refuses to be drawn on this at the moment. however. concentrating instead on his career development.

His latest American outing to make it to British cinemas is Miami Rhapsody. a comfortable and not unlik ‘able romantic comedy by debut writer- director David Frankel. To tell the truth. the movie really belongs to Sarah Jessica Parker. who plays Gwyn. a yotrng advertising copywriter who accepts her boyfriend's proposal of marriage because she wants the same stability of relationship that her parents enjoy. Not long after her engagement is announced. however. she discovers that each and every member of her fatnin is having an extra-rtrar'ital affair. Here is the cue for Banderas's entrance as the handsome male nurse \vho's having a fling with (iwyn's mother (Mia 5 Belt up: Antonio Banderas and Sarah Jessica Parker in Miami Rhapsody Fumm.) whhc caring for hm. invalid

W; _‘ Spanish eyes

Antonio Banderas tells Alan Morrison about the move from the kitsch of Almodovar to the glitz of ' Hollywood.

‘Until recently.‘ croons Antonio Banderas in Mediterranean-tinted English that makes women (and not a few men) weak at the knees. ‘it's not been traditional to have a Spanish actor going to Hollywood because. when they went out of Spain to work. they went to countries where they could

Speak the same language. 50 [here was then writing the court reports for a local Violent sequel to [5/ Mariachi ((iOin‘c’ grandmother. What‘s unusual about

an emigration of Spanish actors to newspaper. but Banderas reckons it was t 100 per cent of his own stunts). and Miami Rhapsody is that it pitches all

Mexico or to Argentina. Chile or worthwhile. roles opposite Rebecca DeMournay in [he comic action and Chmphcmhms

Venezuela but they never thought of ‘I had to sacrifice. in the beginning. Never 'Ialk 'l'o .S'Irairgers and Daryl {mm a wonmn‘s perspective; what's

going to Hollywood because they had not so much the quality. probably the I Hannah in Too Much. ()ff-set antics on more expected is that Igundcrug‘s

to team a new language} quantity in my work.‘ he admits. the last title have caught the ears of the Character jg hue-Cd firmly upon his Bandcms‘s linguistic Skins are ‘because I was already doing bigger tabloid brigade. with hot rumours that undeniable Sex appeal.

certainly coming on apacc Since he got characters in Europe. I did Philadelphia i _ ‘Whatever I do whatever I do -- I‘m

a call from Ame Glimcher to cross the and 77’" Hm”? Off/1" Spirit? “"10 ‘When I get Old and my ha" 11m“? ‘0 [70 11 “Latin lover" forever‘.' he

Atlantic and try out his first English- Charade”? With 200d PCOPIC' EOOd iS falling Ollt and I QBt greasy says without much cause for complaint.

speaking role in The Mamba Kings. By "inflow and 800d 3W)”. ("id 1115‘ Year and fat and disgusting, then ‘Even if I‘m a homosexual in then. the Malaga-born actor had starred ; I $01 “‘9 Opponuml)’ 0‘ (10mg 11 '11th hit ' people will say “He was a Philadelphia. I‘m going to be a Latin in over Spanish fihng‘ including five 111011: \Vlih IIIN’I'l'fPW The Vlllll/N'N’ , lOVCl'. When I gCI (lid and [Hy hair

Pedro Ahnodovur‘ fron] filnl and A1l(llill l\)/I(I])S()(['\'. Alld HOW. [illS layer,‘ falling out and I get grcugy and fat and debut in 1982 in labyrinth ()fPUSSiOIZ. YWR “WYW'C given me the deStmy forever: disgusting. then people will say. “He up to Tie Me Up.’ 'Iie Me DOW/1!. for WSPOHSibiIin deoing leading was a Latin lover". That‘s my destiny which he was nominated for the characters. So the process was pretty the man who escaped the clutches of torever. But I don't think Latin lovers Spanish equivalent Ofah ()gcar‘ The ! logical. in a way.‘ Madonna (check out her lustful exist any more. If we're Latin. we want jump from leading roles in Spain to low , The lCild pans he‘s talking about approaches in In Bed With illadmma) to be loved more than be lovers.‘

key American pang was a hit hkc . include the star turn in Desperado. t succumbed to the charms of co-star Miami R/I(l/)S()(l_\‘ opens in Seal/and on winning the Nobel prize for Literature ' Robert Rodriguez's cartoonisth . Melanie Griffith. Banderas charmingly I’ridav 30 June.


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