Henry Brown, retired Scottish Office employee and lifelong resident of Leith.

‘The changes down here [The Shore]. they‘re all

very nice. But there‘s nojohs. All those new houses, but no jobs. The new Scottish Office is a A lovely building. but the restaurants and wine-hars'.’ Well they’re all right il‘ you‘ve got the money.‘


Employees of design consultants Northcross Ltd, based in Leith for four years.

‘lt‘s not as cheap as it was. When we [Northcross] lirst moved here it was very cheap but with the whole place lil'ting now it‘s more and more expensive. liating out has got very expensive. lunch has suddenly gone up to £7 or £8. I don’t think that's aimed so much at the people who live here as the people who work here. and those who come down from town.

‘The new Scottish ()l'lice'.’ You‘re asking a designer to comment on architecture. It’s a l‘oregone conclusion what we think ol‘ it. I think it’s an absolute mish-mash ol~ shapes. personally. It doesn‘t have to blend in. That‘s not the issue. Ijust don't like how they‘ve structured it it's a lot of pieces stuck together. You can virtually do what you like on the docks.‘

The List 14-27 Jul 1995 11