day l)untmn Jan Festival is nuw established as true til the rnmt ittiptrt‘tattl and attraetn'e events on the Setrttrsh ealendar. and makes t'trr art e\eellent da} trr' weekend out. ()h\ e Millen. the Festival's drr'eettrr. rnrariahl} entries up with an irrraginatir e programme w lrrelr PYOduced by 301110 Ibinghi-Noah

features exciting guests alongside the best local talent. and has done sn again llll\' year. atrd at a price whreh rs rtrughly equivalent tti a single rnaitrr etrrreert. 'l'trnight's Visiting nanres inelude the Don - . Weller Quartet (Queen's Hall. 8pm) atrd " " ' ' ' ‘J‘ . . the Clark Tracey Sextet tQueen's Hall. llprn).

srrrunnrtv 14 1

. Glasgow

I Tommy Smith’s Azure its-nit). l()()

Julian Joseph _ . _ _ Renlr'ew Street. M- MDT Spin LB rut]

I Jazz After Dark l’i/la l‘i\[‘te‘s\. tit :

Queen Street. 321 A U). ltlprrr. {-1. '. I Basement Jazz The R rtnshtrrn 'l'he’rtre ' SMUNMHN Babby wemns dull“ m C” I gt l im- m “:7 in“ \eu \ i‘ mate to l)untrtrn twhere he plan w rtlr r'; e (it it .11 .. r' “1" “n .1“ I [ Du” n lentrr‘ Madness ttirrrtrrrtrw) ltrr an e\ertrn:_v ""') 'SL‘Ul'U )U. ,. :Elgsmowuaz; Recordlc'ub {muffin quartet gig in llll\ new .\L‘l'lL‘\. \\llll lUlll j C} 1971” A I \ x.” l 7 mpl‘n l'llll;l\‘ Ull piantr. (lair l-‘irrrrster Ull hass. ttlt'Cl ._ C't‘t". L‘L‘. ' , - ' . :r l l‘rrrrnr 'r 'n Mathr‘ rn. Again. (‘tintaet lirnre Sprer's. I-l (rlendee Rtrad. Ht (H L N “k. ~ . . R t— NW «(NW 1- I. m Hm 1, hip shame about the clash with lunrnw Snrrth. Cll l‘L'\\ \( l- U L. C \ I i V . I .. t Arehe s. Midland details. lunr .\lt)tlltl\ e\ptrurrds till the S.“ch Ml ()7 V) f) m] Wm) H” gmmd slighth trr\'ster'rtrtrs suhreet ‘ln the Title r. ‘”" l " . R ‘r ' ' ' “W” "W W‘P'“ “"“-““i-'““ "‘L‘ “'“k mom m mnem- (l L‘ ~ C Dale surt partx' extr‘avavatr/a here _ - t . UK TOUR. Dms r‘eeentl}. return with a strrtahly glrt/_\' trip 1 ~

on hirard the SS. Her/until. with rnusieal 2 Edinbur h The Venue I Tommy smith'S Alum QUW'V‘ lb”- entertainrnent provided he (ilaxgnw .rerd— I gepfe?ber h .d 3 Glasgow9 The Garage (‘lk‘l'k Sll'u‘l- (“’5 3m” 830W“; “)5”- L'“ ra/xers the Fred Ouimby Quartet, the 9 on on T e F“ 99 4 Newcastle Riverside ‘95 U” dm’l- whim“ ["11V1“lf‘l“l”.\l "“ ierrer'getie l,atrn gl'tltht‘s Ul- King Salsa, and October 6 Manchester Nia Centre Wu” “CW lillll’l‘ci‘” llimd m" m“ the ewher‘ant /.rnrlxrhwean guitar hand ° 1 Aberdeen Lemon Tree 7 Hull Adelphi \uxnplrtrnist .See [it'L‘\'lL‘\\l The Bhundu BOYS, l'trlltrw ed in a eluli ' I Jazz Jama'ca and Fran KUboye’S featuring: DJ 'l‘ehietr. as well as \;|llUll\

Extended Family Assemth Rooms. m 0,» mm,“ mmmk W mm, NEW ALBUM ACID (iL'til'L'L‘ Street. 230 434‘). l)t‘tll'\ 8.30pm. “Chum.” {mm j\h\dlu-i' [Id it“ first hand on stage 9pm. USU t£5 t. . 2

. _ _ I Barney McGrew Experience \Vtrlhir'n‘s m intriguing duuhle hill. and a great shanre rt Winn-t" My” RUM]. yup“ 3pm Hm, em. has to clash with 'i‘trrnrn)’ Snntir's l]()i-l()- Tu“. Hi

he-rnissed new pr'trieet. Gar} (‘rtrslw's Jazz Jamaica deserrhe their lusrtrn Ulla/Z.

‘llt). sk; atrd reggae as "Ska/f. and . , :“U l l . _ ~i k f [I ) 1 I Dunoon Jazz Festival \ar'rtius \‘CllllL‘\. ‘, rave i‘en irrrnrnu iae ears trr re as » e _. - l L 1. l \H .l “I .I Fran l l)untrtrn. l-ull prtrer'anrrne lr'trrn (ll str‘) /().‘ um i e t) \ear's wr rr ‘ll e .~ . - Kublo e - . ‘_ [I I y “I H I. I1 202; tan treket L in. ttrll weekend L2). a nreee tr re CLL‘ ta" ‘e; e ,_ , .y ’r ‘. ' 4 ' it\‘;tllill)lt‘ lrtrnr ()Htr‘) 7()_~ 7M. |)a\ tntrtm lsuti. hrrnus a hit; reputatttrn and a six- . , - . , r . . . _. and 3pm) and evening thprn. ltlprn. llprrr. preee hand ~ lmnr her native \reerra. . . ‘.. ~ . . r . . ~ nrrdrrreht) sessrtrns UllCl a lull da\ s ran where she rs a hi: nurse Ull the [news . r . .. - ~ ~ with plenty t)l variety. rneluding the ;

sccnc' j Arner'iean elaritret arid \‘ilk‘s enrnhinatitrn or Buddy DeFranco and Terry Gibbs

. . , (Queen's Hall. 8pm). and a real etrup in 1 I caplam Shifty 'l‘llk‘ iii/’- (‘ll'll- , the shape of the hrilliant English pianist i

MaeRuhert (‘entr'e lawer. tirrrrer'sit} trl'

_ . __ » Julian Joseph (Queen's llall. llprnr. I 5111:1111? (H739 'lmlmjl- l”~;“(ll"“~ L“ ti: l~ fresh from leading.' a big hand in a l’rtrrrrs ' "\C‘d Jill’- -"'i~'””‘i—’“ W'll‘ m9” llill'l'Cl‘lill' etrneert at the Albert Hall iii l.trndtrn. hut

"WWW “l ilC'd till-l» appearing here with his trio. There is

plenty ()l. homegrown talent Ull shtrw.

while Don Weller (Park Hutel. 3pm) is . - " I Dunoon Jazz Festival Various Venues. still around. and Birmingham's . l)unuun. Full programme from 0130‘) 705 ' Shakedown ((jlasguw Hotel. 8pm. l)i

202; night tieket L'lt), lull weekend £25.

Marco's. midnight). hringy their daneetltrtrr it ,. , A ,‘ available from 0136‘) 703 785. The three- ur‘trm'es It) the party. 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0-0 O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O I re) 0 u Our.)

gill! rrrw srrrtrtr

l, A. . l r 4 ' ' ' 3 L ‘gls q " - 'r’ {‘i’k’ 115:5" lfillf 'I‘ .t -; vs - up i”. .5“: 514 , q ..-- -‘ er g}; u 5"”). 43.“... 5;: .fl‘n“ » .

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i tars/tissrrrrsrrtrr

's ‘..'r #31 “3‘ J... .

Serious funk cbokin’ r... I

Queen’s Hall, Fri 20 Oct, 0131 668 2019

[Jill llltlliPlllllll: 9-10'95/ [Ill Plllll2216'lll'95

, llillll l are EAIIY lllAllll [llatttry Wilsutll lterll Mancull [ltttr m Ilrtrlrrl trtt: Presst it Matt lauu

tlllllllSillE lllllBllS II" II" fflll BENIN” L

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The List (r- W ()et l‘)‘)5 41