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Index of Venues by Number with map grid reference

All venues have a gnd reference whuch refers to the map overleaf ‘. BM S :,t:..' ;: Stud-t: (‘x e Z (“.A‘t": ntreet (,5 I5 Roast," t' "ape; Rash" Motown," QI Outer I9 r'ulesI Venues beyond the range of the map have a 3nd reference followed by ‘:8 Font. rile I’n'nam St " C rtr g Ite ,I. I9 ( aftor C er‘t'e I.) I T’tx‘lgoer‘r Street (3I4 the word Outer The dustance glven alongsnde Indlcates the dnsunce ‘2’! TCIr{>\.Ighf’1a."()t.ue 4; (MW we "I I I I.C I"..e".e.t" (Ir-arr" Halt, Terr, Roan A6 from the Frunge Office 00 The Blauatttler ()allem S Raetmr“ Mat e US I IS) (tale). )3 r‘xt'tdlC restert H4 Wreworks I’Iarg'owct tx-mr‘tl I nhée O‘TI: e 1'9 6| The Wee Red 81' tourna'g" (' oI ege (II Kb 121 The School of T’hlosom‘) l8 (bester Street 63 Inhge( mt) Tewot RtM_ 8mm St; l8 6? St BnCe's Ce'1t'e IL Omel’ Ter'ate. I Iam‘a'iet II I24 AltosHarttffl)eslg'1Stuclos. 46a St Stephen Street [6 Assenztl. Rooms S4 George Street. 6 1’ 63 hatnor‘al Callem oI S< ottar‘t) T':e Mot/‘3 I18 I33 St Mark's tJr‘.~tarIa'I CPI/t h. Castle Temlt e 15 Iron Kurt I ugh Street 19 64 ROniT ScottIsh At .tdt't‘lv The Nome I18 I 3/ St 1ohr'x Chm h West I no. I’nntex Street HS CCTTK locge 8rtx1Ie's Llose laartrnam-t 18 5S St Ares (arm-.mt, (It'IITft' S<:I,t'~ (Sun's (lose Cowgate 110 I28 St Omald'aHall Montpeller Part BrLrItsTIeId M3 Ove'txe: Restaurant T’Iayhome Theatre |8 z.’ Creer‘mtle T’Iate ()T I 66 Srottmh hatlorxal Gallo", of Mode" in PA'ITTYC Roast I I H9 STUCK) Dee Gallery IC' Stafford Street H4 RL'IO Comert IIaII 8nsto Square [8 6/ The l ITTIt' Theatre Val.or‘a 8 ( roll I. I9 EH" Pow ttzg) all PIT" Walk I I.“ I 30 TI'derx T’Iar‘o Bar 6 I a T I'L'Gt‘tKT'. St'eet G/ The Cell-ah I loose & Tror‘ 1a.]: CeLar Harter Squa'e ttlg". Street 19 68 St C.oh..n~.t;a's Chum Mm'dth' Terr Qu-ehsfe'r‘y Roatr, Blatkmll E I Ogler I 3? Greyfhar‘, Ktrv,(}re,frnrsf’1a(e Cd"(lTL‘f"-JTIC’ Row K8 Holy'txzd Park Toot 0T Reyal IVIIe 1| 3 (2 /S rules; I 3? T’Iatl’or‘r“ l7 Rutlar‘o Street HS Dnerxe Attratttor‘» RJOCIes Comt. OTT l .M'rhar‘xet 1 69 Brt)t.gl‘t()". I llg't St hool 1 (:ar‘t'xgto" Road (.3 I 33 T’ortToIIo Gallery 4 3 C aIICIemaTe' Row K8 The Sheraton Grant: Hotel I Iestnal Sqt.are ,IS 70 I annuar‘gh Nader", 42 Ileroerwr 'Rm. 0 1' I 3': The Adam Potter) 16 Hendeer Row [)6 Han‘, Yomger Hall. I ocheho Close. Cahongate 1| I JI St Nmahs C on‘eI, Bank Road CE I 3.’ Mert'tar‘t I tall. 22 HahOver Street H/ legeth 7| Coewgate K8 0 Queen's HaII (.Iert Street N9 I 38 MomhgsIOe Baptlst Churth Mommgme Road 02 Traver‘e Theatre. Cambnoge Street 15 1'3 [armourng College of Art. I amston Plate K6 i40 Stockbntlge I’ansh Churth 78 Saxe Coburg Street 06 The Nottnnghamsr‘nre Venue. Theatre Arts Centre. [Dane St I I0 /4 St Stepher's (.hwth 8 Hall St v'Ihter‘t St IOot I Iowe St E / I4I Wrap. I / Stafford Street. C4 St Peter's Church HdTTlUflOf‘ Plate I’IO "S T."e Man~tx>( Ith Next TOTT(r()‘.s I4 I42 Out cTt'te |\0n‘ac's Tent.2l St Leonard's lane NIO Tannery: Beating Centre SSa ()r‘ar‘ge Road 0 76 Etllrwtxlrgh S< t.I;)tt.re Worku‘oo 2% I la.-.1I\)rv:.ale A I '2 Coter I? S muesl :43 Out cft':e Blue. 2': Markham Street 1|0 ( Verne. O.er Seas Home IOO Phhres Street H’ ’7 T"e S;;_t..Irt' Centre Nromo“ Sonare Vethotlnst Church 19 I44 Edmtterg". T’nrwtrhaker‘. Worishop 8. Gallery. )3 Unuon St. Fl I Theatre Wontshop 3,4 Hamltor. Plate 1 6 1'8 U‘ Blooms. (Mt-e'mCt- I’Ia(e T | I I4S ROydT l ytet.m Stud-o 30b Gnr‘clay Street 1') DerhartoTtropear: Ar‘t ToenCatIorz. St Van's Smool elm", St‘fort [are I"? Textual Theatre. . 3'19 NIwIsor' Street I9 I45 Ro,al College oISmgeohs 9 I TITT Sonare KIO T‘) 80 Huttor‘ hatuomll Hotel BeIIorC Road T2 I47 la Belle Ange-Te | I Hastles (lose. Cowgate 19 (Paola-mt r( entree 8nsto Sqmn- «near forge (let;- I 8 8I Cmr clay (Sou't C (“We Cn'tclay Street 1S I48 Stcx umdge I muse ? Cheme Street [)5 Queen Margaret College Dran‘a Dept Clemooc Ter‘rat e HI Oeter 8) SouthsIoe Souths-rm Convent, (er‘tre I | r’ T\.(.(;Ist;f‘ St I9 I49 Calene Muvagex 'Tba Raetxxh Plate ()5 (4 rh-ies~ 83 St SerfsC'IunhIlall,(lar1t Roac Come a: T A8 ISO The Crt, Cafe I9 8IaIr Street. Atomtut th Centre Chamberx St Itse Io (-h amberx Street K8 84 The Mac Abbot. Abbotsford l Cage. I8 IVor'u'gs-de Road 0) I SI Meatlowoafik Staoumh. l or‘rdon Row C I 4 Outer (2 mles) The PJTTACILJT‘. Brueghtor Plate 1 I I 8S TOOTTIgT‘TS art: I‘Ir‘nr‘x lSpnttaI Street KS I34 (.hessel Caller, Moray Ilome College~ ROyai MIIe 1|0 Cratgn‘ullar Arts Centre. 38 hem r‘a.g"all Road Q I 4 Otgte' I | )S rv‘IIr-s- 8:3 P"‘y‘.l( Ia". a"(l Ind," S8 [)alkert" Rear, OI I I SS R I A S (3 IIIer‘L iS leam: Sq-aare HS Crtnfnar‘. Kn Home (Camdlemarer Rt)». K8 8 ' The I 'eettorr Tat to". The Sal..I'.It)" PW", I last Adar" Street K I C I '26 Sttx VII'ICge Booh'Iogx 26 North West C In .J‘. Plat e T6 Cantor. Illgttlar‘d Hotel Nort".8'1<:ge HQ 88 Lorxtorptwno Youth (ertre I4 (.4. loa"_( a'StCrp'fi'ie Tti OuTtfl' I‘; 1’ Out OfAI'ht a 36 St Stephen Street T6 The Netherth Arts Cerztre 4 3 Hug". Street JIO I3 S r“IIes, |‘;8 The vef‘ne ( altoe IS (. attor. Road 1| I St Cemha's I Iall (hr NIOGr‘; Street 8 C.o.~.gate 1|O 8‘) Roxburg'te Hotel, 38 Charlotte Soaa'e Ct’) IS‘? fat Starr's DOMItOMI [)Ir‘er 56 Togrtt‘nrtbndgc 15 Spnrng-II Home Ardmullan Terrace CIT 60qu Road K! Oater (2 mien} 9G I'Iahsflelc Plate Chum (hr Breegrtoh art: I ast lo'oor‘ Streets T IO '60 Camera Obscura. Castle HIII Ro/al Mule 17 Pleasahce. 60 The Pleasahce K I 0 9| St Mary's Cathedral 8. Chapter I muse Palmerstoe Place H3 I6I St Cur-serfs CNIt h. ngs SIJUICS Road HS Adam I Tome Theatre S Chamoem Street K9 9? The SpIOer's 'Weh [)omatanrx, 260 V'omsm‘ Street 13 I63 Dar-sh Ct.rtt.ral Instltde. Cadaverg I louse, 3 [)otme Tte E S The WI IALT \er‘ue. \Nalpole I la“. Chester Street G3 93 1ame; Cullesple's I ugh St "ool l .It.d¢-'O.Iie St'eet NS I64 Nawedey Shopot'zg Centre i’mres Street (N Wawdey BnOge H9 Testwal Clot) 9 IS Chambers Street K9 94 BTuP Test )4 [6 (,attow Road 1| I Ib‘) Cahormll Home. Castle Hull. Rwal Male 11’ George Sonare Theatre. George SthT'L‘ V8 90 Ire Alamoge (,allen. I 24 Marr‘mguICe Road P2 I86 The T'rthrte Shed. I9 St leonara's l we N I 0 The Gcloed Balloon Theatre 233 Cowgate K9 9’ 'I estr.al Plate' The Momc H8 I6/ St Ma'tm of Toms 233 0 RIP] Road 1' Dr Ned's Garden Dudoungstm Kmk D\;CCI"gSTO" Valage OI4 O..ter 98 Marto's SI Grow Street K3 I68 Mora, “OLA? Urnon, 3/I-Iol,rooc Road KI | 13mm, 9‘) TIFTITT‘gOA Palate In IIthgo». HI Omer ( I8 mlesl I /0 Thomas VortOn I Iatl. Term Road. lerth AI4 Outer (2 mITC’SI The Quaker Meetmg I tome. 1' “(tom Terrate 1/ I00 ( er‘tral I IaII. West TOTTt 'oss KS | 74 Imome, 28 Howe Street N HIII Street Theatre I9 HIII Street (3/ I02 Stotth Matt Whale, Souety, TI‘e ‘.'at..'ts 81’ files St lenth DI4 Ooter Ir’f; Ro-txlrgh I Ialls, Rowerng Hate KIO St Thomas oTAotm's Sthool Chalmee, Street I6 11‘ IV‘IIesI I ’7 I’eoo!e's Story. I63 Canortgate. RO'rdT Mule 1' I RO raI Msetm‘. of S: otIahd, (.t‘tu'tCe". St'eet K8 IC3 TC's. TC VVIII.) ahtf Co I 35a George St' eet (36 I [’8 Brass Rabtuhg (".e”.'.re_ Tnhrty Apse. Chalmers Close. ROyaI Mule 1|0 Scottls!‘ Matnor‘al F’Or‘tratt Cullen. I Qut’tO-S Street 69 I04 T'Tl.m3yTIPT(T Parmrl "at" Hall Om ICaIe Ter'ate III OuterIE rv‘IIew I 7‘3 MLAL'MY‘. oI'C'tultlr‘ood. I IIgh Street “0 Old St Paul's (.mrtr I1aI|.1eITrey Street 110 IOS 'I'(>M1e':l’art C e' In- Howde" l:.:r‘gst0" III Outerl ISmIIesI I80 TItJ‘tIfHC/tne Museum. I4? Cahongate Ro-yal Mlle 1|) Church HIII Theatre Momr gwe Road 03 I06 ( IT,’ 815 C ehtre 2 Manet Street 19 |8I TI‘e Waters MLSL'uFY‘I. l at); Stan I Tome. lawhrmrtet Royal MITL' 18 The Cafe ROM]. I ’West Reguster Street C; I 0 I07 CmIOIOrr: Arms I West Pegnter Street I19 I84 Ra, Restaurant or- the Shore. Hendersort Street. tenth D | 4 Outer (2 mules) Bonhtrigtor Resowte Centre 200 Born-“gum Road BI3 I08 Ukraman Home. Wmosor Street I I? I8S The MagCaleh (.htpel 4I (owgate K8 Bedhm Theatre. 2 Torrest Road L8 IC‘I Cquw Surreal. The Meadow; l”eI.IIIe Dme N8 |8f St Odes Cathedral, Hugh Street. R07.“ Mule 18 The Musm 80x. 9t VIctona Street 18 | IO Traqealr Home, lerser‘leutreh T)eel)lt",$!‘.tre QI I Oater (2S mles. I88 Seterzth [Day Advehtmt C hurt h. 3 anto Place K3 QIan Balloon II. Steppmg Stones. West 80w, Grawmrltet 18 I I | St AI-(Zrew 8. St George's (.I‘t/th, I3 George Street 68 I89 T"e Theatre Eng Too. The Meadows N9 FCF ng5 Hall. South Clerk Street MO I :2 The Scott h What}, I Ie'ttage Centre. 554 Castlehull ;’ A Trimhome 15 Chute Meetlhg Home. 33 Barony Street (off BfOughIOn St 1 F9 I | 3 Watemtorze". Boot seIIerx. I 3 8 128 T’nhtes St. 83 George St. (36116119 8 Book Iestual G5 Tettes College. East Tettes Aaehue C3 I IS Negocuants 4S 4/ I othuan Street K8 C Tattoo Offltejazz TItkets “9 Randolph Studuo. Instnet fr'ancars d‘l LOSSE‘. I 3 RahCOIph Cres H I I6 Club M8, IPShahCMtk Place IIS T) lestwal Office “9

3(OflIS!‘ POCUV Lrbrary, Tweeddale Com. I4 ngh Street 1T0 I I / Vnewforttx Centre I04 Cllmore T’Iace L2 I TOt‘nST Intomtatroh H9