(lootl nt‘wx‘ tor l'cxtiml goers. Bad ncwx‘ tor lmhyxittcrs. lt‘x’ .1l\\‘.i}'s IX‘CII easy to gt‘t to tho I;L‘\ll\'tll by train. But no\\' you turn tuitt‘h tliow rmlly l.l[L‘ \llt)\\'\ hy t'tllt‘lllllg St'otlLiilK \PL‘CIJI Lite-night \t‘rvn‘cx. On top of thy nornml tinit‘tahlt‘ wow got l.itt‘ night, only niorning trains from litlinhnrgh \X’awrlcy to (llasgow Quct‘n St. tuilling .it I inlithgoxx'. l’olinont .intl I'Jllx'll'lx' (iralrnnston. (NB. NUHL‘ ot~ thew extra \crvit‘cs‘ xtop tit IIJYIILII‘IKCI.) And on [llt‘ night or tlit‘ lhiik ol. Scotland ltrcrntvnary liirm'orkx (31st Augux‘t 1095). \pct‘itil l.l[t‘ night and only morning trains will lw running to nmny klk‘\llll.lIlUll\ from Edinburgh \Vnt-rlcy to Huntlcc \‘iii liilt‘. to North licrwit‘k to Glasgow Quccn Strt‘ct. lhtligatt‘ illlkl l)unhl.int‘ l\'l.1 ~Stirling .intl lSritlgc ()l..‘A\llilll). lior tiill

th‘tgtils of SC()[I{JII‘S \‘pct‘idl licx‘tivtil timctttlilc t‘illl H545 2l2233 right I)()\\' or pit‘k up .1 ltxillct .it \t‘lt‘t‘tt'tl St‘otRJil \Lmtmx.

5512+}: :25; :iz’: :::::-‘:g: _.._ ;3 .;. '- -' -.-".'-‘.-:fi"’ . LOOK WHAT YOU GAIN WITH THE TRAIN

The List 25 Au -7 Sept I995 37