. ’Isawvouyearago? Alison. 8‘" “6” “W0” 0” W moms Wm. : ................................................................. .. Newcastle girl. am biz‘ Underground. I smell of maple I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' ° ' ' ' ' " Cambridgc or Oxford‘ wow. and honey. You smelled like the i of tiiliifiiiiri3,2“?0L‘lséi‘ho tnssssn-nsmv =s'°“‘“'"° L388” 155211310“ Phone “0' Box U/Zsi/so, ) ' It has a line above and below : 0 UI“ /”"‘ ' i i and the lineage is centred. : 6 dm _ Minimum cost is £8 for up to i 0" ons' sonusnpw l;-::PP*;.‘:':L":“°strs‘”°T.2°' . . . I. . S C II I' use or WI raw any VC semen a word‘ Personal ads m this : our discretion and without explanation. Styles Incmde a Box No I 3. With series bookings. alterations cannot be made and no refunds and COSI If” £14. : allowed on cancellations after the first insertion. i 4. In compliance with current legislation. ads from gay men can only be I accepted if both the advertiser and person sought are over 18. fififilsnacgztezsgsaa} up to : 5. Addresses and telephone numbers are not acceptable for publication in s | personal ads. 30 words plus 20p per extra I word. Personal ads in this : . I . :ggtcf‘rndugfg Box NO and I Copy for Classdied ads must reach us by second post on s 0’“ s : THURSDAY A WEEK BEFORE PUBLICATION . ' I : LL'ffffnd i WE WELCOME CALLERS at 14 High Street (opp. John Knox’s inclusivepofoi. : House). Edinburgh, during business hours. . . ' DISCOUNTS : Post this form enclosing payment to: . . . llneage/Seml-Dlsplay/ : “333m” “5 Forallmited period,| SAW You adverts Display ; The Nest ltd 2 consecutive insertions 10% 14 IIIin Street or 179 Buchanan Street are FREE 3 consecutive insertions 15% Edinbu'gh EH1 1]" Glasgow 61 all Just fill in the classified form and send it off. 4 600886"!ch insenions 20% d '3 —_ 6 .~ . . s . i. . ' 25" For further details phone 031 558 1 1 91

The List 19 May-l Jun I995 89