The above post is required 20 hours per week. The post involves liasing with artists, agents, officers of the University, and others involved in the presentation and management of concerts (approximately 30 per year) on campus. It also includes responsibility for organisa- tional aspects of the University Orchestra and Choral Society.

Applicants should have a musical back- ground, especially of an orchestral, choral or chamber music nature and possess secretarial/word processing skills.

Salary will be £11,581 - £13,419 pro rata to 20 hours per week.

Applications should be made by application form which can be obtained, along with any further particulars, by telephoning our Personnel Services Recruitment 24 hour answering service on 0141 330 4610 and quoting your name, address and the appropriate reference number forthe post.

Completed forms should be submitted no later than 15 September 1995. Ref LM 262/MR.

An Equal Opportunities Employer. The University of Glasgow is an exempt charity dedicated to excellence in teaching and research.

T.R.A.M Direct Theatre Company

require experienced actors/singers for day and evening productions (expenses)

Telephone 0 14 1 637 O7 7 8

PLAYWRIGHTS New scripts wanted by independent theatre director.

| emit pn)‘ but I can produce.

Call Anna on 0141 357 2504.

I Don't just do something Sit there! Volunteer sitters needed for ininilies in Edinburgh. (‘ontnet tidinhurgh Sitters on

lllfxl 557 3l2l or see us at the Art iixhibition all The l'ndercrol‘t. (Lieorge Street.


Volunteers required to invigilate a major installation at the National Monument and City Observatory, Calton Hill, Edinburgh in October 1995.

An opportunity to take part in Fotofeis'95, working alongside an important international artist and assisting one of Scotland's leading

public arts organisations.

Modest travel and lunch expenses paid. For further details contact

Jonathan Colin or Juliet Dean at ldependent Public Arts on 0131 558 1950


Tha Tosg. Companaidh Drama Ghaidhlig inntinneach Ur, an dUil canan agus cultur na h-Alba ardachadh tro dhrama a bhios cruthachail agus tarraingeach.

Tha feum air Manaidsear le Gaidhlig aig a bheil eolas air riaghladh agus stii‘Jireadh companaidh, eolas air na h-ealain agus comas ionmhas a thogail.

Cha ghabhar ri tagradh an deidh 18 Suitain 1995. Bun-Oifis: An Sleite, san Eilean Sgitheanach Meud Tuarasdail: 918-20000 sa bhliadhna.

Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh bho:


Proiseact nan Ealan

10 Iomair Sligeach

Steornabhagh H81 2EA



This exciting new Gaelic Theatre Company aims to promote and advance the languages and cultures of Scotland through creative and entertaining theatre. A Gaelic speaking General Manager is sought who has experience in company managment and direc- tion, a knowledge of the arts and fundraising abilities. The closing date for applications is 18 September 1995.

Interviews will be held on 9 October 1995.

Office base: Sleat, Isle of Skye

Salary Scale: £18-20,000pa

For further information please contact:


Proiseact nan Ealan

10 Shell Street

Stornoway H81 2EA

01851 -704493/703440

Subsidised by The Scottish Arts Council

OOMHNRLE Western Isles NAN Islands EILEAN .c Council



£13,194 - £15,972

Based within the 6-year Community School, Sgoil Lionacleit, on the island of Benbecula, you will be responsible for managing and developing museum services for the islands of North and South Uist, Benbecula and Barra. The postholder will be responsible for the Museum in Sgoil Lionacleit, for the development of interpretive provision in liaison with the Southern isles Amenity Trust and will be expected to work closely with the island Comunn Eachdraidh, Historical Societies. to further the development of community museum facilities and to provide advice and support for their work.

Applicants should possess a relevant degree. or appropriate professional qualification, and a current driving licence. Ability to communicate in Gaelic is desirable.

Salary quoted inclusive of islands Allowance. Conditions include removal expenses and assistance with housing will be given in appropriate circumstances.

Further information, if required, from Richard Longthorne, Museum Curator. Tel: (01851) 703773 Ext 266.

Application forms and job descriptions from the Personnel Section, Council Offices, Sandwlck Road, Stornoway, Isle at Lewis.

Tel: (01851) 703773 Ext 524. .3“ g . .2 O O a.‘ Closrng date 25 September 1995. o 8 THE COUNCIL OFFERS A No SMOKING - o g‘ WORKING ENVIRONMENT. /SAI\"'

86 The List 8-2l Sept 1995