, Musselburgh’s very own supermodel James Davidson, once the face at the Brylcreem ads, is one at the star attractions at a charity iashion show at . Edinburgh’s McEwan llall on 21 September. Also rumoured to be making an appearance is Vega cover star Stella Tennaot who will be wearing clothes by Scottish designers Jacqui Burke and Chris Clyne. Anti the worthy cause that’s generating this outpouring of rag-trade goodwill? Waverley Care, tunders of an AIDS hospice and information service. So slip into your glad rags and party for charity.

For fmther details and ticket informafim call 0131 556 3959.

In Patricia Morrisrm‘s new biography called simply Mupp/el/im'pe (Macmillan. £20) Patti Smith recalls the photo shoot for the cover of A a,» ,\ her seminal alt/punk album Nurses. The 3..» ,, 7,, yet-to-be-famous New York w \ photographer wanted the portrait to he , r A,» ' as stark as possible. Naturally the record company hated it and suggested air-brushing out the faint moustache on Patti‘s upper lip. ‘I felt it would be like having plastic surgery or something.‘ she says. ‘I told them “Robert Mapplethorpe is an artist. and he doesn't let anyone touch his r pictures." I didn't know that for sure -— maybe he w ouldn't have minded -- but I would have.‘

‘In a lot of plays about disabled people. the disablement takes over,‘ says Paul Powell, whose battle with multiple sclerosis is dramatised in the television drama (in Now. ‘lt's about what‘s happening to that one person. their pain. and maybe that of the closest person to them. the husband. the wife. whatever. [just wanted to show that there are so many more people involved friends who suddenly change and treat you as a different person. I wanted to get across that although you‘ve got all these problems. you‘re still the same person.‘ Powell co-wrote the screenplay with Jimmy ‘Cracker' McGovern. after the pair met at a writers workshop in Liverpool. Powell's first attempt to dramatise his story was rejected, but with McGovern's helping hand. the resulting feature has a strong dramatic structure. At the film's core is an engaging. unsentimental love story. with Robert Carlyle and Juliet Aubrey making emotional adjustments to life together with the illness. ‘I wanted half the audience to say “Leave him".‘ says Powell, ‘and the other half to say “Stay with him ~ but for the right reasons".‘ (Alan Morrison) ()0 Now is screened mt [6 Sept (1/ 9pm on BIN '2,

2 The List 8-21 Sept 1995