Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Alan Morrison.

I Alien ( IS) (erley Scott. l'S. I‘)7‘)i Sigotiiney Weaver. Ian llolm. Joliti IIuit. I In inrns. x‘vgatha (‘hiistie iii outer space as a freighter lands on a my steirous planet and is ingeniously invaded by a ravenous intruder which proceeds to chomp its way through the cast list Iidge-of-the-seat suspense thriller vvrth a strong cast and ghastly special effects. lidinburgh: (‘ameo

I Apollo 13 (PG) (Ron lIovv aid. I 'S. I‘NSI Tom Hanks. Bill Paxton. Kevin Bacon. I-l() inins, ()n the I3 .-\piil l‘)70. an ovygen tank evploded on the service module of the Apollo l3 spacecraft. leaving three astronauts stranded some 300.000 miles from home. Ilovvaid's screen retelling is a big. epic adventure vvrtlr a proudly patriotic stance. The space photography is rust fantastic and the acting as good as it gets (iieat entertainment. if a little rich in the apple pie department. See feature (iettcral release

I And llow For Something Completely Different (PU) (Ian MacNaughton. I'K. I‘I7I I The Massed Monty Pythons. SS mins, :‘vnd itovv tor sorrtetlring you've already section 'I\' is more like ll. l’cifunctoiy big screen ieprvxluction of all your favour ite sketches from the ear ly Py thou telly series. (ilasgovv: (il’l',

I Asterix And the Big Fight tt'itls’cirli lnglraiu. I'K. I980) With the voices of Bill ()ddic. Michael Iilphrck. Andrew Sachs SI units /\.\ICII.\ celebrates his thirtieth anniversary with this new anrrnated feature in which he and his band of plucky (iallrc mates take on the might of the Roman army. Iidrnbuiglr: Frlrrrhotisc.

I Asteriir Conquers America it r ((ierhaid llahn. ('rermany. l‘)‘)5i SS mins. While bievv rng tip a potion. village druid (ictaliv is captured by the Romans and taken over the sea to .'\lllc'tlc‘;t. Imiitedialely :\\lL‘lt\ arid ()bclix sci oll to save him. coming across a tribe of Indians. startipedmg buffalo and other Western adventures. The animation style hasn't cliatiged for years. so you know evaclly vv hat to evpect. Fife: Robin's.

I Bad Boys ( lSi (Michael Bay. is. l‘)‘)5l Martin Lawrence. Will Smith. 'I'ea I.eorii. IIH miiis. When a criminal mastermind completes a huge drug heist. [corn is the only witness to the accompanying murder. btit she'll only talk to cop Smith. Smith's out of the office. so partner Lawrence assumes his identity. and the tvv o buddies vv itli badges have to keep the swapped role sttitit tip tiritrl trial date. Plenty of opportunities for comedy and action are made the most of in this new post-Murphy black cop franchise. Iidrnbtrrgh: ('ameo.

I the Bait LEI/via! ( IS) (Bertrand 'I'avertirei. France.1095)Maire(irllain.()livieiSititik. Bruno Putzulu. IIS inrns. Middle-class also-tans Nathalie and litre. along with shady pal Bruno. try to get the cash to open up a fashion store in America by robbing appaitments of the rich. 'l'ilVClllICI 's portrait of the iniquity of contemporary youth is repetitive and unconvincing; he labours the issue even while Iris cast give decent naturalistic performances. See review. (ilasgovv: (il’l'. Iidinbuigh: Filmltouse.

I Barnabo 0f the Mountains ( l 2) (Mario Bienta. Italy. I‘)‘).ll Marco Paitletti. Alessandra Milan. Marco 'l'oniri. Ill inins. A young forest ranger in the Dolomite mountains attempts to avenge the murder of his boss by a gang of smugglers. ()ne of the most tedious films around. crippled by its agonised humanism and stretched out by pointlessly prolonged close-ups of natural details. like a bird hopping along a ledge. Yawn. See review. (ilasgow: (ii-'1'.

I Batman Forever (P(}I (Joel Schurn.’icher. US. I995) Val Kilnrei'. Tommy Lee Jones. Jim ('arrey. I23 iiiitis. A lightening of tone has followed the departure of Tim Burton from the director's seat. meaning that this third effort is. in comparison. shallow. noisy and rather by-the- numbers. That said. no one will be asking for their money back. Added to the. list of characters this time are ('ai'iey's 'I‘he Riddler and Jones's 'I‘vvo-Face villains of truly hissable class and another wannabe vigilante in the shape of orphaned Dick (iiaysotr ((‘hris O'Donnell). Just don't expect the same dark forays into the shadows of the human psyche. (ilasgow: MGMs. Iidinbuigh: MGM. l’('I. ('ential: MacRobert. Strathclyde: L'C‘Is.

I Beyond Rangoon ( I3) (John Boorman. I75. l995) Patricia Arquette. Frances McDormand. Spalding Gray. I()() mins. An American physician (Arquette). travelling through Asia.

stumbles upon the lawless military dictatorship of Burma and the mass slaughter carried out there in the late I980s. Arquette manages to come through it all with a toughness that's credible. btit Boorman overdoes the violence done against her and others. The sweeping landscapes have a powerful beauty. btrt ultimately the political lecturing becomes too much even for such an impressive canvas to bear. Fife: Adam Smith.

I Bicycle Thieves (PG) (Vittorio De Sica. Italy. I‘Mb'l Lamberto :‘vlaggioiani. Iinzo Staiola. An

unemployed Italian vvoikman has his bicycle

stolen. and badly needs it for a new job. so he and his small son search the busy streets of Rome for II. The epitome of Italian neo-realism. with the Roman setting vividly sketched and the

performances compellineg natural. so that this trnrornaiitie drama takes on an ovei'wheming povvei. Masterly stuff. (ilasgovv: (il’l'.

I ~Bloody Mama ( I8) (Roger (‘oi'inarL I'S.

morn Shelley Winters. Pat IIiiigIe. Don Stioud. 83 mins ('orrirau's exploitation take oil the life

of notorious gangster Ma Baker ain't subtle.

even though it tries to be a character-driven piece

and boasts early performances by Bruce Dern

and Robert De Niro. Famin values with a

Jacobean level of bloodletting. (ilas‘gow: (JFI'.

I Blue Juice ( I 5) (Carl Piechezer. I‘K. I095) Sean Peitvv ee. Iivv an Mc(iiegor. Catherine Zeta Jones. 90 units. When three of his old males

from London ruin tip unexpectedly on the (‘oinish coast. surfer J(' (Pertvvee) is under peer

pressure to take to the waves. although his girlfriend vvants him to settle down. An energetic British comedy. pumped tip by thrilling action

photography and a cool. loud soundtrack. with more emphasis on the spirit of New Lad than the spirit of New Age. (ilasgovv: MUM Film Centre. I Boxcar Bertha ( l8) (Martin Scorsese. US. I073) Barbara Ilershey. David ('ari‘adrne. Barry

Pi units. 07 riiitis. 'l'yio directorial effort has

small town girl llershey getting tip to no good vs ith (‘ariadrne and his gang of despei'adoes.

Fairly standard Roger (‘ormaii gangster pic. ()ne is advised not to expect too much. (ilasgovv:

(it"l'. I the Brady Bunch Movie ( 12) (Betty Thomas.

I'S. l‘NS) Shelley Long. (iai'y ('ole. Michael McKeair. ‘).\‘ rnrns. 'I'he makeshift Brady

household is caught in a 70s timevvaip of Bates. groovey chicks and parental homilies. so vv hile trying to pay off their back taxes. their anachronistic attitudes clash vv tilt the moral

ambiguities of the 90s. Kitsch and absoltrtely hilarious. this is the one 'I'V-lo-big-screen

transition that Iias worked a treat. Iidiiibui'gh: (‘ameo.

I Braveheart ( l5) (Mel (iibson. US. I995) Mel (itbsotl. Patrick McGoohau. Sophie Marceau. I77 inins. Mel (irbson's long and bloody account of the life of Scottish warrior hero William Wallace boasts sortie remarkable battle scenes and great performances. particularly .\Ic(iooharr's merciless King lidvvaid. Aiming to entertain on a wider scale than the more literate Rub lv’ui. lilrii‘t'lu’ru'r's Scottish passion is tempered by a few Ilollywtxxl moments touches of sentimentality and ‘diairiatrc' historical inaccuracy. Nevertheles. it's a line. full-bltxxled attempt to tap into the spirit that tires Scotland's history and heroes. (ieneral release.

I Brazil ( l5) (’l'eiry (iilliam. I'S. I085) Jonathan Pryce. Kim (iiiest. Robert De Niro, Peter Vaughan. l-IZ miiis. Iistravagantly designed and blackly humorous ()r'vvellian vision of the future. as modest bureaucrat Pryce battles the forces of totalitarianism and fights for his dream girl. feisty trucker (iriest. ()verlong and ramshackle fantasia. with moments of sheer creative adrenalin and a classic ending. Glasgow: (ll-'1'.

I the Bridges 0f Madison County ( 12) (Clint Iiastvvotxi. US. 1995) Clint Eastwood. Meryl Street). 94 mins. Robert James Waller's book may be literary tripe. but one's admiration for director-star Eastwood increases a thousand- fold. as he conjures one of his finest achievements as a filmmaker. It's a classic love story between a passing photographer and a woman whose husband and children are off at the state fair. and Eastwood has created a work with real tear-stirring potency despite its utter lack of sentiemental guslriness. General release. I Bullets Over Broadway (15) (Woody Allen. ITS. 1994) John (‘usack. Dianne Wiest. Chazz I’alminteri. 105 mins. Self-absorbed playwright David Shayne (Cusack) compromises all the way down the line as he attempts to get his new masterpiece staged - he‘s willing to cast a gangster‘s girlfriend for the necessary funding and take writing tips from her streetwise bodyguard. Allen‘s emphasis is on witty dialogue and strong performances. which gives the film a slightly theatrical feeling. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Butterfly Kiss ( l8) (Michael Wirrterbottom. IJK. I995) Saskia Reeves. Amanda Plurnmer. 88 mins. Winterbottom‘s striking road mOvie about two lesbian killers is clever. atmospheric and

boasts sharp performances. biit it lacks empathy at its core. There are tender moments between the two characters. bttt they're both too waCkO for us to share any elements of humanity with them. If only more time had been spent setting things tip. then we might have had a very haunting film indeed. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Carrington ( l8) ((‘hristopher llamptori. UK. I995) Emma Thompson. Jonathan Pryce. Steven Waddington. I33 mins. Ilarnpton's debut as writer-director concentrates on the deeply loving. platonic relationship between Blmrnsbtii'y (‘rroirp writer I.ytton Strachey (Pryce) and painter Dora (‘arrington (Thompson). The film takes an episodic approaclt to their life together. letting the performances flourish. btit providing some extremely funny and literate one-liners to lighten the moments when tragedy looms. Darker and more intriguing than the typical British period piece. See preview. (Ilasgovv: (iI’I'. Iidinburgh: Cameo. IFCI.

I Casper (Pm (Brad Silbeiling. tiS. PM) Christina Ricci. Bill Pullman. (‘athy Moriarty. I(X) mins. Iiv'eryoiie's favourite friendly ghost has been living with his three bad-tempered uncles in an abandoned mansion. When it's bequeathed to a money-grabbing heiress who thinks it's filled with hidden treasttre guarded by unqtiiet spirits. (‘asper comes into contact vvitlt ghost psychologist Pullman's tomboy daughter (Ricei). A very messy amalgam of (ilimi/mvre'rv effects. /1t/(/(llll.\ l'iinii'lv gothic humour and the sort of overblown feelgood Spielbei‘giana that revels in fttnny gadgetry and family values. (Eeriei'al release.

I Child Abuse ( IS) Focusing on the portrayal of incest in Channel 4's Ifrmkvii/r. Lesley Ilenderson of (ilasgow I'niversity Media (ii'otip. along with child abuse workers and survivor‘s. heads an audience debate on popular t'rction's approach to the issue. (ilasgovv: (il’l'.

I Children Of the Damned ( lrs‘i (Anton Leader. ITK. I904) ~lan lleiidr'y. Alan Badel. Barbara Ferris. 90 mins. A lacklustre sequel to chillineg atmospheric the I’ll/tree ()f T/Ir’ [)(l/lilit’t/ (based on John Wyndham's novel The .llit/ii'ir'li (‘iir‘krmvl Six of the alien children are brought to London. where they're hunted by llendry who reckons they're still otit to take over the world. Iidinburgh: Filinhotrse.

I Chunglring Express ( I2) (Wong Kat-\Vai. llong Kong. I904) Brigitte Lin. 'I'akeshi Kaneshiro. 'I'oiry I.eting. Faye Watig. ‘)7 units. Such a glorious concoction of humour. energy.




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