No funky graphics.

No blurred photography.

Surely this

ad can’t be aimed at students?

It is. But we haven't tried to guess what students like, just to woo you into reading on.

At Bank ol‘ Scotland we believe what students want lrom a bank is banking. No gimmicks. No bribes. No patronising behaviour. Simply a solid, reliable service and a commitment

to looking alter your account for

12 months ol‘ the year, not just Freshers' week.

Call 0500 313 1]] to find out the address ol‘ the branch nearest your college and details ol‘ how to open a Student Cheque Account.

Bank ol‘ Scotland, trying very hard to prove that not all banks

are the same.

@3303”!!! or sco'mnn A FRIEND FOR LIFE

1,5 The List 22 Sept-5 Oct I995